Sunday XSL Tutorial at X-Tech'99

Date:      Thu, 04 Mar 1999 12:16:38 -0500
From:      "G. Ken Holman" <>
To:        XSL List <>
Subject:   ANNOUNCE: Sunday XSL Tutorial at X-Tech'99

Some of you may be trying to decide which tutorials to take at X-Tech'99 next week in San Jose: see for details.

On Sunday March 7 I will be delivering Day 1 of our 2-day "Practical Formatting Using XSL" hands-on tutorial. This represents the first 6 modules of the 10 modules of the complete course. An overview of all 10 modules is available for free download in the Training Materials section of our website below. The syllabus is available in the Conference Training Schedule section.

I won't post any more details here ... please contact me directly if you have any specific questions rather than posting questions to the entire list.

.............. Ken

See: "Practical Formatting Using XSL". Taught by Ken Holman.

This tutorial introduces the concepts and formatting basics of the proposed Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL), expected to be standardized in mid-1999. The course combines the use of lectures and hands-on exercises to convey the material. For the practical exercises, attendees are invited to bring a personal computer with their own XSL environment or they can use public-domain XSL software that will be made available for either a Java-based or a Windows-based environment. The objectives of the course are to understand the role and utility of the standard, to successfully write XSL scripts for both print and display devices, and to efficiently navigate the available documentation and resources.

G. Ken Holman        
Crane Softwrights Ltd. 
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0  +1(613)489-0999  (Fax:-0995)
Website: XSL/XML/DSSSL/SGML services outline,  XSL/DSSSL shareware, 
         stylesheet resource library, conference training schedule, 
         commercial stylesheet training materials, on-line XSL CBT.
Next instructor-led XSL Training: X-Tech:1999-03-07 WWW8:1999-05-11
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