Cover Pages Newsletter June 17, 2003

                      Cover Pages Newsletter
                           June 17, 2003

                         Hosted by: OASIS
     Sponsored by: Corel Corporation, Global eXchange Services,
           ISOGEN International, SAP, and Sun Microsystems

 Featured News Stories
 Selected Articles and Papers
 Selected from the Press
 Cover Pages Sponsors
Featured News Stories

Recently featured news stories from the Cover Pages news at: [Full abstract] [Brief summary] [RSS]

Universal Postal Union Publishes Approved International Address
Standard UPU S42-1.
The Universal Postal Union (UPU) has published "International Postal
Address Components and Templates" as an approved Standard S42-1. As
summarized in an overview document by Joe Lubenow, the UPU standard
defines low-level name and address elements, address templates, and
rendition instructions. Templates in UPU S42 are described both in
natural language and using an XML format known as the Postal Address
Template Description Language (PATDL).

Updated W3C Working Draft for Call Control Extensible Markup Language
The W3C Voice Browser Working Group has issued a substantial update
for "Voice Browser Call Control: CCXML Version 1.0". CCXML defines
declarative markup designed to provide telephony call control support
for VoiceXML or other dialog systems; it is an adjunct language
intended to complement and integrate with a VoiceXML system. This WD
revises the call control and media models, providing full details on
call control objects, behaviors, and events.

CSIRO Publishes IETF Internet Draft for Continuous Media Markup
Language (CMML).
Researchers at CSIRO have published an IETF Internet Draft for
"Specification of the Continuous Media Markup Language (CMML),"
serving as a companion to the "Specification of the ANNODEX Annotation
Format for Time-Continuous Bitstreams." ANNODEX Annotation Format and
CMML use XML markup to solve the problem of "dark matter" on the
Internet: continuous media files such as audio and video files are not
indexed and are usually unsearchable.

Hong Kong CECID Donates ebMail Client Software for ebXML Message
The University of Hong Kong Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure
Development (CECID) has announced the release of its ebMail code base
under an open source RF license. ebMail is a lightweight toolkit which
enables trading partners to exchange business documents through email
or ebXML Message Service (ebMS) over SMTP. The ebMail trimmed-down
ebMS handler does not require any application server software or
dedicated Internet connection.

W3C Publishes Note Defining an XML Indirection Facility for XLink and
W3C has acknowledged receipt of a submission from ISOGEN International
describing an "XML Indirection Facility". XIndirect is a simple
mechanism for using XML to represent indirect addresses in order to
augment the core functionality of XLink and XPointer without requiring
either of those specifications to themselves require support for
indirect addresses. The Note defines an XML-based representation
syntax for indirectors used in XML documents.

IBM and Oracle Submit XQuery API for Java (XQJ) Java Specification
A Java Specification Request "XQuery API for Java (XQJ)" submitted by
IBM and Oracle Corporation has been published through the Java
Community Process (JCP). The specification design goal is to develop a
common API that allows an application to submit queries conforming to
the W3C XQuery 1.0 specification to an XML data source and to process
the results of such queries. XQJ relates to XQuery in the same way
that JDBC relates to SQL.

W3C Releases Three Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.2
Working Drafts.
The W3C Web Services Description Working Group has published an
initial public working draft for "Web Services Description Language
(WSDL) Version 1.2 Part 2: Message Patterns", along with updated WDs
for "WSDL Version 1.2 Part 1: Core Language" and "WSDL Version 1.2
Part 3: Bindings". WSDL is an XML format for describing network
services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either
document-oriented or procedure-oriented information.

Sun Microsystems Launches Portal for Java Technology
Partnering with O'Reilly and CollabNet, Sun Microsystems opened the portal designed to expand the Java technology portfolio of
applications, tools, and services by promoting conversation and
collaboration around development of practical applications. The site
hosts a CVS source tree, bug-tracking system, forums, and mail lists;
it provides tools for gathering information on what's happening in the
industry through RSS newsfeeds.

Selected Articles and Papers
Selections of abstracted and annotated articles/clippings at:

"Documents Revisited: eCommerce for Everyone." By Jon Bosak (Sun
Microsystems). Presented at the "Technology Roadmap Seminar:
Extracting IT from XML and Web Services," hosted by Enterprise Ireland
(Glasnevin, Dublin), 12-May-2003. Represents a slightly revised
version of the slide presentation used in Bosak's XML Europe 2003
Opening Keynote Address "The Universal Business Language (UBL)." 24
pages. The addition of a few key enablers to the ubiquitous Internet
can bring small and medium-sized businesses into global e-commerce:
(1) A document-centric architecture; (2) A standard royalty-free XML
B2B tag set; (3) A standard royalty-free B2B infrastructure; (4) A
standard royalty-free office productivity format; (5) Free open-source
software to make it all happen.
"On Querying Geospatial and Georeferenced Metadata Resources in G-
Portal." By Zehua Liu, Ee-Peng Lim, Wee-Keong Ng, and Dion Hoe-Lian
Goh (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore). Presented in
Session 8b, "Designing and Accessing Scientific Digital Libraries" at
JCDL 2003. In Proceedings of the Third ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on
Digital Libraries (JCDL 2003), Houston, Texas, USA, May 27 - 31, 2003.
With 17 references. G-Portal is a web portal system providing a range
of digital library services to access geospatial and georeferenced
resources on the Web. All metadata resources are represented in XML.
An XQuery-like language RQL (Resource Query Language) is used to query
the data based upon identification of the the project and schema(s).
"Intel and Sun Add X Factor to Mobile Java." By Rob Bamforth (Bloor
Research). In The Register (June 17, 2003). Intel and Sun, who are
direct competitors in several areas, have jointly announced a
collaborative effort to optimise Java for the Intel XScale silicon
technology. This collaboration is significant because of Intel's
recognition of Java as a popular and widespread software platform for
real applications that demand the best performance out of the
underlying hardware.
"Manipulate XML Data Easily with the XPath and XSLT APIs in the .NET
Framework." By Dino Esposito. In Microsoft MSDN Magazine (July 2003).
With XPath, you can identify and process a group of related nodes in
XML-based data sources. XPath provides an infrastructure that is
integral to XML support in the .NET Framework. The author reviews the
implementation details of the XPath navigator and the XSLT processor
and includes practical examples such as asynchronous transformations,
sorted node-sets, and ASP.NET server-side transformations.
"X2EE." By By Steven P. Punte. x2ee White paper. June 2003. In this
article, we explore how emerging software platforms are already
proceeding down the path of expressing entire software solutions to an
ever-greater extent in XML. X2EE is a next generation software vision
that relinquishes the object-oriented paradigm and adopts a pure XML
perspective for software design and solutions. All data is viewed as
XML documents, and all processes are viewed as XML transformations.
"Becoming NetCentric: Leveraging an Information Network of Communities
of Interests, Architectures, and Ontologies." By Bruce Peat (eProcess
Solutions). 7 pages. Also available from the Defense Finance and
Accounting Service website. Organizations need to take a closer look
at how to foster communication among users by promoting the clustering
of contextbased communities or Communities of Interests (CoIs).
Collectively CoIs are a critical information network topology that
reach beyond the scope of the organization to include partners and
stakeholders. CoIs allow information to scale globally, persist
indefinitely and be distributed to almost any community for adoption.
"XML and Unicode: Mix With Care." By Paul Festa. In CNET
(June 16, 2003). A technical report released by the Unicode Consortium
and the W3C warns document authors that some Unicode features can
cause XML applications, HTML browsers, and other programs to choke.
Conflict arises between Unicode and Web markup languages from the
fundamentally different philosophies that underlie the character set
and Web standards.
"OASIS Provisioning Services Technical Committee SPML V1.0
Interoperability Event." Technical and Operations Plan. Edited by
Darran Rolls (Waveset Technologies) for the OASIS SPTC. Committee
Working Draft. 06-June-2003. 20 pages. "This document describes the
message exchanges to be tested during the Burton Catalyst
interoperability event in San Francisco, July 9-11, 2003. The
interoperability test is designed to show the interoperation of
service subscription and provisioning based on the draft SPML V1.0
"OWL Web Ontology Language XML Presentation Syntax." By Masahiro Hori
(Kansai University, formerly IBM Tokyo Research), Jérôme Euzenat,
(INRIA Rhône-Alpes), and Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Bell Labs Research,
Lucent Technologies). W3C Note 11-June-2003.  This document from the
W3C Web Ontology Working Group specifies XML presentation syntax for
OWL, which is defined as a dialect similar to OWL Abstract Syntax [OWL
Semantics]. It is not intended to be a normative specification.
Instead, it represents a suggestion of one possible XML presentation
syntax for OWL.
"Two Modes of Implementing an XML-Based Localization Pack: Embed and
Extend. A Globalization Technique for Supporting Multiple Languages."
By Bei Shu (Globalization Certification Laboratory, IBM China Software
Development Lab). From IBM developerWorks, XML Zone. June 2003. IBM
software engineer Bei Shu shows you how to enable multiple language
support in your Web applications using different XML technologies from
the architect perspective. She presents the embed and extend
approaches to implementing XML-based localization pack managers using
XPath and XSLT.
"Enterprises Take Early Lead in Web Services Integration Projects." By
Carol Sliwa. In Computerworld (June 16, 2003). Few web services
initiatives have been launched with the scope at Eastman Chemical Co.
and Merrill Lynch & Co. One of the distinguishing characteristics that
separates these early adopters is the systematic approach they take to
building the sort of service-oriented development architecture.
"IBM Sprinkles Cinnamon on Content Manager. Big Blue to Bolster XML in
Forthcoming Version." By Tom Sullivan. In InfoWorld (June 13, 2003).
IBM is working on ways to make XML documents and data easier to pull
into its content management software, and to index and search the data
once it is in there. 'Cinnamon' IBM's effort to extend that technology
base to permit users to take complex XML documents, whatever might be
expressed in an XML document and the associated DTDs and schemas, and
then manage the oversight of the mapping task that defines how to
project that into the full data modeling services of CM.
"IBM Spices Up Its Content Manager." By Lisa Vaas. In eWEEK (June 17,
2003). "IBM next year will release a tool 'code-named Cinnamon' that
will enable its Content Manager software to more easily index and
search XML data.,3959,1129852,00.asp
"Developers Expect Nod for UML 2.0 Standard." By Darryl K. Taft. In
eWEEK (May 26, 2003). The first UML 2.0 specifications were adopted as
OMG standards in March 2003, covering Infrastructure, Object
Constraint Language and Diagram Interchange Protocol. A fourth
specification, Superstructure, completes the recommendation process
for the latest UML version.,3959,1104271,00.asp
"UML 2.0 Full Suite: MetaObjects Standards Complete." By Vance
McCarthy. In Integration Developer News (June 13, 2003). Modeling may
get easier for developers to implement and support, as the full suite
of upgraded standards was adopted last week by the Object Management
Group, a collection of more than 50 software vendors focused on object
and XML-based modeling.
"Automating Interoperability Testing." By Demir Barlas. In Line56 E-
Business News (June 17, 2003). Drummond Group has developed an
innovative technology designed to automate interoperability and
conformance testing. The InSitu technology will deliver global testing
support across different time zones, creating less impact on test
participants' work hours.

Selected from the Press
Selected references for abstracted and annotated industry news at:

"Work on Radio and TV Listing Markup Language Started."

"OGC Trials 'Common IT Language' To Drive Government eCommerce Agenda.
BASDA's eBIS-XML in Proof-of-Concept Trial With OGC."

"SAP Unleashes Cross-Enterprise Collaboration with Out-of-the-Box
Support of Industry Standards. New Business Content for SAP NetWeaver
Enables Immediate Support of Data Exchange Standards Such as
RosettaNet and CIDX."

"BT, Cisco, Deutsche Telekom, Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia and Siemens
form RosettaNet Telecommunications Industry Council. Leading Global
Telecommunications Suppliers and Operators Join Forces to Standardize
Key E-Business Processes Using RosettaNet."

"ebMail Source Code Donated to ebXML Development Community."

Selected references from the events calendar at:

JCDL 2004. Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2004.  "Global Reach
and Diverse Impact."  June 7 - 11, 2004.  Hilton El Conquistador
Hotel, Tucson, AZ, USA.

ECDL 2003. Seventh European Conference on Research and Advanced
Technology for Digital Libraries. August 17 - 22, 2003. Britannia
Hotel, Trondheim, Norway.

SVG Open 2003. July 13 - 18, 2003.  Second Annual Conference on
Scalable Vector Graphics.  Westin Bayshore Resort and Marina,
Vancouver, BC, Canada.

XML Web Services One Boston. "Solutions for Practical XML Web Services
Development."  August 12 - 15, 2003. World Trade Center, Boston, MA,

Burton Catalyst Conference North America 2003.  With OASIS SPML
Interoperability Demonstration. July 9 - 11, 2003.  San Francisco,
California, USA.

O'Reilly Open Source Software Convention (OSCON) 2003.  "Extend and
Embrace."  July 7 - 11, 2003.  Portland Marriot Downtown, Portland,
Oregon, USA.

ELPUB 2003.  ICCC/IFIP Seventh International Conference on Electronic
Publishing. June 25 - 28, 2003. University of Minho, Guimaraes,

IEEE Conference on E-Commerce (CEC 2003). June 24 - 27, 2003. Newport
Beach, California, USA.

Cover Pages Sponsors
Publication costs for the Cover Pages website and for
this newsletter are underwritten by OASIS Members committed
to providing this OASIS resource freely to the public:
Sun Microsystems, Inc.    URL:
SAP                       URL:
ISOGEN International LLC  URL:
Global eXchange Services  URL:
Corel Corporation         URL:

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