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1. Objectives
The DISA Registry Initiative (DRIve) will deploy the technology for and operate a registry of data objects developed by standards organizations serviced by Data Interchange Standards Association. The DRIve registry will meet the requirements of the Electronic Business XML or ebXML registry/repository specifications approved on 11 May 2001:
- Registry Services Specification, version 1.0
- Registry Information Model, version 1.0
DRIve will also follow other approved ebXML specifications and technical reports affecting the operation of the registry; see the list of relevant documents under Scope.
DRIve will seek contributions of software, systems, and technical expertise from participating companies. Since this initiative is one of the first implementations of the ebXML registry specifications, it will receive a significant amount of visibility and serve as a model for future ebXML registries.
DISA will coordinate this work with other relevant committees and groups in OASIS, UN/CEFACT, and NIST as required.
2. Scope
a. Definitions
Source: ebXML Glossary, ebXML Technical Architecture Team, version 0.99
Registry: A mechanism whereby relevant repository items and metadata about them can be registered such that a pointer to their location, and all their metadata, can be retrieved as a result of a query.
Repository: A location or set of distributed locations where Repository Items, pointed at by the registry, reside and from which they can be retrieved.
b. Functions
DRIve will include the basic functions of ebXML registries and its interactions with a DISA repository, as spelled out in the relevant specifications. These functions include:
- Registration of objects in the associated DISA repository - submission, identification, classification, approval
- Management of registered objects - maintaining current versions, deprecating and removing obsolete versions
- Search for registered objects in DISA and related repositories - browse/drill-down and filtering functions defined in the ebXML Registry Information Model specification
- Retrieve lists of registered objects, according to search criteria
- Retrieve registered objects from the DISA repository
- Provide security for the registry and stored objects
- Provide access to customers with thin-client, full-function client, and peer-level server software
- Send and receive messages with registry inquiries and visitors, using formats and protocols determined by the ebXML Message Service specifications
- Return acknowledgments and ebXML-defined error messages
- Notification of registry updates to registry subscribers
The initiative will also develop a business plan and procedures for managing the registry, including recommendations for ongoing operations and funding.
c. Objects registered
The registry will index the following data objects:
- XML schemas developed by DISA affiliate organizations
- Process models in UML or other modeling languages developed by DISA affiliate organizations
- ASC X12 standards, in human-readable (e.g. HTML, text) and machine readable (e.g. XML, SEF) formats, as determined by ASC X12 officers
- Joint ASC X12/EWG core components, now being defined. The definition of generic ebXML core components are also still in development.
- Collaboration protocol profiles (XML documents) of companies supporting or implementing the registered objects, as determined by DRIve participants.
- Data objects submitted by non-DISA organizations, which will require establishment of processes for submission and acceptance of those objects.
d. Applicable technical documents
The ebXML specifications applicable to DRIve include ebXML Technical Architecture, Business Process Specification Schema, Registry Information Model, Registry Services, ebXML Requirements, Message Service and Collaboration-Protocol Profile and Agreement.
EbXML technical reports provide additional guidance and catalogues to help in building ebXML implementations. The applicable technical reports include: Business Process and Business Information Analysis Overview, Business Process Analysis Worksheets & Guidelines, E-Commerce Patterns, Catalog of Common Business Processes, Core Component Overview, Core Component Discovery and Analysis, Context and Re-Usability of Core Components, Guide to the Core Components Dictionary, Naming Convention for Core Components, Document Assembly and Context Rules, Catalogue of Context Drivers, Core Component Dictionary, Core Component Structure and Technical Architecture Risk Assessment.
3. Timetable and milestones
The development work will take six months from the time of its first meeting on or about 1 July 2001, through completion on 15 December 2001. We propose an additional two months for completion and approval of technical documentation and business plan. The major milestones include:
By 30 September 2001:
- Call for participants in DRIve steering and working groups (see below)
- Establish steering and working groups
- Complete DRIve mission/scope and development plan
- Call for contributions of software to fulfill registry functions
- Evaluate and select software from contributors
By 15 December 2001:
- Acquire, install, customize software
- Test individual registry functions
- Conduct interoperability tests and demonstrations, continued through February as needed
By 29 February 2002
- Complete and publish technical documentation
- Prepare procedures for live operations and business plan, including recommendations for further funding
- Approve technical documentation and business plan
- Cut over to live operations
4. Organization and membership
The DRIve initiative will consist of and be open to participants from companies in the membership of ASC X12 and DISA's affiliated industry organizations: HEDNA, IFX, MISMO, OPX, and OTA. A DRIve Steering Group will set policies, provide direction, monitor progress, and request corrective actions by the DRIve Working Group. The Steering Group will also direct publicity and provide authorized comments for the media.
A DRIve Working Group will conduct the technical work including call for contributions, evaluation and selection from contributors, acquisition and installation of software, conduct of tests and demonstrations, prepare project documentation, and certify readiness for live operations. The Working Group may form temporary task teams as needed to perform the work.
A joint Steering Group/Working Group team will draft the DRIve business plan. DISA will provide the sites and facilities for the groups and teams, including conference calls, list-serves, and message boards.
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