XML 1.0 Proposed Recommendation

Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 15:57:50 -0800
From: Jon.Bosak@eng.Sun.COM (Jon Bosak)
To: xml-dev@ic.ac.uk
Subject: XML 1.0 Proposed Recommendation


XML 1.0 is now a W3C Proposed Recommendation:


The announcement was formally made at the SGML/XML '97 Conference in
Washington, D.C. on Monday, December 8, 1997.  This is the same
conference at which the first Working Draft of the XML specification
was released in November, 1996.

W3C member organizations now have about six weeks to vote on the PR.
Organizations may vote yes; yes, with comments; no, unless specified
deficiencies are corrected; or no, this Proposed Recommendation should
be abandoned.  During this voting period, the XML Working Group
expects to resolve minor technical issues and communicate its results
to the W3C Director.  After this time, the Director will announce the
disposition of the document; it may become a W3C Recommendation
(possibly with minor changes), revert to Working Draft status, or may
be dropped as a W3C work item.

While the disposition of the Proposed Recommendation is entirely at
the discretion of the Director, the XML Working Group considers its
work on XML 1.0 to be complete and does not expect to be making
substantive changes to the proposal as it now stands.  There have been
a number of requests for enhancement to the specification that will be
considered for XML 1.1, but at this time the WG is strongly inclined
to delay work on XML 1.1 until some experience has been gained with
implementations of XML 1.0.  In the meantime, the WG will continue its
work on XLL, the part of the XML family of specifications that deals
with linking and addressing.

Jon Bosak
Chairman, W3C XML Working Group

 Jon Bosak, Online Information Technology Architect, Sun Microsystems
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 Davenport Group::W3C XML WG and SIG    |  inuention.

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