SGML: Memory of Yuri Rubinsky (1952-1996)

SGML: Memory of Yuri Rubinsky (1952-1996)

Article: 12447 of comp.text.sgml
From: bredway@Direct.CA (Brian Redway)
Newsgroups: comp.text.sgml
Subject: Re: Yuri Rubinsky (1952-1996)
Date: 4 Feb 1996 18:56:37 GMT
Organization: Internet Direct Inc.
Message-ID: <4f2vh5$>
References: (12283) <>

I would like to add my condolences on the passing of a remarkable 
Canadian thinker and communicator.  I was first introduced to Yuri 
(and Softquad) in 1988 at a conference in Washington.  Subsequently 
our paths crossed almost every time I attended a conference related 
to information delivery.  The last was Hytime 95 in Vancouver.

I cannot claim to have known him well, but I admired Yuri as a very 
human (and humorous) person of exceptional intellect and energy. He 
affected my life and helped advance the acceptance of the standard 
generalized mark-up language to the benefit of CAE Aviation.  As teacher,
leader and visionary, he had, and will continue to have, a profound 
affect on the management and delivery of information.

My sympathy goes to his family, company, and community. 
