International Alliance for Interoperability
aecXML Mid-year Working Meeting
Friday, June 23, 2000
9:00 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Room 306 East Wing
Georgia World Congress Center
285 International Boulevard
Atlanta, Georgia
Due to the number of events taking place during the day, we request that all speakers strictly adhere the time schedule to ensure that their fellow presenters have adequate time. All questions concerning demonstrations and presentations will be taken during the afternoon Presenter’s Panel Discussion.
9:00 - 9:07 a.m.
Welcome: aecXML the Right Tool and the Right Time
Mr. Norbert F. Young, Jr., FAIA, Chairman of the Board, International Alliance for Interoperability; President, McGraw-Hill Construction Information Group
9:07 - 9:11 a.m. |
Outline of Day’s Activities and Introductions
Duane Barrett, vice chairman of IAI’s aecXML Domain Committee
Rich Geissler, IAI executive director
9:11 - 9:30 a.m. |
R.S. Means and Bentley
Demonstration by Thomas J. Chmielenski, P.E., software engineer, Bentley Systems, Incorporated; and Roger Grant, vice president and general manager of R.S. Means Co., Inc., a member of the Cahners CMD Group.
Exchange of data between Bentley’s MicroStation TriForma software and the R.S. Means CostWorks using aecXML schema. A design packaging pulling in product data and cost from R.S.Means large database of current prices and products.
9:30 - 9:45 a.m. |
Timberline Software Corporation
Dennis Stejskal, an aecXML Domain Working Group vice chair, and vice president of Construction Accounting, Timberline Software Corporation, will present four proposed aecXML schema: Estimate Report, Estimate Takeoff; Estimate Database Assemblies; and TS_Buyout Documents which address requests for quotes, quotes and purchase orders. Timberline is an international supplier of account and cost estimating software for the construction and property management industries. Founded in 1971, Timberline has been recognized for the past five years by Forbes as one of the "200 Best Small Companies in America."
9:45 - 10:00 a.m. |
Architectural Computer Services (ARCOM) Inc.
Dr. Edward F. "Ted" Smith will present his proposed aecXML schemas for construction project specifications, and for product data identification. These schema will be used to communicate information among applications for specifications, cost estimating, project management and product selection. The meaning of the specification is conveyed by the text enclosed by aecXML tags.
ARCOM publishes MASTERSPEC® for the American Institute of Architects.
10:00 - 10:30 a.m. |
Geopraxis, Incorporated
John F. Kennedy, principal, M.E., will demonstrate the proposed GeoPraxis green building aecXML schema interacting with energy simulation programs. In business since July 1998, GeoPraxis specializes in engineering, market research and software development in the area of building energy performance analysis in the commercial and residential sectors.
10:30 - 10:40 a.m. |
BREAK – Please return to your seats as soon as possible. Thanks.
10:40 - 11:10 a.m. |
Dimensional Solutions
Dimensional Solutions (Houston, Texas) Engineering Manager Nisha Mehta will lead a live demonstration exchanging data between her firm’s software used in the design of vessel foundations, with software created by another firm used to design the vessel itself. A proposed aecXML schema will be the transfer mechanism. Mr. Scott Mayeux of Coade Engineering Software, Inc., of Houston, will participate.
11:10 - 11:25 a.m. |
Primavera Systems Incorporated
Richard K. "Dick" Faris, president, and Shaun R. Connolly, vice president of Product Design, Primavera Systems, Inc., will present an aecXML schema used to communicate between Primavera Enterprise and Primavision (the Web front end). Primavera is the leading provider of enterprise class Web-based and desk-top project management and control software. Founding 1983 by Joel Koppelman and Dick Faris, Primavera has recently launched PrimeContract.com, a portal for engineer, procurement, construction and operations (EPCO) market with e-Business collaboration and control solution.
11:25 - 11:45 a.m. |
National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) NIBS, a Congressionally mandated research organization, has sponsored the FMOC Committee which has developed a proposed schema for the transfer of equipment manufacturer’s O&M manuals from Web-based sources to facility managers and operations staff of major buildings. Mr. David Harry Horner, P.E., chair of the IAI Facilities Management Domain, and a member of the NIBS FMOC committee will present the schema outline.
11:45 - Noon |
Instep Software
Mr. Pat Cichanski, InStep’s senior developer, will present a proposed aecXML schema to exchange plant design data, including conceptual design data drawing upon on-line product data.
Noon - 1:15 p.m. |
NO-HOST LUNCH Participants are encouraged to avail themselves of the many "rapid service" food outlets in the Convention Center. They may either return to the meeting room or eat at one of the food court facilities. The aecXML program will promptly resume at 1:15 p.m.
OPTIONAL NO-HOST LUNCHEON PROGRAM: Pat Cichanski and John Twigg will conduct a primer “aecXML 101” in Room 307-East Wing (adjoining the primary meeting room). Topics will include how to properly submit draft aecXML schema and other relevant material. Please pick up your lunch at one of the convention center fast-food purveyors and return to Room 307 as soon as possible. The Lunch-time session will adjourn in time to resume the main program in Room.
1:15 - 1:30 p.m. |
Professor Dr. Thomas Liebich, Munich, Germany, leader of the IAI Modeling Support Group, will present how to extract XML DTD (document type definition) and exchange files from the IFC model. Hundreds of IFC property sets exist covering architectural design, scheduling, facility management, project accounting, and other important disciplines and transactions in the commercial building process. There is a rich and robust source of basic information compiled by developers of IFCs during the past five years. It is important to mine that data and not duplicate it in the development of new aecXML schema. (IFCs are industry foundation classes, object models allowing the exchange of dynamic information among platforms and applications serving the AEC+FM community.)
1:30 - 1:45 p.m. |
Dr. Liebich, joined by Mr. Yoshinobu Adachi, Secom Company, Tokyo, Japan, will demonstrate PSML property set markup language extraction into a schema using an XML tool.
1:45 - 2:00 p.m. |
2:00 - 2:45 p.m. |
Mr. Jeffrey Wix, Jeffrey Wix Consulting Limited, United Kingdom
Mr. Wix has served as the IAI IFC R2.x Project Manager and has extensive modeling experience in both the Alliance and in the ISO/STEP community. He will present an overview of industry foundation classes (IFCs) and their relationship to aecXML schema.
2:45 - 2:55 p.m. |
BREAK – Please return as quickly as possible.
2:55 - 3:30 p.m. |
Panel Discussion and Q&A
The presenters will assemble to answer your questions.
3:30 - 4:00 p.m. |
Proof of Concept
Mr. Larry Chen, Bidcom, vice president and chief technical officer, will join with Mr. Eric James, General Services Administration (GSA) Public Building Service to generate a report and transmit it across applications. Exchange of information from remote systems using aecXML, extracting information from a local data base and transmit it across the Internet. Mr. Chen is a member of the IAI Board of Directors and a chair of one of the IAI aecXML working groups.