[Mirrored from: http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/MarkUp/SGML/productions.html (September 01, 1996)]

SGML Productions

Derived from Erik Naggum's list of productions from the SGML standard.

SGML document
( SGML document entity, *( SGML subdocument entity | SGML text entity | character data entity | specific character data entity | non-SGML data entity ) )
SGML document entity
( *s, SGML declaration, prolog, document instance set, Ee )
SGML subdocument entity
( prolog, document instance set, Ee )
SGML text entity
( *SGML character, Ee )
character data entity
( *SGML character, Ee )
specific character data entity
( *SGML character, Ee )
non-SGML data entity
( *character, Ee )
( *other prolog, base document type declaration, *( document type declaration | other prolog ), *( link type declaration | other prolog ) )
other prolog
( comment declaration | processing instruction | s )
base document type declaration
document type declaration
document instance set
( base document element, *other prolog )
base document element
document element
document element
( ?start-tag, content, ?end-tag )
( ( stago ("<"), document type specification, generic identifier specification, attribute specification list, *s, tagc (">") ) | minimized start-tag )
minimized start-tag
( empty start-tag | unclosed start-tag | net-enabling start-tag )
empty start-tag
( stago ("<"), tagc (">") )
unclosed start-tag
( stago ("<"), document type specification, generic identifier specification, attribute specification list, *s )
net-enabling start-tag
( stago ("<"), generic identifier specification, attribute specification list, *s, net ("/") )
( ( etago ("</"), document type specification, generic identifier specification, *s, tagc (">") ) | minimized end-tag )
minimized end-tag
( empty end-tag | unclosed end-tag | null end-tag )
empty end-tag
( etago ("</"), tagc (">") )
unclosed end-tag
( etago ("</"), document type specification, generic identifier specification, *s )
null end-tag
net ("/")
( mixed content | element content | replaceable character data | character data )
mixed content
*( data character | element | other content )
element content
*( element | other content | s )
other content
( comment declaration | short reference use declaration | link set use declaration | processing instruction | shortref | character reference | general entity reference | marked section declaration | Ee )
document type specification
?name group
generic identifier specification
( generic identifier | rank stem )
generic identifier
attribute specification list
*attribute specification
attribute specification
( *s, ?( name, *s, vi ("="), *s ), attribute value specification )
attribute value specification
( attribute value | attribute value literal )
attribute value literal
( ( lit ("\""), replaceable character data, lit ("\"") ) | ( lita ("'"), replaceable character data, lita ("'") ) )
attribute value
( character data | general entity name | general entity name list | id value | id reference value | id reference list | name | name list | name token | name token list | notation name | number | number list | number token | number token list )
general entity name list
name list
id value
id reference list
name list
id reference value
name list
( name, *( SPACE, name ) )
name token list
( name token, *( SPACE, name token ) )
notation name
number list
( number, *( SPACE, number ) )
number token list
( number token, *( SPACE, number token ) )
processing instruction
( pio (">"), system data, pic ("<?") )
system data
character data
replaceable character data
*( data character | character reference | general entity reference | Ee )
character data
*data character
data character
SGML character
( SGML character | NONSGML )
SGML character
( markup character | DATACHAR )
markup character
( name character | function character | DELMCHAR )
name character
( name start character | Digit | LCNMCHAR | UCNMCHAR )
name start character
( LCLetter | UCLetter | LCNMSTRT | UCNMSTRT )
function character
( name start character, *name character )
name token
+name character
number token
( Digit, *name character )
general entity reference
( ero ("&"), ?name group, name, reference end )
parameter entity reference
( pero ("%"), ?name group, name, reference end )
reference end
?( refc (";") | RE )
character reference
( cro ("&#"), ( function name | character number ), reference end )
function name
( "RE" | "RS" | "SPACE" | name )
character number
( s | Ee | parameter entity reference | comment )
parameter literal
( ( lit ("\""), replaceable parameter data, lit ("\"") ) | ( lita ("'"), replaceable parameter data, lita ("'") ) )
replaceable parameter data
*( data character | character reference | parameter entity reference | Ee )
name token group
( grpo ("("), *ts, name token, *( *ts, connector, *ts, name token ), *ts, grpc (")") )
name group
( grpo ("("), *ts, name, *( *ts, connector, *ts, name ), *ts, grpc (")") )
( s | Ee | parameter entity reference )
( s | Ee | parameter entity reference | comment declaration | processing instruction | marked section declaration )
associated element type
( generic identifier | name group )
external identifier
( ( "SYSTEM" | ( "PUBLIC", +ps, public identifier ) ), ?( +ps, system identifier ) )
public identifier
minimum literal
system identifier
( ( lit ("\""), system data, lit ("\"") ) | ( lita ("'"), system data, lita ("'") ) )
minimum literal
( ( lit ("\""), minimum data, lit ("\"") ) | ( lita ("'"), minimum data, lita ("'") ) )
minimum data
*minimum data character
minimum data character
( RS | RE | SPACE | LCLetter | UCLetter | Digit | Special )
formal public identifier
( owner identifier, "//", text identifier )
owner identifier
( ISO owner identifier | registered owner identifier | unregistered owner identifier )
ISO owner identifier
minimum data
registered owner identifier
( "+//", minimum data )
unregistered owner identifier
( "-//", minimum data )
text identifier
( public text class, SPACE, ?unavailable text indicator, public text description, "//", ( public text language | public text designating sequence ), ?( "//", public text display version ) )
unavailable text indicator
public text class
public text description
( ISO text description | minimum data )
ISO text description
minimum data
public text language
public text designating sequence
minimum data
public text display version
minimum data
comment declaration
( mdo ("<!"), ?( comment, *( s | comment ) ), mdc (">") )
( com ("--"), *SGML character, com ("--") )
marked section declaration
( marked section start, status keyword specification, dso ("["), marked section, marked section end )
marked section start
( mdo ("<!"), dso ("[") )
marked section end
( msc ("]]"), mdc (">") )
marked section
*SGML character
status keyword specification
( *( +ps, ( status keyword | "TEMP" ) ), *ps )
status keyword
entity declaration
( mdo ("<!"), "ENTITY", +ps, entity name, +ps, entity text, *ps, mdc (">") )
entity name
( general entity name | parameter entity name )
general entity name
( name | ( rni ("#"), "DEFAULT" ) )
parameter entity name
( pero ("%"), +ps, name )
entity text
( parameter literal | data text | bracketed text | external entity specification )
data text
( ( "CDATA" | "SDATA" | "PI" ), +ps, parameter literal )
bracketed text
( ( "STARTTAG" | "ENDTAG" | "MS" | "MD" ), +ps, parameter literal )
external entity specification
( external identifier, ?( +ps, entity type ) )
entity type
( "SUBDOC" | ( ( "CDATA" | "NDATA" | "SDATA" ), +ps, notation name, ?data attribute specification ) )
document type declaration
( mdo ("<!"), "DOCTYPE", +ps, document type name, ?( +ps, external identifier ), ?( +ps, dso ("["), document type declaration subset, dsc ("]") ), *ps, mdc (">") )
document type name
generic identifier
document type declaration subset
*( entity declaration | element declaration | attribute definition list declaration | notation declaration | short reference mapping declaration | short reference use declaration | ds )
entity set
*( entity declaration | ds )
element set
*( element declaration | attribute definition list declaration | notation declaration | ds )
short reference set
*( entity declaration | short reference mapping declaration | short reference use declaration | ds )
element declaration
( mdo ("<!"), "ELEMENT", +ps, element type, ?( +ps, omitted tag minimization ), +ps, ( declared content | content model ), *ps, mdc (">") )
element type
( generic identifier | name group | ranked element | ranked group )
ranked element
( rank stem, +ps, rank suffix )
ranked group
( grpo ("("), *ts, rank stem, *( *ts, connector, *ts, rank stem ), *ts, grpc (")"), +ps, rank suffix )
rank stem
rank suffix
omitted tag minimization
( start-tag minimization, +ps, end-tag minimization )
start-tag minimization
( "O" | minus ("-") )
end-tag minimization
( "O" | minus ("-") )
declared content
( "CDATA" | "RCDATA" | "EMPTY" )
content model
( ( model group | "ANY" ), ?( +ps, exceptions ) )
model group
( grpo ("("), *ts, content token, *( *ts, connector, *ts, content token ), *ts, grpc (")"), ?occurrence indicator )
content token
( primitive content token | model group )
primitive content token
( ( rni ("#"), "PCDATA" ) | element token | data tag group )
element token
( generic identifier, ?occurrence indicator )
( and ("&") | or ("|") | seq (",") )
occurrence indicator
( opt ("?") | plus ("+") | rep ("*") )
data tag group
( dtgo ("["), *ts, generic identifier, *ts, seq (","), *ts, data tag pattern, *ts, dtgc ("]"), ?occurrence indicator )
data tag pattern
( ( data tag template group | data tag template ), ?( *ts, seq (","), *ts, data tag padding template ) )
data tag template group
( grpo ("("), *ts, data tag template, *( *ts, or ("|"), *ts, data tag template ), *ts, grpc (")") )
data tag template
parameter literal
data tag padding template
parameter literal
( ( exclusions, ?( +ps, inclusions ) ) | inclusions )
( plus ("+"), name group )
( minus ("-"), name group )
attribute definition list declaration
( mdc (">"), "ATTLIST", +ps, ( associated element type | associated notation name ), +ps, attribute definition list, *ps, mdc (">") )
attribute definition list
( attribute definition, *( +ps, attribute definition ) )
attribute definition
( attribute name, +ps, declared value, +ps, default value )
attribute name
declared value
( "CDATA" | "ENTITY" | "ENTITIES" | "ID" | "IDREF" | "IDREFS" | "NAME" | "NAMES" | "NMTOKEN" | "NMTOKENS" | "NUMBER" | "NUMBERS" | "NUTOKEN" | "NUTOKENS" | notation | name token group )
( "NOTATION", +ps, name group )
default value
( ( ?( rni ("#"), "FIXED", +ps ), attribute value specification ) | ( rni ("#"), ( "REQUIRED" | "CURRENT" | "CONREF" | "IMPLIED" ) ) )
notation declaration
( mdo ("<!"), "NOTATION", +ps, notation name, +ps, notation identifier, *ps, mdc (">") )
notation identifier
external identifier
associated notation name
( rni ("#"), "NOTATION", +ps, ( notation name | name group ) )
data attribute specification
( +ps, dso ("["), attribute specification list, *s, dsc ("]") )
short reference mapping declaration
( mdc (">"), "SHORTREF", +ps, map name, +( +ps, parameter literal, +ps, name ), *ps, mdc (">") )
map name
short reference use declaration
( mdc (">"), "USEMAP", +ps, map specification, ?( +ps, associated element type ), *ps, mdc (">") )
map specification
( map name | ( rni ("#"), "EMPTY" ) )
link type declaration
( mdo ("<!"), "LINKTYPE", +ps, link type name, +ps, ( simple link specification | implicit link specification | explicit link specification ), ?( +ps, external identifier ), ?( +ps, dso ("["), link type declaration subset, dsc ("]") ), *ps, mdc (">") )
link type name
simple link specification
( rni ("#"), "SIMPLE", +ps, rni ("#"), "IMPLIED" )
implicit link specification
( source document type name, +ps, rni ("#"), "IMPLIED" )
explicit link specification
( source document type name, +ps, result document type name )
source document type name
document type name
result document type name
document type name
link type declaration subset
( *( link attribute set | link set declaration ), ?ID link set declaration, *( link attribute set | link set declaration ) )
link attribute set
*( attribute definition list declaration | entity set )
link set declaration
( mdo ("<!"), "LINK", +ps, link set name, +( +ps, link rule ), +ps, mdc (">") )
link rule
( source element specification | explicit link rule )
link set name
( name | ( rni ("#"), "INITIAL" ) )
source element specification
( associated element type, ?( +ps, rni ("#"), "USELINK", +ps, ( link set name | ( rni ("#"), "EMPTY" ) ) ), ?( +ps, rni ("#"), "POSTLINK", +ps, link set specification ), ?link attribute specification )
link attribute specification
( +ps, dso ("["), attribute specification list, *s, dsc ("]") )
explicit link rule
( ( source element specification, +ps, result element specification ) | ( source element specification, +ps, rni ("#"), "IMPLIED" ) | ( rni ("#"), "IMPLIED", +ps, result element specification ) )
result element specification
( generic identifier, ?result attribute specification )
result attribute specification
( +ps, dso ("["), attribute specification list, *s, dsc ("]") )
ID link set declaration
( mdo ("<!"), "IDLINK", +( +ps, name, +ps, link rule ), *ps, mdc (">") )
link set use declaration
( mdo ("<!"), "USELINK", +ps, link set specification, +ps, link type name, *ps, mdc (">") )
link set specification
( link set name | ( rni ("#"), "EMPTY" ) | ( rni ("#"), "RESTORE" ) )
SGML declaration
( mdo ("<!"), "SGML", +ps, minimum literal, +ps, document character set, +ps, capacity set, +ps, concrete syntax scope, +ps, concrete syntax, +ps, feature use, +ps, application-specific information, *ps, mdc (">") )
document character set
( "CHARSET", +ps, character set description )
character set description
( base character set, +ps, described character set portion, *( +ps, base character set, +ps, described character set portion ) )
base character set
( "BASESET", +ps, public identifier )
described character set portion
( "DESCSET", +( +ps, character description ) )
character description
( described set character number, +ps, number of characters, +ps, ( base set character number | minimum literal | "UNUSED" ) )
described set character number
character number
base set character number
character number
number of characters
capacity set
( "CAPACITY", +ps, ( ( "PUBLIC", +ps, public identifier ) | ( "SGMLREF", +( +ps, name, +ps, number ) ) ) )
concrete syntax scope
( "SCOPE", +ps, ( "DOCUMENT" | "INSTANCE" ) )
concrete syntax
( "SYNTAX", +ps, ( public concrete syntax | ( shunned character number identification, +ps, syntax-reference character set, +ps, function character identification, +ps, naming rules, +ps, delimeter set, +ps, reserved name use, +ps, quantity set ) ) )
public concrete syntax
( "PUBLIC", +ps, system identifier, ?( +ps, "SWITCHES", +( +ps, character number, +ps, character number ) ) )
shunned character number identification
( "SHUNCHAR", +ps, ( "NONE" | ( ( "CONTROLS" | character number ), *( +ps, character number ) ) ) )
syntax-reference character set
character set description
function character identification
( "FUNCTION", +ps, "RE", +ps, character number, +ps, "RS", +ps, character number, +ps, "SPACE", +ps, character number, *( +ps, added function, +ps, function class, +ps, character number ) )
added function
function class
naming rules
( "NAMING", +ps, "LCNMSTRT", +( +ps, parameter literal ), +ps, "UCNMSTRT", +( +ps, parameter literal ), +ps, "LCNMCHAR", +( +ps, parameter literal ), +ps, "UCNMCHAR", +( +ps, parameter literal ), +ps, "NAMECASE", +ps, "GENERAL", +ps, ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps, "ENTITY", +ps, ( "NO" | "YES" ) )
delimeter set
( "DELIM", +ps, general delimeters, +ps, short reference delimeters )
general delimeters
( "GENERAL", +ps, "SGMLREF", *( +ps, name, +ps, parameter literal ) )
short reference delimeters
( "SHORTREF", +ps, ( "SGMLREF" | "NONE" ), *( +ps, parameter literal ) )
reserved name use
( "NAMES", +ps, "SGMLREF", *( +ps, name, +ps, parameter literal ) )
quantity set
( "QUANTITY", +ps, "SGMLREF", *( +ps, name, +ps, number ) )
feature use
( "FEATURES", +ps, markup minimization features, +ps, link type features, +ps, other features )
markup minimization features
( "MINIMIZE", +ps, "DATATAG", +ps, ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps, "OMITTAG", +ps, ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps, "RANK", +ps, ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps, "SHORTTAG", +ps, ( "NO" | "YES" ) )
link type features
( "LINK", +ps, "SIMPLE", +ps, ( "NO" | ( "YES", +ps, number ) ), +ps, "IMPLICIT", +ps, ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps, "EXPLICIT", +ps, ( "NO" | ( "YES", +ps, number ) ) )
other features
( "OTHER", +ps, "CONCUR", +ps, ( "NO" | ( "YES", +ps, number ) ), +ps, "SUBDOC", +ps, ( "NO" | ( "YES", +ps, number ) ), +ps, "FORMAL", +ps, ( "NO" | "YES" ) )
application-specific information
( "APPINFO", +ps, ( "NONE" | minimum literal ) )
system declaration
( mdo ("<!"), "SYSTEM", +ps, minimum literal, +ps, document character set, +ps, capacity set, +ps, feature use, +ps, concrete syntax scope, +ps, concrete syntaxes supported, +ps, validation services, +ps, SDIF support, *ps, mdc (">") )
concrete syntaxes supported
+( +ps, concrete syntax, ?( +ps, concrete syntax changes ) )
concrete syntax changes
( "CHANGES", +ps, ( "SWITCHES" | ( "DELIMLEN", +ps, number, +ps, "SEQUENCE", +ps, ( "YES" | "NO" ), +ps, "SRCNT", +ps, number, +ps, "SRLEN", +ps, number ) ) )
validation services
( "VALIDATE", +ps, "GENERAL", +ps, ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps, "MODEL", +ps, ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps, "EXCLUDE", +ps, ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps, "CAPACITY", +ps, ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps, "NONSGML", +ps, ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps, "SGML", +ps, ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps, "FORMAL", +ps, ( "NO" | "YES" ) )
SDIF support
( "SDIF", +ps, "PACK", +ps, ( "NO" | ( "YES", ?( +ps, "ASN1" ) ) ), +ps, "UNPACK", +ps, ( "NO" | ( "YES", ?( +ps, "ASN1" ) ) ) )