SPACEXML Schema From: Limitation: display text, no links; see canonical URL for details See: - "SPACE XML" SPACE XML Schema AdditionalText May contain other recipient routing information in addition to organization and person name, such as mailstop. _____________________________________________________________ AddressLine Contains one formatted address line with all its pieces in the proper place. This includes all of the necessary punctuation. The de-normalized form of the delivery address cannot be easily parsed. May contain the name or number of the building, house and/or street. Examples may include: -Hancock Building -5223 Oak Street -213 -East 23rd Avenue -P.O. Box 241 -Suite 200 _____________________________________________________________ Affix Contains the remaining parts of the PersonName as defined by the FormalName and Scheme attributes. Children _____________________________________________________________ AreaOrCityCode The areacode or city code within a CountryCode. _____________________________________________________________ BinaryFile To attach the actual binary file. Children _____________________________________________________________ BuildingNumber This element is defined as a string to handle 'numbers' such as 7A or 15/III. The term 'BuildingNumber' was also used instread of HouseNumber so all types of buildings could apply (house, building, warehouse, tower, etc.). This may be used for verification, building the address, or storing in a database. If the addrss is decomposed into StreetName, BuildingNumber and Unit, do not use AddressLine to duplicate that part of the address information. Example: -Hancock Building -5223 _____________________________________________________________ Buy Information regarding a buy for advertising space. Usage: I - Information P - Production Data T - Test Data Revision 0 indicates an original The ControlledVocabulary at this level should be used to specify the type of buy, such as an Insertion Order or Space Reservation. Use the child Item Description elements to indicate purpose, type and acknowledgement requirements. Children * ReferenceIdentification - optional * ItemIdentification * DateReference * Company - optional * BuyDetails * Total - optional _____________________________________________________________ BuyDetails Information regarding the details of a buy for advertising. Children * Quantity - optional * UnitPrice - optional * ItemIdentification - optional * Measurements - optional * ServiceCharge - optional * Destination - optional * DateReference - optional * Company - optional * Total - optional _____________________________________________________________ Catalog A container for Resource and TopicUse elements. Resource elements map URNs to URLs and indicate default vocabularies which apply to the formal names of certain elements within the subtree that begins with the immediate parent of the Catalog element. TopicUse elements indicate where in the spaceXML document certain Topics are used. The optional Href attribute provides a pointer to a Catalog element elsewhere in this or another document. Its value consists of a # character followed by the value of the Duid attribute of the referenced Catalog element and preceded, if the referenced Catalog is not in the current document, by an http URL or a spaceXML URN identifying the document element in which the Catalog appears. If the Href attribute is present on a Catalog element, then that element should be empty. If it contains subelements, the spaceXML system may signal an error. Children * Resource - optional * TopicUse - optional _____________________________________________________________ Comment A natural-language description of, or statement about, the current element. The optional TranslationOf attribute is a pointer to another Comment element, of which this one is a direct translation. Children _____________________________________________________________ Company To identify a party by type of organization, name and code. Use this and the related identification segments to identify parties in the transaction for the specific advertisement, rather than the transaction as a whole. Children * Name * ItemIdentification - optional * PostalAddress - optional * Email - optional * Url - optional * PhoneNumber - optional * Contact - optional * RelatedCompany - optional _____________________________________________________________ Contact To identify a person of office to whom administrative communications should be directed. The equivalent of the EDI line PER. Children * PostalAddress - optional * Email - optional * Url - optional * PhoneNumber - optional _____________________________________________________________ CountryCode Represents the country, a code is used in place of a free-form text name. _____________________________________________________________ Currency To specify a monetary amount using a Controlled Vocabulary to specify the currency. Children _____________________________________________________________ DateReference To specify pertinent dates and times through a Controlled Vocabulary. Children _____________________________________________________________ DefaultVocabularyFor An indication that the parent Resource provides the default vocabulary that determines the meanings and permitted values of the data occurring in a particular part of a spaceXML document subtree. The Context attribute is an XPath pattern identifying the data to which the default vocabulary applies. If the XPath pattern is one that matches elements, then it is the value of the FormalName attribute of that element that is designated. If the XPath pattern is one that matches attributes, then it is the value of that attribute itself that is designated. The optional Scheme attribute identifies the relevant naming scheme if the Resource contains more than one naming scheme. If the Resource is a spaceXML TopicSet, then the meaning of the data identified by the Context is provided by the Topic whose FormalName subelement matches that data. If the Resource is not a spaceXML TopicSet, then the way in which it is interpreted in order to provide a meaning for the data is not defined by spaceXML but by the authority that governs whatever format the Resource uses. Children _____________________________________________________________ DeliveryAddress Root element for delivery address lines. Children * AddressLine - optional * StreetName - optional * BuildingNumber - optional * Unit - optional * PostOfficeBox - optional _____________________________________________________________ Description Information describing the content of a component. Children _____________________________________________________________ Destination To specify destination and quantity detail. Children * ItemDescription * Measurement _____________________________________________________________ Email Electronic mail address _____________________________________________________________ Extension An extension within relative to the Number element. This element has no meaning without an associated Number element. _____________________________________________________________ FamilyName Contains the non-chosen or inherited name. Also known as a person's last name in the Westen context. Children _____________________________________________________________ File ItemDescription is used to describe the files type, creating application and compression algorithm. Children * ItemDescription - optional _____________________________________________________________ FormalName An indication of the format of a ContentItem. The value of the FormalName attribute is a formal name for the Format. Its meaning and permitted values are determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the formalname ENTITY declaration above. Children _____________________________________________________________ FormattedName Contains, in one string, a fully formatted name with all of its pieces in their proper place. This includes all of the necessary punctuation. This de-normalized form of the name cannot be easily parsed. Children * Name _____________________________________________________________ GivenName Contains the fiven or chosen name. Also known as a person's first name. If multiple GivenNames are used, the order is implied. _____________________________________________________________ Invoice To be added at a later date. The invoice will be used to transfer final costs of a buy for payment. Children _____________________________________________________________ ItemDescription To describe a product or process in coded or free-form format through a Controlled Vocabulary. Children _____________________________________________________________ ItemIdentification To specify basic item identification data identified through a Controlled Vocabulary. Children _____________________________________________________________ MaterialHandling Used to identify advertising digital materials and may be used to embed digital files into a transaction for exchange via telecommunications. Cross-references materials to insertion orders. Children * ReferenceIdentification - optional * DateReference * Company - optional * MaterialHandlingDetails _____________________________________________________________ MaterialHandlingDetails Used to identify details of advertising digital materials. Children * File - optional _____________________________________________________________ Measurement To specify a measurement indicated by a Controlled Vocaulbary Children _____________________________________________________________ Measurements To specify a series of measurements including dimensions, tolerances, variances and weights. Children * Measurement _____________________________________________________________ Message A free-form text message. _____________________________________________________________ MiddleName Contains a person's middle name or initial. _____________________________________________________________ Municipality Represents the city, town, village, or hamlet. _____________________________________________________________ Name To identify the name of an entity. _____________________________________________________________ Number The local number part of a telephone number. _____________________________________________________________ Organization Contains the organziation name of the recipient. _____________________________________________________________ Payment To be added at a later date. The purpose of the Payment section will be to transmit information to allow for a transfer of funds. Children _____________________________________________________________ PersonName Element used to identify the Person element as a PersonName. Children * FormattedName - optional * GivenName - optional * PreferredGivenName - optional * MiddleName - optional * FamilyName - optional * Affix - optional _____________________________________________________________ PhoneCountryCode International ITU dial code for the country code in question. _____________________________________________________________ PhoneNumber PhoneNumber represents telephone numbers. Children * PhoneCountryCode - optional * AreaOrCityCode - optional * Number * Extension - optional _____________________________________________________________ Position Used by the ItemDescription to indicate stacking instructions through a Controlled Vocabulary. Children _____________________________________________________________ PostalAddress Describes a postal address used for the delivery of mail. Children * CountryCode * PostalCode - optional * Region - optional * Municipality - optional * DeliveryAddress - optional * Recipient - optional _____________________________________________________________ PostalCode Determines how mail is sorted and delivered. _____________________________________________________________ PostOfficeBox Contains the Post Office Box. This may be used for verification, building the address, or storing in a database. Example: -P.O. Box 241 _____________________________________________________________ PreferredGivenName Contains the chosen name by which the person prefers to be addressed. Note: This may be a name other than a given name, such as a nickname. _____________________________________________________________ Property The property has a name and either a simple Value or a complex value consisting of a set of further properties. Value ===== A string representation of the value of a Property. ValueRef ======== A pointer to the value of the Property. This might be a Topic in a TopicSet, or any other piece of data. If both Value and ValueRef are provided, then ValueRef identifies the actual value of the property, with Value simply providing a string representation or mnemonic for it. AllowedValues ============= The AllowedValues attribute, if present, is a pointer to a controlled vocabulary that delimits the set of allowed values for the property. This may be an http URL, or a spaceXML URN, or a fragment identifier consisting of a # charactger followed by the Duid of an element in the current document. The pointer must reference either a Resource element that designates an external controlled vocabulary, or a TopicSet element, that is itself the controlled vocabulary. Children * Property - optional _____________________________________________________________ Quantity To specify a quantity order by measurement. The measurement should be indicated through a Controlled Vocabulary attribute set. Children _____________________________________________________________ Recipient Contains information about the recipient. This may include a person's name, an organization and/or additional information. Children * PersonName - optional * AdditionalText - optional * Organization - optional _____________________________________________________________ ReferenceIdentification To specify identifying information. Children _____________________________________________________________ Region Represents the state, provide and/or county. _____________________________________________________________ RelatedCompany To identify related companies such as subsidiaries, parent or doing business as. The Controlled Vocabularies should be used to specify the relationship between the two companies. Children _____________________________________________________________ Resource An indication where a given resource can be found, and whether it is to be used as the default vocabulary for certain formal names within the current subtree of a spaceXML document. The Urn attribute provides a spaceXML URN for the resource. THe Url attribute(s) provide(s) a location or locations where the resource may be found. The DefaultVocabularyFor element contains an XPath pattern. The identified resource acts as default vocabulary for any element within the subtree whose root is the parent of the current Catalog, that matches this XPath pattern. Children * Urn - optional * Url - optional * DefaultVocabularyFor - optional _____________________________________________________________ Security To specify security parameters through Controlled Vocabularies. Children _____________________________________________________________ ServiceCharge To request or identify a service, promotion, allowance or charge; to specify the amount of percentage for the service, promotion, allowance or charge. The percent and rate discounts are specified in the measurement element. A Controlled Vocabulary is used to identify the type of charge. Children * ItemDescription - optional * Currency * Measurement * Description - optional _____________________________________________________________ spaceXML The root element used to build a spaceXML transaction. Children * Catalog - optional * Buy - optional * MaterialHandling - optional * Invoice - optional * Payment - optional _____________________________________________________________ StreetName Contains the street name or number. This may be used for verifcation, building the address, or storing in a database. If the address is decomposed into StreetName, BuildingNumber and Unit, do not use AddressLine to duplicate that part of the address information. _____________________________________________________________ Topic This element provides information about a thing (Topic) named by a formal name or occurring in a spaceXML element. A Topic must have one or more TopicType subelements, which state what type of Topic it is. The optional Details attribute provides a pointer, in the form of a URL or URN, to additional information about the Topic. Children * Comment - optional * Catalog - optional * TopicType * FormalName - optional * Description - optional * Property - optional _____________________________________________________________ TopicSet A container for Topics. The value of the FormalName attribute is a formal name for the TopicSet. Its meaning and permitted values are determined by a controlled vocabulary as described in the comment to the formalname ENTITY declaration above. Children * Comment - optional * Catalog - optional * TopicSetRef - optional * Topic - optional _____________________________________________________________ TopicSetRef A pointer to a TopicSet that is to be merged with the current one. The TopicSet attribute is a pointer to the relevant TopicSet. Its value can be a http URL, or a spaceXML URN as described in the comment to PublicIdentifier, or a fragment identifier consisting of a # character followed by the Duid of a TopicSet in the current document. The presence of a TopicSetRef child in a TopicSet has the effect that all the Topics in the referenced TopicSet are included by reference within the current TopicSet. When this merging results in there exising two FormalName grandchildren of the same TopicSet that have the same content and the same Scheme attribute value, then the Topics whose children are in fact the same topic, and are deemed to be merged. The merging of Topics need not be performed physically by the system, but the meaning of the data is exactly the same as if the merging were actually performed. Merging two Topcis consists of creating a single Topic that contains all the children of both, and eliminating duplicates. Children * Comment - optional _____________________________________________________________ TopicType An indication of where a particular Topic is used in a spaceXML document. The value of the Topic attribute must consist of a # character followed by the value of the Duid of a Topic in the current document. The value of the Context attribute is an XPath pattern indicating the context where the referenced topic is used within the subtree to which the current Catalog applies. If the Context attribute is not present, the TopicUse element simply states that this topic is present somewhere in the subtree. Children _____________________________________________________________ TopicUse An indication of where a particular Topic is used in a spaceXML document. The value of the Topic attribute must consist of a # character followed by the value of the Duid of a Topic in the current document. The value of the Context attribute is an XPath pattern indicating the context where the referenced topic is used within the subtree to which the current Catalog applies. If the Context attribute is not present, the TopicUse element simply states that this topic is present somewhere in the subtree. Children _____________________________________________________________ Total To specify a total monetary amount based on a number of lineitems. Children * Currency _____________________________________________________________ Unit Contains the Apartment, Suite, Unit, Room, Floor, Trailer, Level, Hander, etc. This may be used for verification, building the address, or storing in a database. If the address is decomposed into StreetName, BuildingNumber and Unit, do not use AddressLine to duplicate that part of the address information. Examples: -Apt. 123 -Ste. 300 -Upper -Hanger A _____________________________________________________________ UnitPrice To specify a unit price. The unit is specified by a Controlled Vocabulary attribute set. Children * Currency _____________________________________________________________ Url A URL that can be used to locate a Resource. _____________________________________________________________ Urn A URN that provides a global identifier for a resource. This will typically (but not necessarily) be a spaceXML URN as described in the comment to PublicIdentifier. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IDEAlliance (c) 2001-2002 IDEAlliance, Inc. All Right Reserved. is maintained by Intersect Technologies, Inc.