ELEMENT title WHEN PARENT IS chapter {...actions...} FIND (BLANK*"#"ANY-TEXT+"%n" = comment) OUTPUT "%x"(comment),
the first one recognizes the elements title, when they are inside chapter elements and the second two lines output commentss of a AWK program. There is also Exoterica's SGML parser included.
<!ELEMENT db -- (record+)> <!ELEMENT record -- (field+)> <!ELEMENT field -- (TEXTtype | OTHERtype)+> <!ELEMENT TEXTtype -- (para*)> <!ELEMENT para -- (sentence*)> <!ELEMENT OTHERtype -- (subfield | PHRASEtype | NUMBERtype | INTEGERtype | DATEtype | TIMEtype | STRINGtype)*> <!ELEMENT subfield -- (PHRASEtype | NUMBERtype | INTEGERtype | DATEtype | TIMEtype | STRINGtype)>
Output formats are defined by boxes (TEX's box and glue
model). A box has a location and a size. Strings separating different
fields can be defined, and text can also be generated.
rights for users or user groups can be defined. The system can be used
directly for keying in data, maintaining of data, and querying about