sgrep-1.71a - search and index SGML, XML and HTML files

From Fri Aug 28 09:15:23 1998
Date:     Fri, 28 Aug 1998 17:02:34 +0300 (EET DST)
From:     Jani Jaakkola <jjaakkol@cs.Helsinki.FI>
Subject:  ANNOUNCE: sgrep-1.71a - search and index SGML, XML and HTML files

This announcement has been posted to comp.text.sgml and comp.text.xml as well. I'm also forwarding this to xml-dev, since sgrep is nowadays XML-aware tool and still in development. I'd very much like to hear comments about sgrep's new XML-query and indexing features.

Announcement follows:

I have made available binary versions of sgrep-1.71a for both Win32 and i386-Linux.

Sgrep is a tool to search and index text, SGML, XML and HTML files using structured patterns.

Sgrep-1.71a should be considered as a prerelease of Sgrep-2, which is still under development. This means that:


Major new features since sgrep-1.0 which are already present:

Features which will be present in sgrep-2.0:

Features which might be present in sgrep-2.0:

For more information about sgrep:

For complete description of new features:

For downloading sgrep:

Sgrep was made by:

Jani Jaakkola
Pekka Kilpeläinen .


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