XML teaching tools

From owner-xml-dev@ic.ac.uk Sun Apr 26 15:46:46 1998
From: "Frank Boumphrey" <bckman@ix.netcom.com>
Cc: "'Style Sheet mailing list'" <www-style@w3.org>,
        "xml mailing list" <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
Subject: 'Heads up' note
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 16:41:31 -0700



    I today put up two simple XML teaching tools at
http://www.hypermedic.com/style/tools/tools.htm.  They are written in VB, and
thus are extreamly small, but will only run on Windows (3.* or 95)

entity.exe (9K) will expand the entities in an XML DTD. The expanded file
can be saved as a new XML file.

     XMLparse.exe (22K)is a simple parsing tool that checks for
well-formedness, and allows one to associate or generate a style sheet. It
will convert an XML document and CSS/XML style sheet into HTML and a CSS
style sheet. The XML semantic information is retained as a class attribute
in the HTML tag. It is explained fully in the Readme.txt.

    The necessary DLL's are also at the above site if needed.

    I would emphasise that these are teaching tools which have been designed
for simplicity of use,and can't handle files larger than 32 K.


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