SGML: XML Developers Day Schedule

SGML: XML Developers Day Schedule

Date: Fri, 01 Aug 1997 22:06:46 -0700
From: Jon.Bosak@eng.Sun.COM (Jon Bosak)
Subject: XML Dev Day schedule


A fine assortment of technical presentations is in store for
participants in XML Developers Day (Le Centre Sheraton Hotel,
Montreal, Thursday, August 21).  In fact, the "day" has had to be
extended into the evening to accommodate a wealth of reports from
early implementors of the new Web technology.  This is going to be a
can't-miss event for anyone hoping to play a significant role in the
coming revolution.

Registration for XML Developers Day can be made through the page for
the 4th International HyTime Conference:

Participants new to XML should note that in addition to the many
interesting presentations scheduled for the HyTime Conference (August
19-20), a tutorial on XML will be given on Monday, August 18 in the
same location.

Jon Bosak
Dev Day Chair


9:00-9:05 Jon Bosak, Sun Microsystems

9:05-9:30 David Megginson, Microstar
   Java Beans and Architectural Forms

9:30-10:00 Lloyd Harding, Information Automation Assembly
   The Kona Proposal for Electronic Health Care Records

10:00-10:30 Henry Thompson, University of Edinburgh
   A Motivation for the Schema Component of XML-Data

10:30-11:00 ------------------------------ BREAK

11:00-11:30 Daniel Rivers-Moore, RivCom
   XML in the Delivery of Corporate Information

11:30-12:00 Patrick Gannon, CommerceNet
   XML in Component-based Commerce

12:00-1:30 ------------------------------ LUNCH

1:30-2:00 John Tigue, Datachannel
   XAPI-J in Theory and Practice

2:00-2:30 Jeffrey Olson, School of EECS, Washington State University
   Conceptual Knowledge Markup Language, an XML Application

2:30-3:00 Henry Thompson, University of Edinburgh
   The Win95/NT Version of LT XML

3:00-3:30 ------------------------------ BREAK

3:30-4:00 Paul Trevithick, Bitstream
   Highly Designed Pages and Cross-Media Authoring with XML

4:00-4:30 Sarah Slocombe, Apropos Toy & Tool Development
   A Java-based QuarkXpress-to-XML Converter

4:30-5:00 David Slocombe and Rajiv Thanawala, Tata Infotech
   A Visual Recognition Approach to Legacy Document Conversion

5:00-5:30 ------------------------------ BREAK

5:30-6:00 Murray Maloney, Grif
   XML Editing: Well-formed Documents, CSS, and Namespaces

6:00-6:30 Paul Grosso, ArborText
   Some Ideas for XML Editing Interfaces

6:30-7:00 Jonathan Robie, POET Software
   An XML Document Component Database

7:00-7:30 Jeff Eby, Chrystal Software
   XML and a Generic Repository Architecture

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