[Archive copy mirrored from the URL: http://www.stg.brown.edu/webs/tei10/schedule.html; see this canonical version of the document.]
Text Encoding Initiative
Tenth Anniversary User Conference |
Directions to the
CIT building
Conference Overview and Schedule
Technical Program
Friday, November 14 -- Afternoon
Registration will take place before and during lunch on Friday in CIT 241.
12-1 |
Board Room, CIT |
1-2:30 pm |
Opening Remarks Keynote |
CIT 143 |
2:30-3 pm |
Coffee and Refreshments |
Board Room, CIT |
3-5 pm |
Paper Session 1 |
CIT 165 |
6-8 pm |
Opening Reception |
John Hay Library |
The opening reception on Friday night will be hosted by the Brown University
Library at the John Hay Library.
John Hay Library houses most of the University's rare books,
manuscripts, special collections and archives.
Saturday, November 15 -- Morning
8-9 am |
Breakfast |
Board Room, CIT |
9-10:30 am |
Paper Session 2 |
CIT 165 |
10:30-11 |
Coffee and Refreshments |
Board Room, CIT |
11-12:30 |
Paper Session 3 |
CIT 165 |
12:30-2 |
Lunch |
Faculty Club |
Saturday, November 15 -- Afternoon
2-3:30 pm |
Paper Session 4 |
CIT 165 |
3:30-4 |
Coffee and Refreshments |
Board Room, CIT |
4-5:30 |
Paper Session 5 |
CIT 165 |
2:00-6:00 |
Software and Project Demos |
CIT 267 & 269 |
6:00-8:00 |
TEI Open Meeting: The Future of the TEI |
CIT 227 |
Dinner on your own |
There will be a room with computers in it available so that participants
may share their work and show off their projects.
Sunday, November 16 -- Morning
Opening Keynote (Friday, 1-2:30 PM)
Looking Back
Thirty Years and Forward Three: Critical
Themes in the Development of the Electronic Book
Andy van Dam, Brown University
Back to the schedule table
Session 1 (Friday, 3-5 PM)
Syd Bauman and Terry Catapano (Brown University, Rutgers College)
TEI and the Encoding of the Physical Structure of Books
David A. Smith (Tufts University)
Textual Variation and Version Control in the TEI
Gary Simons (Summer Institute of Linguistics)
Using architectural forms to map TEI data into an object-oriented
Nancy Ide, Tim McGraw and Chris Welty (Vassar College)
Representing TEI Documents in the CLASSIC Knowledge Representation
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Session 2 (Saturday, 9-10:30 AM)
Alan Morrison and Jakob Fix (Oxford University)
Delivering Electronic Texts Over the Web -- The Experiences and
Practices of the Oxford Text Archive
Janet Erickson (University of Michigan)
An SGML/HTML Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Library
LeeEllen Friedland (Library of Congress)
Do Digital Libraries Need the TEI? A View From the Trenches
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Session 3 (Saturday, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM)
Brad Eden (North Harris Montgomery Community College District)
Metadata, TEI, and the Academic Library Community: An Update
Michael Popham and Lou Burnard (Oxford University)
Putting our headers together
Daniel Greenstein (Kings College, London)
The TEI Header - a Metadata Package?
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Session 4 (Saturday, 2-3:30 PM)
Philip Resnik, Mari Broman Olsen, Mona Diab (University of Maryland)
Creating a Parallel Corpus from the Book of 2000 Tongues
Dominique Estival and Nick Nicholas (The University of Melbourne)
TEI Encoding and Syntacting Tagging of an Old French text
Richard Gartner and Lou Burnard (Oxford University)
A TEI extension for the description of medieval manuscripts
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Session 5 (Saturday, 4-5:30 PM)
Syd Bauman (Brown University)
Keying names: The WWP Approach
David J. Birnbaum and Mavis Cournane (University of Pittsburgh,
University College Cork)
Using the TEI Writing System Declaration
Steven DeRose (INSO Corporation)
The Relation Between TEI and XML
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Session 6a (Sunday, 9-10:30 AM)
David Chesnutt (University of South Carolina)
The Text Encoding Initiative and the Model Editions Partnership
Nicholas Finke (Center for Electronic Text in the Law)
TEI Extensions for Legal Text
John Lavagnino (Brown University)
What Not to Tag
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Session 6b (Sunday, 9-10:30 AM)
Derek Walker (Queens University)
Taking Snapshots of the Web with a TEI Camera
Laurent Romary (CRIN-CNRS & INRIA Lorraine)
Silfide: A System for Open Access and Distributed Delivery of TEI
Encoded Documents
Erik van den Hout (Groningen University)
Independent Links - A Maintenance Advantage?
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Closing Keynote (Sunday, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM)
XML Ubiquity and the Scholarly Community
Jon Bosak, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Chair, W3C XML Work Group
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URL: www.stg.brown.edu/webs/tei10/schedule.html
Last Modified: Thursday, 16-Oct-97 14:29:27 EDT
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