SGML: SGML Finland '96
Subject: SGML Finland'96
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 09:24:02 +0200
From: Kimmo Elovainio <>
The enclosed information is also available on the Web at (postscript file).
SGML User Group Finland
Kimmo Elovainio
SGML User Group Finland
SGML Finland'96 - Call for Papers
Deadline 20 June 1996
What is SGML?
SGML is defined as the ISO 8879 standard "Information
Processing -- Text and Office Systems -- Standard Generalized
Markup Language (SGML)". The standard was released in 1986.
SGML is a system-independent metalanguage. SGML can be used
to describe and create documents that are not dependent on
any hardware, software, formatter, or operating system. The
SGML data can be produced, used and distributed independently
between different systems and applications that conform to
this standard.
As a descriptive coding language, SGML separates the logical
structure of the document from its presentation. This is
implied in a document type definition (DTD) which describes
the data representation components, such as the elements and
their relationships.
What is SGML Finland'96?
The SGML User Group Finland invites users and developers of
SGML to give a presentation at its first SGML seminar, SGML
Finland'96. Presentations may focus on management, business,
application, advanced or introductory issues. The other, not
so closely SGML-related issues such as WWW, HTML or Java, are
also welcome. Presentations will be categorized according to
the topic. The SGML Finland'96 serves as a meeting point to
share information, and ideas with people who have implemented
SGML for a longer period of time, who are planning to use
SGML, or develope tools for SGML.
The papers may cover, however not limited to, any of the
following topics:
- publishing in SGML/HTML
- conversions to/from SGML
- producing SGML documents
- managing SGML material
- SGML on the WWW
- SGML/HTML techniques
- HyTime - the standard for hypermedia
- World-Wide Web
- applications
- case studies
- SGML/HTML tools
In other words, any interesting topics could be offered
during the Call for Papers phase. All the accepted papers
will be published in the seminar proceedings.
If you are interested to give a paper at the SGML Finland'96,
please submit the following information:
- title of paper
- name of author(s) and contact information, including fax
and email addresses, if available
- the author's biography (approx 50 words)
Submit also the following:
- an abstract of the paper (approx 100 words)
- time of presentation
- any other requirements concerning the presentation
Deadline 20 June 1996
To be a part of the SGML Finland'96 faculty, contact:
Kimmo Elovainio
Chairman of SGML User Group Finland
Very Preliminary Schedule
The SGML Finland'96 will take place during 4 - 5 October
1996 in the Helsinki area, Finland.
Schedule of the two day seminar:
Day 1
08.30 Registration
10.00 Seminar opening
10.15 Morning sessions
12.00 Luncheon and Exhibition
14.00 Afternoon sessions
15.00 Break
15.15 Afternoon sessions continue
17.00 - 19.00 Exhibition
Day 2
09.00 Morning sessions
10.30 Break
10.45 Morning sessions continue
12.00 Luncheon
13.30 Afternoon sessions
15.00 Seminar adjourns
Call for Exhibitors
Software vendors and developers are invited to exhibit their
tools and applications at the SGML Finland'96. If you are
interested to participate as an exhibitor, please contact:
Risto Koivula
For the latest updates and information, please see the SGML
User Group Finland homepage on the Web at:
Pre-registration information
The registration fees include all seminar materials,
luncheons, receptions and software gallery. The registration
fees do not include hotel accommodations. All accommodation
reservations are the responsibility of the attendee.
Hotel accommodations
Information will be provided at later time.
Registration Fees
SGML User Group Finland member FIM 1200 ___
Non-member FIM 1600 ___
Student FIM 600 ___
Name ____________________________________
Title ____________________________________
Organization ____________________________________
Address ____________________________________
City _____________ Post code __________
Country _____________
Telephone _____________
Fax _____________
E-mail _____________
Payment Information
All registration fees must be paid at time of registration to
the following account:
Postipankki 800018-70446623
Please, refer to SGML Finland'96.
For international monetary transfer
Bank: Postipankki Oy
Pasilan asema, Helsinki, FINLAND
Account: 800018-70446623
SGML User Group Finland
Please return form to:
Arne Larsson
Teknolingva Oy
Puustellinrinne 3 D 30
FIN-00410 Helsinki
Phone: +358 0 566 69 06
Fax: +358 0 566 69 06
SGML User Group Finland