SGML: TEI Tutorial

SGML: TEI Tutorial

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*                             ANNOUNCEMENT                            *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*                      REGISTRATION INFORMATION                       *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


A Tutorial Introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative

A workshop to be held at ACH/ALLC '95 in Santa Barbara

The organizers of ACH/ALLC '95 are pleased to announce a pre-conference
workshop on the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines.

  Title:  Text Encoding for Information Interchange:  A Tutorial
          Introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative
  Date:   10 July 1995, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  Place:  UCSB Microcomputer Laboratory
  Instructors:  C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Lou Burnard, David Chesnutt
  Registration fee:  $50

This workshop will introduce the encoding scheme recommended by the Text
Encoding Initiative (TEI) in its Guidelines for Text Encoding and
Interchange.  The main focus will be on introducing the tag set defined
in the Guidelines, but the context within which the TEI Guidelines were
developed and general problems of text markup will also be addressed.

Topics to be covered include:

1. General Principles of Text Markup:  What is markup for?
    Varieties of markup; effect of markup.  What are electronic texts
    for?  Markup and interpretation.  Markup as a means of enabling
    intelligent retrieval.
2.  Basics of SGML:   What it is and isn't; the case for using it.
    Basic SGML syntax for the document instance (tags, entity
    references, comment declarations).  Examination and explication of
    simple examples.
3.  Document Analysis:  What document analysis is, and why it is an
    essential part of any e-text project.  Phases of document analysis.
    Group document analysis of a sample text.
4.  Basics of the TEI:  origins and goals of the TEI, overall
    organization of the TEI encoding scheme, basic structural notions
    of the TEI DTD and the pizza model:  the base, additional, and core
    tag sets, and how they may be extended, modified, and documented;
    group tagging of the sample document.
5.  Hands-on Session:  introduction to standard commercial or
    public-domain SGML-aware editor.
6. Putting the TEI into Practice:  types of software available for
    SGML, how the adoption of TEI encoding affects the practical work
    of an e-text project, and a review of where to go for further

The Text Encoding Initiative

The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) is an international cooperative
research effort, the goal of which is to define a set of generic
Guidelines for the representation of all kinds of textual materials in
electronic form, in such a way as to enable researchers in any
discipline to interchange texts and datasets in machine readable form,
independently of the software or hardware in use, and also independently
of the particular application for which such electronic resources are
used.  The first full version of the TEI Guidelines was published in
May, 1994, after six years of development in Europe and the US.  It
takes the form of a substantial reference manual, documenting a modular
and extensible SGML document type definition (DTD), which can be used to
describe electronic encodings of all kinds of texts, of all times and in
all languages.  It is sometimes said that the Standard Generalized
Markup Language (SGML:  ISO 8879) provides only the syntax for  text
markup; the TEI aims to provide a semantics.

Computer-aided research now crosses many political, linguistics,
temporal, and disciplinary boundaries;  the TEI Guidelines have been
designed to be applied to texts in any language, from any period, in
any genre, encoded for research of any kind.  As far as possible, the
Guidelines eschew controversy; where consensus has not been
established, only very general recommendations are made.  The object is
to help the researcher make his or her position explicit, not to
dictate what that position should be.

Viewed as a standard, the TEI scheme attempts to occupy the middle
ground.  It offers neither a single all-embracing encoding scheme,
solving all problems once for all, nor an unstructured collection of
tag sets.  Rather it offers an extensible framework containing a common
core of features, a choice of frameworks or bases, and a wide variety
of optional additions for specific application areas.  Somewhat
light-heartedly, we refer to this as the Chicago Pizza model (in which
the customer chooses a particular base -- say deep dish or whole crust
-- and adds the toppings of his or her choice), by contrast with both
the Chinese menu or laissez-faire approach (which allows for any
combinations of dishes, even the ridiculous) and the set meal approach,
in which you must have the entire menu.

Materials and Presenters

All participants will be provided with a printed introductory summary
guide to the TEI scheme, and supporting materials on PC disks, including
full versions of the TEI DTDs, public domain SGML software and sample
TEI texts.  Subject to availability, participants may be able to acquire
the CD-ROM of the TEI Guidelines at a discounted price.

The tutorial will be taught by three instructors:  C. M.
Sperberg-McQueen (Computer Center, University of Illinois at Chicago),
Lou Burnard (Oxford University Computing Services), and David Chesnutt
(Dept. of History, University of South Carolina).


Registration Form
(please return before July 1, 1995)

TEI Tutorial
University of California, Santa Barbara

Monday, July 10, 1995
9 am to 4 pm
UCSB Microcomputer Laboratory
Fee $50

Registration for the TEI Tutorial will take place in the
lobby of Anacapa Hall on Monday, July 10, from 8 to 10 am.

Those staying on-campus at UCSB during ACH/ALLC '95 and
wishing to arrive early for the purpose of attending the
TEI Tutorial may check in after noon on Sunday and
stay an additional night for $29 double or $42 single,
no meals included. Meals may be purchased separately.







Payment of Fees:

Payment in U.S. Dollars may be made by:

     Personal Check
     Money Order
     Bank Check

[Checks must be drawn on a U.S. Bank and should be made
payable to U.C. Regents.]

     Credit Card: VISA or MASTERCARD

     International Wire Transfer (in U.S. Dollars) from
     your bank to:

     Bank of America
     San Francisco Commercial Banking, Office (#1499)
     555 California Street, 2nd Floor
     San Francisco, CA  94104
     Account #07805-00030
     Regents of University of California
     Santa Barbara.  Reference: ACH/ALLC

[If using this latter method of payment; please add an
additional $10 to the total to cover the bank's fee for
this service.]

Payment (please check appropriate box):

___ Personal Check
___ Money Order
___ Bank check is enclosed
___ Wire Transfer [please enclosed a copy of the
    wire transfer receipt with your registration]

Please charge to my credit card:

___ MasterCard
___ Visa

    Credit Card #:
    Expiration Date:

Please complete and return this form with your remittance to:

     TEI Tutorial, ACH/ALLC '95
     c/o Campus Conference Services
     University of California
     Santa Barbara, CA  93106-6120
     Phone: (805) 893-3072
     Fax: (805) 893-7287

For questions regarding accommodations and registration,
please contact:

     Sally Vito
     Phone: (805) 893-3072

Please check applicable items below

___ $50 fee for TEI Tutorial
___ $29 On-campus housing, double occupancy
___ $42 On-campus housing, single occupancy

___ Total
