XML Testbed Software Announced

From      owner-xml-dev@ic.ac.uk Tue Sep  1 03:02:11 1998
Date:     Tue, 01 Sep 1998 17:42:20 +1000
From:     Steve Withall <stevew@access.com.au>
Subject:  ANNOUNCEMENT: XML Testbed software

I am pleased to announce the release of an XML application environment written in Java which I have been developing over the last eleven months or so - as presented at the recent Montreal XML Developers' Conference. For historical reasons it's called 'XML Testbed', but there's now more to it that that.

The software uses an XML configuration file to define the (Swing-based) user interface. It includes its own non-validating XML parser (though it can use any SAX parser instead), a nascent XSL engine (to the old standard - just in time to be out of date), and a few other odds and ends.

The key feature of the infrastructure is that it is intended to be easily expandable, to allow application-specific functionality to be slotted in dynamically. This is achieved by registering the classes to be instantiated for given named elements, and invoking special behaviour in a generic way by invoking a method called verify() on each element as soon as it has been parsed.

The software is freely available for non-commercial use and can be downloaded, with all source code, from the following sites:

Please don't hesitate to send me any comments you may have - criticisms, suggestions, anything.

I'd like to thank xml.com, W3C and GCA for being so kind as to host this software. Thanks also to my employer, Access Systems, for being so tolerant in allowing me to pursue this activity, which is an independent, personal endeavour.


Steve Withall.

[Note: see also the main database entry "XML Testbed" in the SGML/XML Web Page. -rcc/980901]

Steve Withall
Systems Architect                            Tel: 61 2 9957 1036
Access Systems Research Pty. Limited         Fax: 61 2 9959 5111
Level 10, 20 Berry Street
North Sydney NSW 2060                        Email: stevew@access.com.au
Australia                                    http://www.access.com.au

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