DTDs From: DIG2000 file format proposal. Excerpted from the PDF version. ISO/IEC JTC1/SG29/WG1 N1017. October 30, 1998. The Metadata Root structure is stored as an XML stream. The DTD for the Metadata Root structure is as follows: ]> 5.1 Digital Image Source block This block specifies how the digital image samples were determined from original reflected light. 5.1.2 Document type definition ]> 5.2 Intellectual Property block The intellectual property block contains information about the ownership and copyright status of the image. Rights for an original artifact may be stated, along with the rights for the digital file. 5.2.2 Document type definition ]> 5.3 Content Description block These properties describe the content of the image. Typically it is text that the user enters, either when the pictures are taken or later in the process. 5.3.2 Document type definition ]> 5.4 GPS Information block This block of properties is used store information describing where the original scene was captured, in terms of the Global Position System. 5.4.2 Document type definition ]>