Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 08:52:24 -0400 From: "Trahan, Shane" <> To: "''" <> Subject: RE: XSL toolbar for Homesite From: Jonathan Borden [] Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 11:02 PM To: XSL-List Subject: XSL toolbar for Homesite
G. Hussain Chinoy told me where to access the XSL toolbar I've developed for Homesite 4.0, so I'm posting it for anyone who has a desire to use... this has killed the tedium of writing >100 stylesheets... You can cut and paste it to "XSL.tbr" or access it from my site at: Jonathan Borden -----XSL.TBR------ [ToolBar] Version=4.0 AllowDelete=1 [ToolButtons] Button0_Cmd=cmdCustom Button0_Caption=st Button0_TagStart=<xsl:stylesheet > Button0_TagEnd=</xsl:stylesheet> Button0_Hint=XSL stylesheet Button4_Cmd=cmdCustom Button4_Caption=te Button4_TagStart=<xsl:template match=""> Button4_TagEnd=</xsl:template> Button4_Hint=XSL template Button5_Cmd=cmdCustom Button5_Caption=ap Button5_TagStart=<xsl:apply-templates select=""/> Button5_Hint=XSL apply templates Button6_Cmd=cmdCustom Button6_Caption=va Button6_TagStart=<xsl:value-of select="" /> Button6_Hint=XSL value-of Button7_Cmd=cmdCustom Button7_Caption=el Button7_TagStart=<xsl:element name=""> Button7_TagEnd=</xsl:element> Button7_Hint=XSL element Button1_Cmd=cmdCustom Button1_Caption=na Button1_TagStart=xmlns:xsl="" Button1_Hint=XML namespace Button8_Cmd=cmdCustom Button8_Caption=fo Button8_TagStart=<xsl:for-each select=""> Button8_TagEnd=</xsl:for-each> Button8_Hint=XSL for-each Button2_Cmd=cmdCustom Button2_Caption=xv Button2_TagStart=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> Button2_Hint=XML PI Button9_Cmd=cmdSeparator Button10_Cmd=cmdCustom Button10_Caption=at Button10_TagStart=<xsl:attribute name=""> Button10_TagEnd=</xsl:attribute> Button10_Hint=XSL attribute Button11_Cmd=cmdCustom Button11_Caption=en Button11_TagStart=<xsl:entity-ref name=""/> Button11_Hint=XSL entity ref Button12_Cmd=cmdCustom Button12_Caption=ev Button12_TagStart=<xsl:eval> Button12_TagEnd=</xsl:eval> Button12_Hint=XSL eval Button13_Cmd=cmdCustom Button13_Caption=if Button13_TagStart=<xsl:if test=""> Button13_TagEnd=</xsl:if> Button13_Hint=If Button14_Cmd=cmdCustom Button14_Caption=ch Button14_TagStart=<xsl:choose> Button14_TagEnd=</xsl:choose> Button14_Hint=Choose Button15_Cmd=cmdCustom Button15_Caption=wh Button15_TagStart=<xsl:when test=""> Button15_TagEnd=</xsl:when> Button16_Cmd=cmdCustom Button16_Caption=ow Button16_TagStart=<xsl:otherwise> Button16_TagEnd=</xsl:otherwise> Button16_Hint=Otherwise Button3_Cmd=cmdSeparator
I created it for Allaire's Homesite which is the HTML authoring tool I use most frequently. (do I get a free upgrade for the plug ??)
It allows you to insert XSL elements, and matching start,end tags without typing everything out.
To install, copy the XSL.tbr file into the "Program Files"/HomeSite4/UserData/Toolbars directory and then edit the Toolbars.dat file and add the "XSL.tbr" entry. Under the menu command Options->Customize you can play with it, modify it, etc.
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