Subject: Series of Releases on SGML '96
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 1996 15:34:20 -0400
Newsgroup: comp.text.sgml
To Users of SGML: The following press release is being posted (10/7/96) in the interest of reaching the largest number of interested persons who may wish to attend GCA's SGML '96 Conference, November 18 - 21, 1996 in Boston. For more conference agenda and registration details, visit Thank you for sharing this information with your colleagues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE: October 7, 1996 FOR RELEASE: IMMEDIATE GCA'S SGML '96 BOSTON CONFERENCE TO HIGHLIGHT SUCCESSFUL PRODUCTS FOR DISABLED, SGML FOR MEDICAL RECORDS, AND NEED FOR SGML WEB BROWSERS (Alexandria, VA) -- Successful SGML products for the physically challenged, SGML standards for marking up patient medical records, and the quest for SGML-compatible Web browsers are among the many issues to be addressed at this year's SGML '96 Conference, November 18 - 21, 1996 in Boston. Conducted by the nonprofit Graphic Communications Association (GCA), this year's meeting will celebrate the 10th anniversary of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) becoming an international standard (ISO 8879). The conference will be held at the Sheraton Boston Hotel and Towers and the Hynes Convention Center. Tuesday afternoon will include demonstrations of successful products that can be used by people with print disabilities to access publications, a discussion of major problems in software design that deny access, and identification of resources to assist developers in creating accessible products in the future. Speakers will include Murray Maloney, SoftQuad; George Kerscher, Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic; Michael Paciello, Webable! Solutions; and Jutta Trevranus of the Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of Toronto. Health Care Markup Language (HCML), a new initiative for SGML in the health care industry, will be introduced on Tuesday afternoon by Liora Alschuler, The Word Electric; Daniel Essin, Los Angeles County Hospital and the University of Southern California Medical Center; Dr. Thomas Lincoln, University of Southern California and Rand Corporation; and Dr. John Spinosa, Scripps. The HCML concept is based on the premise that SGML-encoded patient medical records can be easily captured and placed into a manageable format for high-quality, cost-effective medical services. The W3C SGML Working Group will report on the status of XML, eXtensible Markup Language, on Tuesday morning. XML, which is an outgrowth of an activity of the World Wide Web Consortium, is a subset of SGML designed to be Web-friendly. Deborah H. Lapeyre, Mulberry Technologies and conference co-chair, says "The W3C's overall goal is to enable Web browsers to receive and process generic SGML in the same fashion as HTML. Ultimately, we hope the dominant vendors of Web browsers will make SGML Web browsers available." The four day event is designed to accommodate three levels of interest: newcomers to SGML, users, and experts. Before the conference opens, there will be twelve tutorials on Sunday, November 17. The Exposition -- held on November 19 - 20 and managed by the Graphic Communications Research Institute (GCARI) -- will showcase over 40 vendors of SGML-aware products and services. Recent additions to the exhibitor list include AIS, Active Systems, RJO, Euro Script, Infrastructures for Information, Inc., HEBCO, and Webcom Communications Corporation. Attendees may register by contacting the GCA offices, 100 Daingerfield Road, Alexandria, VA 22314-2888, 703-519-8167. For more conference information, call Julie Morrison at 703-519-8174, or via e-mail at: Exhibitors may call Chris Ziener at 703-519-8154 or via e-mail at: GCA is the leading worldwide, nonprofit association that represents over 300 companies involved in electronic information management and various forms of publishing and distribution. (End of Press Release) CONTACT Don Thieme, 703-519-8190 Visit: NOTE: The SGML'96 Conference brochure can be located on GCA's Web site at: