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Example SGML Declaration

Most SGML declarations will be much simpler than the example I have given here. This declaration can be used to process SGML data on a EBCDIC machine. It makes a few other changes that are common to contemporary applications.

<!SGML "ISO 8879:1986" CHARSET --DOCUMENT CHARACTER SET-- BASESET "ISO 646:1983//CHARSET International Reference Version (IRV)//ESC 2/5 4/0" DESCSET 0 4 UNUSED 5 1 9 -- HT -- 6 7 UNUSED 13 1 13 -- CR (RE) -- 14 23 UNUSED 37 1 10 -- LF (RS) -- 38 26 UNUSED 64 1 32 -- SPACE -- 65 9 UNUSED 74 1 "cent sign" 75 1 46 -- period -- 76 1 60 -- less than sign -- 77 1 40 -- left paren -- 78 1 43 -- plus sign -- 79 1 124 -- vertical bar -- 80 1 38 -- ampersand -- 81 9 UNUSED 90 1 33 -- exclamation mark -- 91 1 "dollar sign" 92 1 42 -- asterisk -- 93 1 41 -- right paren -- 94 1 59 -- semi-colon -- 95 1 "not sign" 96 1 45 -- hyphen -- 97 1 47 -- slash -- 98 8 UNUSED 106 1 "broken vertical bar" 107 1 44 -- comma -- 108 1 37 -- percent sign -- 109 1 95 -- underscore -- 110 1 62 -- greater than sign -- 111 1 63 -- question mark -- 112 9 UNUSED 121 1 96 -- grave accent -- 122 1 58 -- colon -- 123 1 35 -- number sign -- 124 1 64 -- at sign -- 125 1 39 -- single quote -- 126 1 61 -- equal sign -- 127 1 34 -- double quote -- 128 1 UNUSED 129 9 97 -- a to i -- 138 7 UNUSED 145 9 106 -- j to r -- 154 7 UNUSED 161 1 126 -- tilde -- 162 8 115 -- s to z -- 170 3 UNUSED 173 1 91 -- left square bracket -- 174 2 UNUSED 176 1 94 -- circumflex accent -- 177 12 UNUSED 189 1 93 -- right square bracket -- 190 2 UNUSED 192 1 123 -- left curly bracket -- 193 9 65 -- A to I -- 202 6 UNUSED 208 1 125 -- right curly bracket -- 209 9 74 -- J to R -- 218 8 UNUSED 226 8 83 -- S to Z -- 234 6 UNUSED 240 10 48 -- 0 to 9 -- 250 6 UNUSED CAPACITY SGMLREF TOTALCAP 65000 GRPCAP 65000 ATTCAP 65000 SCOPE DOCUMENT SYNTAX SHUNCHAR CONTROLS 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 BASESET "-//IBM//CHARSET Codepage 00395//" DESCSET 0 256 0 FUNCTION RE 13 RS 37 SPACE 64 TAB SEPCHAR 5 NAMING LCNMSTRT "" UCNMSTRT "" LCNMCHAR "." -- "-." -- UCNMCHAR "." -- "-." -- NAMECASE GENERAL YES ENTITY NO DELIM GENERAL SGMLREF SHORTREF SGMLREF NAMES SGMLREF QUANTITY SGMLREF ATTCNT 80 ATTSPLEN 2048 GRPCNT 64 LITLEN 2048 NAMELEN 32 PILEN 2048 TAGLEN 16384 TAGLVL 40 FEATURES MINIMIZE DATATAG YES OMITTAG YES RANK NO SHORTTAG YES LINK SIMPLE NO IMPLICIT NO EXPLICIT NO OTHER CONCUR NO SUBDOC YES 2 FORMAL YES APPINFO NONE >