SGML: Inside&Out DTD editor

SGML: Inside&Out DTD editor

Article: 10266 of comp.text.sgml
From:  (Inside&OutAdmin)
Newsgroups: comp.text.sgml
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: Free DTD Editor available
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 1995 16:45:27 MET
Organization: Computer Graphics Center (ZGDV), Darmstadt, Germany
Sender: (Hans Holger Rath)
Message-ID: <1995Aug4.164527@tetris>
Reply-To: (Inside&Out Admin)

The Computer Graphics Center (ZGDV), Darmstadt, Germany announces the
first release of the free DTD editor

                -->| I N S I D E   &   O U T |-->

Inside&Out (I&O) is a graphical editor to build SGML DTDs
interactively. The graphical presentation of the DTD is a syntax (or
railroad) diagram. It runs on a PC with MS-Windows 3.1.

You can download the files

    iout.exe              (MS-Windows 3.1 executable)
    iout.hlp              (very incomplete help file)
    readme.txt            (comprehensive description of Inside&Out)
    document.iod          (example I&O binary DTD)
    document.dtd          (DTD written by I&O)

from the directory

Inside&Out is still under development, but version 0.9 is already
usable to design DTDs with the graphical user interface and to
produce the DTD in SGML syntax. See readme.txt for more information
about the functions of Inside&Out.

Please, report bugs, comments, etc. by email to

and *not* to the originator of this posting. Thank YOU!

Have fun with Inside&Out

--Hans Holger Rath

P.S.: If someone wants to mirror our iout ftp directory, please send
      an email to with subject MIRROR and your email
      address in the mail body. We will inform you when we place a new
      release on our ftp server.
