1852User Requirements for Standard HTML

User Requirements for Standard HTML

[Document Number:] 1852
[Title:] User Requirements for Standard HTML
[Source:] SGML OWG
[Project:] New
[ProjEdit:] New
[Status:] WG8 Agreed User Requirements
[Action:] For transmission to SC18
[Date:] 21 May 1996
[Distrib:] WG8 and liaisons
[Refers to:] WG8 N1853, NP for Standard HTML

Reply to:

Dr. James D. Mason
(ISO/IEC JTC1/SC18/WG8 Convenor)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Information Management Services
Bldg. 2506, M.S. 6302, P.O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6302 U.S.A.
Telephone: +1 423 574-6973
Facsimile: +1 423 574-6983
Network: masonjd@ornl.gov

The proposed standard shall

  • meet JTC1 internal requirements for document distribution.
  • define a minimum presentation architecture for SGML applications.
  • clarify relationships to SGML details, such as SGML declaration and minimization.
  • allow HTML to be used in environments where ISO standards are required.
  • allow HTML to be used as a base architecture for other SGML applications.
  • be written so that documents conforming to it will be viewable by browsers that conform to the W3 Consortium's HTML 3.2 (or an appropriate later version of HTML).
  • define useful subsets of HTML 3.2 (or an appropriate later version of HTML).