Virtual Hyperglossary (VHG) DTD 1.0 alpha

From Fri May 29 02:42:51 1998
Date:     Fri, 29 May 1998 08:33:24 +0000
From:     Peter Murray-Rust <>
Subject:  ANNOUNCE: Virtual Hyperglossary (VHG) DTD 1.0 alpha

The VHG (Virtual Hyperglossary) is a simple but powerful approach for supporting semantics and terminology using XML technology. The first publicly available DTD (with documentation and examples) is at:


Terminology (glossaries, dictionaries, etc.) are an essential part of providing semantic information ("what does FOO mean?"). The VHG is aimed at providing this in a distributed WWW context as has been developed so that non-experts in terminology can construct their own glossaries. Because these use XML syntax they can interoperate with any XML document and can therefore be used as a simple but powerful way of adding semantics. The VHG approach is deliberately simple so that glossaries can be developed and maintained without special tools.

The VHG is built from existing or emerging standards, at present:

The VHG is a philosophy as well as a technology and encourages organisations to develop their terminology for use in a global distributed context. We are already partnering with providers of high-quality content such as learned societies and governmental organisations.

We would be very grateful for feedback, especially on the proposed use of XLink for adding structure and, of course any bugs. We have validated the example VHG with DXP and displayed it with JUMBO2. An add-on module (JUMBO-VHG) is under development (to determine entailment, perform Virtual Hypermarkup, etc.)

We thank Sue Ellen Wright (Kent State University) and other terminological friends for much help during the development of the VHG.

- Lesley West and Peter Murray-Rust

BTW. In creating the documentation for the DTD I have had tried to create a 'literate' approach - fairly horrendous using HTML. AS soon as we get XSchema going I shall convert the DTD :-)

Peter Murray-Rust, Director Virtual School of Molecular Sciences, domestic
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Virtual Hyperglossary

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