See: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. XML Schema for SBML The following is a first draft of an XML Schema definition for the Systems Biology Markup Language. Example applications of this XML Schema are presented in Appendix A. The schema below is well-formed and compiles with the XML Schema standard. However,the use of unique and keyref elements in this schema has not been fully validated. The other elements have been fully validated. In practice, the unique and keyref elements may either need to be commented out or will be ignored, because they are not supported by most XML parsers. ]> File name :sbml.xsd Description :XML Schema for the Systems Biology Markup Language Organization:Caltech ERATO Kitano Version :1 Modified :2000-09-12 10:58 PDT listOfParameters/parameter @name listOfComparments/compartment @name listOfGeometries/geometry @name listOfSpecies/specie @name listOfReactions/reaction @name */*[self::compartment or self::parameter or self::species or self::parameterRule ] @name listOfMappings/mapping @compartment listOfMappings/mapping @geometry listOfSpecies/specie @compartment listOfReactions/reaction/*/specieReference @specie llistOfRules/specieRule @specie llistOfRules/compartmentRule @compartment