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Date:         Tue, 11 Sep 2001 21:34:57 GMT
Reply-To:     Scripted@sesame.demon.co.uk
Sender:       E-MELD Language Codes Group
From:         John Clews <Scripted@SESAME.DEMON.CO.UK>

For information: comments and queries are welcome. I'd be glad for opinions on the scope of the E-MELD codes section of the NSF project, and how it might relate to work in ISO, and also how it might differ from work in ISO.

Currently I know nothing of E-MELD, edxcept that exists, and that I am on the email list, thanks to Anthony Aristar.

In case you are in a similar position regarding work in ISO, the following update may be of interest.

Best regards

John Clews

Keytempo Limited (Information Management), 8 Avenue Rd, Harrogate, HG2 7PG Email: Scripts@sesame.demon.co.uk tel: +44 1423 888 432;

Committee Chair of ISO/TC46/SC2: Conversion of Written Languages; Committee Member of ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC22/WG20: Internationalization; Committee Member of ISO/TC37: Terminology

------------------------------------------------------------ Meeting report: ISO/TC37/SC2/WG1 (Coding systems), Toronto, 2001-08-14

1. Meeting arrangements

ISO/TC37/SC2/WG1 (Coding systems), met on 2001-08-14, with participants from Norway, Canada, Austria, USA, France, Spain, Japan, and UK.

2. Progress on existing standards

ISO 639-1:2001 is agreed and awaits publication. It is intended that this replaces ISO 639. The issue of freezing the 2-letter repertoire remains open. It is planned that the tables are available via the Internet.

3. Open discussion on extending language code standards

The meeting mainly comprised an Open discussion about language coding and the need and feasibility to standardize and extend existing language coding.

Jennifer De Camp (US) described user needs and requirements, espcially in the IT area.

Peter Constable (USA) covered problems of mapping similar entities in different language coding schemes, and noted SIL's contact with IT users and developers.

Jake Knoppers (Canada) described the use of language codes in relation to other data elements, and problems of combinations, especially in EDI and E-commerce applications.

Haavard Hjulstad (Norway) also touched on this, but also provided a paper on taxonomy codes for language groups.

4. Action agreed

ISO/TC37/SC2/WG1 agreed to recommend that ISO/TC37/SC2 should progress a New Work Item, and set up a Task Force of ISO/TC37/SC2/WG1, which would begin by identifying the User requirements, and also examine possible methodology(ies).

Task Force members will be Gerhard Budin (Austria, Chair), Haavard Hjulstad (Norway), Jennifer De Camp (USA), and John Clews (United Kingdom). It is planned that October 15 2001 will be an initial reporting date to ISO/TC37/SC2/WG1.

Further progress is likely at various points between then and August 2002, when the next ISO/TC37 meetings will take place (2002-08-19 through 2002-08-23).

It was also hoped to report something of this nature to the Unicode conference.


-- John Clews, Keytempo Limited (Information Management), 8 Avenue Rd, Harrogate, HG2 7PG Email: Scripts@sesame.demon.co.uk tel: +44 1423 888 432;

Committee Chair of ISO/TC46/SC2: Conversion of Written Languages; Committee Member of ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC22/WG20: Internationalization; Committee Member of ISO/TC37: Terminology

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