SGML: Memory of Yuri Rubinsky (1952-1996)

SGML: Memory of Yuri Rubinsky (1952-1996)

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Date:         Tue, 23 Jan 1996 13:40:30 -0700
Reply-To: International Committee for Accessible Document Design
Sender: International Committee for Accessible Document Design
From: George Kerscher <kerscher@MONTANA.COM>
Subject:      The world is a lesser place
To: Multiple recipients of list ICADD <ICADD@ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU>
Status: RO

Yuri Rubinski died Sunday night Jan 21.  It appears to have been an
aneurism.  Yuri was the President of SoftQuad and a great friend to
ICADD. His tireless work in behalf of ICADD really brought our
mission to the whole SGML community. We have lost a good friend.

Words cannot express my sorrow. Please join with me in a moment of
silence in memory of Yuri.
