any ID eg. SJ, PJ, CRJ, etc. or Edifact code. in functional currency, original currency, etc. D or C Id(s) identifying who entered, executed, approved, reviewed, etc. (original or functional amount if used in a GL application) creation, execution, entry, posting, due, paid, etc. an XML schema specifying the information model used in the underlying records in the scheme (ie in dataUri). an RFC 2396 URI with query component which returns a record from the IdScheme agency, network, application, filesystem, SQL database, XML repository, etc. eg. invoice, payment, etc. eg. Edifact 1001 doc. names optionally, the whole document. optionally, link to the whole document on filesystem or network. positive or negative interest rate as a decimal value. DateTime the rate begins, replacing any previous rate. string, for circumstances where fixedAmounts or interest are not suitable. same as ebXML "A character string to identify and distinguish uniquely, one instance of an object in an identification scheme from all other objects within the same scheme." eg. 13ABC4234 eg. DUNS, UNSPSC etc. Name compliant with ebxml (globally disambiguated by schemaUri below in case of name collisions.) An ISO 639 code: the language of the idName or of the underlying record at dataUri below. same as ebXML. a character string. eg. widget, EXXON, etc. version of the fullRecord, idContent, or scheme whichever is more granular. Enables a primitive integrity in distributed applications another ID within the same scheme, of which this ID is child. enables expression of hierearchy in a list. total balance of GL account, project, party AR/AP etc. associated with idContent, after posting this Entry an RFC 2396 URI pointing to an XML schema, specifying the information model used in the underlying records in the scheme. an RFC 2396 URI with query component which returns a record from the IdScheme agency, network application, filesystem, SQL database, etc. a decimal number, of nonmonetary units. an ID indicating unit of measure used in quantity. unit of measure used in quantity. eg. units, boxes, etc. eg. UN/ECE Recommendation 20 an RFC 2396 URI with query component which returns a record from the IdSheme agency, repository, network, application, filesystem, etc. the size, volume, mass etc. physical measure. an ID indicates unit of measure used in measure eg. 1028, 1032, etc. name of the unit of measure e.g. meters, grams, etc. eg. UN/ECE Recommendation 20 an RFC 2396 URI with query component which returns a record from the IdScheme agency, repository, network, application, filesystem, etc. negotiation state, transaction state, etc. Who authorized the change in negotiation state, transaction state, etc. (IdType in ArapXML is used for all users, parties, etc.) when transition occurred an Id; indicates the journal (subledger) of original entry. for drillback: the unique key on originating ledger. associates the separate transactions of a transaction pattern such as sale, fulfillment, settlement. actual, budget, forecast, or tax with actual being default. an Id e.g. SJ, PJ, CRJ, etc. or Edifact code. boolean: posted or not. boolean: indicates this transaction is an aggregate or sum of other ledger transactions. source ledger.