Software Services Grid Workshop July 10-11, 2001. Organized by Members of OMG (Object Management Group), World Wide Web Consortium, and the Global Grid Forum. Boston, MA, USA. The purpose of the Software Services Grid Workshop is to bring together disparate groups that are working on many different levels of the Grid Problem. ("flexible, secure, coordinated resource sharing among dynamic collections of individuals, institutions and resources" ) These groups include representatives of the Object Management Group, World Wide Web Consortium, and the Global Grid Forum. The focus of the workshop will be on the modeling and metadata standards necessary to build applications that can orchestrate the coordination of multiple Web services and data sources. The object technology community has a great deal of experience building distributed application based on interface description and modeling (e.g. UML). The Web community is developing standards for XML interfaces and metadata for accessing Web Services and data sources. A blending of these technologies will be necessary for the next generation of Internet computing. The Grid community has been building research testbeds for the large scale coordination of distributed resources. This Grid experience could provide valuable guidelines for future metadata and modeling standards that will benefit all of the participants. The Workshop will be held on July 10 in conjunction with an OMG meeting near Boston. The format will be a day of invited presentations by representatives of multiple groups mixed with interactive discussions. On Wednesday, July 11, there will be a follow-on internal OMG meeting that will review the workshop and discuss its implications for future OMG activities. Contacts: Bob Marcus - 303-545-3221 Erick Von Schweber - Shel Sutton - Craig Thompson - Paul Kogut - Proceedings for the Workshop ------------------------------------------------------------------- Review of the Workshop presented by Erick Von Schweber to the Global Grid Forum ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, July 10: Speakers Background 8:30 Introduction: Bob Marcus - Federated Systems 8:45 Introduction: Erick Von Schweber - Wide Angle Perspective 9:00 Sridhar Iyengar - Earlier talk on XMI for Integrating E-Business Applications 10:00 Reagan Moore - Data Grid Management Services Talk and Paper 11:00 Hugo Haas - W3C and Web Services 12:00 - 1:00 LUNCH 1:00 Eric Prud'hommeaux - W3C and the Semantic Web 2:00 Ian Foster - Grid and Grid Technologies 3:00 David Frankel Model Driven Architecture 4:00 Mark Burstein/Paul Kogut DAML-S 6:30 Dinner at hotel restaurant (optional) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, July 11: Speakers Background 10:00 Abdul Akram E-Commerce Challenges and Opportunities 11:00 Cory Casaneve OMG-EDOC and ebXML 12:00 -1:00 LUNCH 1:00 Wolfgang Gentzch Sun Grid Engine 2:00 Peter Herzum Federation of Business Systems 3:00 Dan Chang Common Warehouse Metamodel MDA 4:00 Dave Carlson Analysis and Design of XML Vocabularies with UML