[This local archive copy is from the official and canonical URL, http://www.kcl.ac.uk/kis/support/cc/staff/malcolm/xml.htm; please refer to the canonical source document if possible.]

electronic & multimedia publishing
specialist group

SGML, XML and Databases

A One-day Seminar

Joint meeting
with SGML UK,
the UK Chapter of the International SGML/XML Users' Group

Tuesday 20th October 1998

Brunei Gallery, SOAS


John Chelsom
CSW Informatics will both chair the meeting and give an Overview of SGML/XML and Databases
Alex Brown
Griffin-Brown Digital Publishing Ltd will talk about Using Databases in the SGML/XML Production Lifecycle
Danel Rivers-Moore
Rivcom will consider XML, Schemas and Industrial Data
Philip Ward
Technical Support Operations, Ford of Europe will describe Technical Information Publishing in a Distributed Enterprise
Tiny Swithenby
Infrastructures for Information will talk about Information Delivery Using SGML. XML and Databases
Tom Catteau
SGML Technologies Group will discuss SGML and Database Technology for the European Union's Budget
Plus a Technology Showcase for database tools that support SGML or XML.


To register for the seminar, complete the registration form (or a photocopy) and send it to:

Kirsten Wheatley
Database Publishing Systems Ltd
508 Delta Business Park
Great Western Way
Swindon SN5 7XF
tel: 01793 512515
fax: 01793 512516
email: kirsten.wheatley@dpsl.co.uk

The fees are given below. Cancellations must be received in writing not less than 14 days before the seminar, but substitutions can be made at any time.



SGML, XML and Databases, 20th October 1998

Rates (Please tick the appropriate boxes)           Fee   

EMPSG members - registration (including      |_|     25 
lunch on both days)                                        

Non-members - registration (including        |_|     50 
lunch on both days)                                        

NAME AND TITLE (Mr, Ms, Dr etc.):........................................................................................




ORGANISATION (if not part of address):.................................................................................


I have read your terms and conditions. Please register me as a delegate for the above seminar.

I enclose a cheque for . . . . . . . . . . made payable to: SGML UK



Please return to the address given above. Email and fax registrations are acceptable, but must be followed by hard-copy confirmation (with a cheque) or include a request for an invoice.

BCS-emp group home page: BCS home page: other BCS specialist groups
malcolm clark
last revised October 5th, 1998