XSA: Almost Ready to Go

To:      xml-dev@ic.ac.uk
Subject: XSA: Almost Ready to Go
From:    Lars Marius Garshol <larsga@ifi.uio.no>
Date:    14 Nov 1998 14:53:44 +0100

I'm pleased to announce that one XML application that actually uses XML for exchanging informaation over the network and automatically acting on it is almost ready for use. The XSA system I proposed here earlier this year [1] has now been polished, documented and had software developed for it.

The system is now going into beta for a while until I'm satisfied that all bugs have been shaken out of the software and that nobody will come forth and demand changes to the system. This should hopefully only take a couple of weeks.

So anyone who is interested is invited to have a look at the XSA web site at:


Any feedback on the site, the system or the code is most welcome.

When I first suggested this there was some talk about coordinating this with Trove, LSM and OSD. These avenues have been explored, and have so far only lead to adding support for OSD to the system, mainly because these systems had other goals than XSA has.

--Lars M.

[1] <URL:http://www.lists.ic.ac.uk/hypermail/xml-dev/9808/0147.html>

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