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 | Cambridge University Press Humanities title |
The Wife of Bath's Prologue on CD-ROM
P RobinsonThe Wife of Bath's Prologue on CD-ROM inaugurates a revolutionary new kind of 'book' and offers the first ever genuinely comprehensive record of the Chaucerian text. This electronic textual edition of a major work of literature contains a full record of all the original sources for the work, with sophisticated search software and scholarly apparatus. The CD-ROM presents transcriptions, collations, and some 1,200 digitized images of all 58 pre-1500 manuscript and print versions of Chaucer's Wife of Bath's Prologue - an important section of The Canterbury Tales. An advanced hypertext presentation system enables the user to locate the transcript of a particular line in a particular manuscript, the collation of a particular word, or the image of that line or word in a manuscript, with the greatest of ease. This is the first release in Cambridge's Canterbury Tales on CD-ROM series, a significant innovation in textual bibliography.
Chapter Contents
The CD-ROM contains:
×Transcriptions of all 58 pre-1500 witnesses of Chaucer's Wife of Bath's Prologue (54 manuscripts and 4 early print editions), fully encoded in SGML (Standard Generalised Mark-up Language).
×Digitized images of the originals of 1,200 manuscript pages, useful for teaching purposes or for checking the accuracy of any transcription against the original.
×Hypertext linking between files allowing the reader to call up the full collation of any word across the entire range of witnesses.
×A lemmatized spelling database permitting scholars to trace every spelling of every word across the witnesses.
×A description of each witness based on examination of the witness itself.
×Transcripts of all of the glosses in every manuscript of the Prologue.
×A powerful DynaText search and retrieval engine with user-friendly screen design.
System requirements:
The CD-ROM runs identically on PC Windows and Macintosh systems. All necessary search and display software and fonts are provided on the CD-ROM and do not need to be acquired separately. The following equipment is recommended:
PC: 386 or later; Windows 3.1+; 8 Mb of RAM; double-speed CD-ROM drive.
Macintosh: system 7 or later; 4 Mb of RAM; double-speed CD-ROM drive.
Title Details
Format: CD-ROM
ISBN: 0521465931
Series: The Canterbury Tales on CD-ROM
Published: June 1996
; 245 x 168mm
UK Price: £150
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