SPACE XML Vocabulary Mapping From: Limitation: display text only; see the canonical HTML document for links See: - "SPACE XML" Vocabulary Mapping Links will direct you to the corresponding controlled vocabulary. Italicized links will direct you to the first instance of the element which contains the vocabulary mapping. * Catalog + Resource o Urn o Url o DefaultVocabularyFor + TopicUse * Buy Purpose: PurposeType + ReferenceIdentification Type of reference: X12ReferTypes + ItemIdentification Type of acknowledgement: AckType Type of buy: X12FunctionTypes + Type of order: OrderType + DateReference Type of date: X12DateTypes + Company Type of company: X12EntityTypes o Name o ItemIdentification Type of company identification: X12EntityIDTypes o PostalAddress # CountryCode The value of the element should be from ISOCountry vocabulary. # PostalCode # Region # Municipality # DeliveryAddress @ AddressLine @ StreetName @ BuildingNumber @ Unit @ PostOfficeBox # Recipient @ PersonName - FormattedName = Name - GivenName - PreferredGivenName - MiddleName - FamilyName - Affix Type of affix - AffixType @ AdditionalText @ Organization o Email o Url o PhoneNumber CommunicationType - X12CommTypes # PhoneCountryCode # AreaOrCityCode # Number # Extension # Contact Contact Type - X12ContactTypes @ PersonName @ Name @ PostalAddress @ Email @ Url @ PhoneNumber o RelatedCompany Type of related company: CompanyReference + Security Type of security: SecurityType + Message + BuyDetails o Quantity o UnitPrice Type of price: PriceType # Currency Type of currency: ISOCurrency o ItemIdentification Type of identification: X12QualifyTypes o Measurements Type of measurements: MeasurementsType # Measurement Type of measurement: UnitType o ItemDescription Bleed: GCABleed Color: GCAColorType Furnish: GCAFurnish, NAAFurnish Position: GCAPositionType o Description o Position Type of Position: X12PositionType o Measurements o ServiceCharge Type of charge: ServiceType # ItemDescription Type of finance: FinanceType # Currency # Measurement # Description o Destination # ItemDescription Type of packaging: PackageType # Measurement o DateReference o ReferenceIdentification o Message o Company o Total # Currency o Total * MaterialHandling + ReferenceIdentification + DateReference + Company + Security + Message + MaterialHandlingDetails o ItemIdentification Type of identification: X12QualifyTypes o Message o ItemDescription Color: GCAColorType o Measurement o ReferenceIdentification o DateReference o File # ItemDescription Type of Material: GCAMaterial # Url # BinaryFile * Invoice (will be implemented in a later version) * Payment (will be implemented in a later version) Notes: If an element contains a 'lang' attribute the value for the language should correspond to the values in the ISOLanguage. From:" 2001-2002 IDEAlliance, Inc. All Right Reserved. is maintained by Intersect Technologies, Inc. For help click here.