syntext DTD Quick Reference


Adjective; head of ADJP and ADJPP


Adjective phrase; includes prepositional and clausal complements


Adjective double bar; takes degree words and comparative markers as SPEC


Adverb; head of ADVP and ADVPP


Adverbial phrase; includes intensifier and clausal complement


Adverb double bar; takes a modifier as SPEC; may have clausal "head"


Article; definite, indefinite, demonstrative


The "head" of CP, CPP; leftmost slot in CP, landing site for Subj/Aux Inversion


Coordinating conjunction; joins XPP(double bar) phrases


C phrase; contains the INFL double bar IPP


C double bar; contains leftmost SPEC node, site for Wh-pronouns and subord. conjs.


The specifier of ADJPP


The determiner, which includes articles, quantifiers, and possessives.


Expletive; term for "there" and "it" when empty place holders


A rhetorical figure: may be marked anywhere and is not a member of the element hierarchy


Header emulates half-heartedly the TEI header.


In case you need a headnote.


Or even two headnotes.


This is the infinitive marker "to"


This is Inflection, successor to AUX. The rules do not constrain the order of the forms you might select.


Intensifier--modifier of ADV


This is the first projection of INFL, INFL phrase.


INFL double bar, the Subject+Predicate joint in the sentence


The Modal auxiliary verb.


The Specifier for ADVPP; occupied by "not" in "not very nicely"


Noun; may be compound.


Here cluster adjectives premodifying the Head N, prepositional phrases with semantic roles set by the Head N, and postmodifying appositive clauses (the fact that ...). Conjoining of NPs is possible.


The N double bar, with DET functioning as the Specifier and with postmodifying PrepPhrases in essentially Adjunct relation (The supper at five o'clock); here also the Non-restrictive postmodifying clauses. Restrictive relative clauses, however, are repre sented as the CPP in [NPP [NPP ..head ..] [CPP] ] so that the highest NPP has the single referential index for the construction. By convention the inner NPP in this and in coordinated structures is assigned the same grammatical relation as that of the construction as a whole (it trickles down).


Paragraph; nothing tricky here.


Particle; appears either next to the verb or next to the direct object NPP.


The "be" form marking a passive sentence. The next verbal form to its right is inflected (usually suffixed) appropriately.


The "have" form of the perfect (aspect). The next verbal form to its right is inflected (usually suffixed) appropriately.


Prepositional phrase--the first projection of Prep. Syntext requires it to have a prepositional complement (or object: compp); hence it must allow two and three word strings under the node Verb (turn out, turn over, etc.)


The preposition double bar, with SPCFPP (prepositional phrase specifier) as its spec ("Just" in "just around the corner")


Preposition; the head of PP and PPP.


Pronoun, basically a pro-NPP, since the personal pronoun prototype takes neither Determiner nor other NP modification, but some indefinite pronouns do take determiners and must be NP constituents, not NPP.


PRO is a abstract element, Chomsky's ungoverned anaphor. It is given an ANA attribute with an index equal to its controlling NPP (when controlled); when arbitrary in reference (aka "someone/thing") it should be assigned an arbitrary ID index.


The "be" form of progressive aspect. The next verbal form to its right is inflected (suffixed with -ing).


Quantifier: the place for expressions of number and amount


The place to record the exact citation info about the passage of text marked up. A TEI gesture.


The Spec of PPP, the Prep double bar. Filled by "almost" in "almost out the door."


The Spec of C double bar; the leftmost, highest node in a CPP; landing site for WH- and other fronted elements. Descends from "Comp" in older Generative Grammar.


The text type displayed by means of this DTD. It is exceedingly marked up paragraphs of prose.


TITLE says it all.


Tense--the only time this appears non-empty is with a form of "do"; otherwise it has attached to some other verbal and does not appear separately.


TRA is the trace "t" of GB theory, an abstract form , assumed to mark a site from which extraction of some element has occurred. It must be bound by the moved element, which relation Syntext again uses coreferent ANA.


The Verb, head of the VP and VPP.


The VP includes NPPs and PPPs with roles assigned by the Verb. The PPPs that occur here should be given the grammatical relation "prepcomp" --prepositional complement. Corresponds to much of "VP" in older sketches.


Maximal projection of V; like older style Predicate Phrase.


A wh- relative or interrogative pronoun. "That" is not a relative pronoun in Syntext.
syntext DTD