Silfide XML Parser in Java - 0.8

From Sun Sep  6 15:15:48 1998
Subject: [ANN] Silfide XML Parser in Java - 0.8
From:    Patrice Bonhomme <>


The Silfide Working Group is happy to announce the availability of the Silfide XML Parser (SXP, v0.8 - Sun Sep 6 1998 ), a release of our validating XML Parser writing in Java.

The SXP entirely implements the XML 1.0 recommendation and most of its satellite recommendations:

SXP provides also a driver for the SAX interface (fr.loria.xml.sax.SAXDriver).

Both of the XML and XPointer parsers are developed with the tool JavaCC.

Changes from last revision:

Java source files, java classes, some samples and documentation are freely available here:

SILFIDE is a project of CNRS and AUPELF-UREF. Server SILFIDE, as an interactive server, wants to offer to the whole of the French-speaking university community working starting from the language (linguists, teachers, data processing specialists...) a tool user-friendly and reasoned for the handling of electronic resources.

A more detailed description of the Silfide project is available here:

We are waiting for all of your comments, questions and suggestions.


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