Conference announcement for SGML Europe '95

Conference announcement for SGML Europe '95

Article: 8424 of comp.text.sgml
Newsgroups: comp.text.sgml
Date: 03 Apr 1995 11:20:50 UT
Message-ID: <0098E53D70A2C160.20400143@dpsl.UUCP>
From: Pam Gennusa <>
Subject: Conference announcement for SGML Europe '95

			SGML Europe '95

			16-19th May 1995
			The Kongresshaus
			Gmunden, Austria

  This year, SGML Europe '95, the 13th annual comprehensive conference on SGML 
sponsored by the GCA, focuses on the different approaches available to 
implementors and users. SGML Europe '95 will be a forum for various points of 
view. Sessions include:

  OPENING KEYNOTE PANEL -- keynote addresses include: 
	- The practice of SGML: art or science? -- Yuri Rubinsky, SoftQuad Inc.
	- Technical Keynote -- Charles Goldfarb, Information Management 
	- The Internet and SGML-- Robert Cailliau, CERN
	- Six Years On -- Koen Mulder, Gouda Quint

  POINT/COUNTERPOINT SESSIONS: four sessions will be devoted to 
exploring two sides of topical SGML implementation issues:

	- Do we tell them they are authoring SGML documents?
	- Using object-oriented databases vs. relational databases for 
	  	SGML systems
	- Phased and confused: approaches to SGML projects
	- Publishing on the Web: SGML or HTML

  WORKSHOPS: continuing on from the success of the Workshops held at 
SGML Europe '94, workshop sessions will take place both Wednesday and Thursday 
afternoons. There will be a variety of workshops to choose from each day. The 
workshop format will include brief presentation followed by ample time for 
discussion. Workshops topics include:

	- Building and selling the business case for SGML
	* Options for style sheet interchange
	* SGML, OpenDoc and OLE 2.0: a technical point of view
	- Hytime and its aplications: principal concepts and techniques
	- Integrating SGML databases
	- Introducting your authors to SGML: managing change and maximizing 
	- Is SGML ready for the mainstream (and is the mainstream ready for 
	* Minimal HyTime subset to support interchange
	- Multilingual SGML
	- SGML and document management
	- Documenting DTDs
	- Publishing on the Web: SGML or HTML

  SGML Open has organized an "advanced technical workshop" track. Several of 
the workshops scheduled during the workshop time slots will be part of this 
track (annotated with an "*" above). While these workshops are not officially 
SGML Open committee meetings | and they are open to all conference attendees 
with an interest in in-depth discussions of technical issues | they plan to 
run these workshops in much the same manner as SGML Open technical committee 

  INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVES: the closing plenary places the debates 
engaged in at SGML Europe '95 into a larger context. Industries/special
interest groups represented include:

	- semiconductor 
	- pharmaceutical 
	- telecommunications
	- commercial aerospace
	- sight impaired
	- automotive
	- defence

  AND MORE -- There will also be sessions on:

	- Business goals and user requirements for SGML systems
	- A survey of HyTime applications
	- The A B Cs of DSSSL

  EXHIBITIONS: tools and services are the building blocks used to 
create SGML implementation; the exhibitors' gallery applies practice to 
theory. The exhibition area will be open Wednesday and Thursday. Lunches and 
breaks will be held in the exhibit area giving participants ample opportunity 
to see each of the demonstrations.

chapter, and SIG members meet on Tuesday, 16th May, 16:30-18:00.

  SGML OPEN COMMITTEE MEETINGS: SGML Open, the consortium for 
providers of SGML products and services will hold a member meeting on Friday, 
19th May, 14:00-18:00. Technical and Marketiing Committees will meet on 
Monday, 15th May, 09:00-15:00.

  VENUE: SGML Europe '95 takes place at the Kongresshaus in Gmunden, 
Austria. Gmunden is accessible by train or automobile from Munich, Germany or 
Vienna, Austria International Airports as well as Salzburg Airport.

  REGISTRATION FEES: The registration fee includes: 5 nights 
accommodations in a four-star hotel; all meals for five days (breakfasts, 
lunches, receptions, dinners); conference materials; and exhibits.

	GCA Member		$1445
	Nonmember		$1690
	Qualifying User Groups	$1595
	Companion/ Spouse	$ 350

  All registration fees must be paid at time of registration. All fees in US 

  HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS: All hotel accommodations must be made through 
GCA. Please indicate accommodations desired, including arrival and departure 
dates. No reservations will be made without prepayment of registration fees.

  Hotel rooms will be assigned by the city of Gmunden. All hotels are four 
start and are equally charming and provide excellent service. Post-conference 
rates are available. The price for spouse/companion is $350 US and includes 
five nights accommodations, receptions, and dinners.


  In the US: 		Graphic Communications Association
			100 Daingerfield Road
			Alexandria, VA 22314, USA
			Phone: +1 703 519 8160
			Fax: +1 703 548 2867

  In Europe: 		Database Publishing Systems Ltd
			608 Delta Business Park
			Great Western Way
			Swindon, Wiltshire SN5 7XF, UK
			Phone: +44 1793 512 515
			Fax: +44 1793 512 516

  To register, contact the GCA in the US.
