<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

   This DTD has been developed in order to validate XSL FO documents 
   conformant to XSL WD of March 27, 2000. The namespace prefix is 

   This DTD also makes provision for few extensions to XSL WD, put 
   into a separate namespace: 


   Please e-mail your comments to Nikolai Grigoriev <grig@renderx.com>

   (c) EnRoot, 2000. 


<!-- *******************************************************************


1. As compared to the draft of 1999-04-21, the current one is hard
to validate by a DTD: attributes are now universally inheritable due
to the adoption of the 'inherit' value from CSS2; and even for the 
content model, presence of universal wrappers like fo:wrapper makes 
it impossible to trace a neat distinction between inline-level and 
block-level content. Therefore, this version of the DTD cannot reliably
detect inconsistencies in attribute sets: it works only for empty
inline elements and top-level elements (fo:layout-master-set and its

2. In order for the validation to work properly, you should first
clean out all the contents of fo:instream-graphics, as these may 
contain elements outside the FO namespace. It is expected that, prior
to validation, a filtering script should be run on the FO document. 


1. Content model for <fo:layout-master-set> is made more strict:
at least one fo:simple-page-master should be present.

2. In the WD, page and region-body margins may be expressed in terms
of space-*. This does not make any sense, as far as no stacked 
constraint may occur. For this reason, I have disabled spaces
in this context, leaving only plain old CSS margins.

3. Attributes of elements inside fo:layout-master-set may have a value 
of 'inherit'. However, I have disabled the occurrence of such attributes
on parent elements: inheriting them buys us little in terms of 
conciseness, but is error-prone in the initial phase.

4. Table-omit-{header|footer}-at-break is added a value of 'inherit',
to align it with the rest of table attributes. (If table-layout may have
it, why these two should not?)

5. Text-align has a closed list of values, neglecting the <string> value
type. The reason is practical: many stylesheet writers are used to write 
"centered" and "justified", whereas the correct values for this version 
of the draft are "center" and "justify"; catching this error in the DTD
turned out to be useful. Moreover, <string> values are poorly described 
in the draft (nothing but a reference to CSS2), and are unlikely to be 
implemented soon. (Ultimate reason: changing the attribute value back to 
CDATA is a matter of few seconds ;-)).

6. Three extension properties are added to enable functionality already
implemented in XEP engine but excluded from the draft:


  This is a property of a page-master. It controls the area from which
  the footnote area is subtracted in multicolumn layouts:

  "within-page" (default) places all footnotes in a single rectangular
  area subtracted from region-body, as specified in the draft;

  "within-column" creates a footnote area within the column area where
  the footnote anchor occurs;

  "within-last-column" creates a footnote area within the last column
  on the page where the footnote anchor occurs.


  This property controls glyph area height calculation strategy.

  "uniform" (default) sets a single height to all glyphs in the font,
   based on ascender/descender values for the entire font, as specified
   in the draft;

  "per-character" uses actual glyph height for every character.


   Specifies the number of lines affected by fo:initial-master-set;
   default is 1.

******************************************************************** -->

<!-- *************************************************************** -->
<!-- Entity definitions for groups of formatting objects             -->
<!-- *************************************************************** -->

<!ENTITY % basic-inlines "
  | fo:character
  | fo:external-graphic
  | fo:instream-foreign-object  
  | fo:inline
  | fo:inline-container
  | fo:leader
  | fo:page-number
  | fo:page-number-citation
  | fo:simple-link
  | fo:multi-toggle

<!ENTITY % basic-blocks "
  | fo:block-container
  | fo:table-and-caption
  | fo:table
  | fo:list-block

<!ENTITY % out-of-lines "
  | fo:float

<!ENTITY % wrappers "
  | fo:multi-properties
  | fo:wrapper 
  | fo:marker
  | fo:retrieve-marker

<!ENTITY % inlines " 
  | %basic-inlines; 
  | %out-of-lines; 
  | %wrappers;

<!ENTITY % blocks " 
  | %out-of-lines; 
  | %wrappers;

<!ENTITY % mixed-level " 
  | %basic-inlines; 
  | %basic-blocks; 
  | %out-of-lines; 
  | %wrappers;

<!-- *************************************************************** -->
<!-- Entity definitions for common groups of properties              -->
<!-- This grouping reflects properties cooccurrence, rather than     -->
<!-- property semantics. It does not correspond to grouping in the   -->
<!-- draft.                                                          -->
<!-- *************************************************************** -->

<!-- Accessibility Properties                                        -->
<!ENTITY % accessibility-properties "
  source-document  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Relative Position Properties                                    -->
<!-- 'position' shorthand property also makes part of this group     -->
<!ENTITY % relative-position-properties "
  relative-position  ( auto | static | relative | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  position  ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit)  #IMPLIED
  right  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  bottom  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Absolute or Relative Position Properties                       -->
<!-- There is no object that can be positioned only absolutely.     -->
<!-- Therefore, absolute and relative positioning properties are    -->
<!-- grouped together                                               -->
<!ENTITY % absolute-or-relative-position-properties "
  absolute-position  ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit )  #IMPLIED

<!-- Aural Properties                                                -->
<!-- 'cue' and 'pause' shorthand properties are also included        -->
<!ENTITY % aural-properties "
  azimuth  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  cue-after  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  cue-before  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  elevation  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  pause  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  pause-after  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  pause-before  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  pitch  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  pitch-range  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  play-during  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  richness  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  speak  ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  speak-header  ( once | always | inherit ) #IMPLIED
  speak-numeral  ( digits | continuous | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  speak-punctuation  ( code | none | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  speech-rate  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  stress  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  voice-family  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  volume  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Common Border, Padding, and Background Properties               -->
<!-- Relative shorthand properties are also included                 -->
<!ENTITY % border-padding-background-properties "
  background  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  background-attachment  ( scroll | fixed | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  background-color  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  background-image  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  background-position  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  background-position-vertical  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  background-position-horizontal  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  background-repeat  ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y 
                     | no-repeat | inherit ) #IMPLIED
  border  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-after-color  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-after-style  ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed 
                      | solid | double | groove | ridge 
                      | inset | outset | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  border-after-width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-after-width.length  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain)  #IMPLIED
  border-before-color  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-before-style  ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed 
                       | solid | double | groove | ridge 
                       | inset | outset | inherit )   #IMPLIED
  border-before-width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-before-width.length  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain)  #IMPLIED
  border-bottom  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-bottom-color  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-bottom-style  ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed 
                       | solid | double | groove | ridge 
                       | inset | outset | inherit )   #IMPLIED
  border-bottom-width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-color  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-end-color  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-end-style  ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed 
                    | solid | double | groove | ridge 
                    | inset | outset | inherit )   #IMPLIED
  border-end-width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-left  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-left-color  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-left-style  ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed 
                     | solid | double | groove | ridge 
                     | inset | outset | inherit )   #IMPLIED
  border-left-width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-right  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-right-color  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-right-style  ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed 
                      | solid | double | groove | ridge 
                      | inset | outset | inherit )   #IMPLIED
  border-right-width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-start-color  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-start-style  ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed 
                      | solid | double | groove | ridge 
                      | inset | outset | inherit )   #IMPLIED
  border-start-width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-style  ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed 
                | solid | double | groove | ridge 
                | inset | outset | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  border-top  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-top-color  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-top-style  ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed 
                    | solid | double | groove | ridge 
                    | inset | outset | inherit )   #IMPLIED
  border-top-width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  padding  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  padding-after  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  padding-after.length  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain)  #IMPLIED
  padding-before  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  padding-before.length  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain)  #IMPLIED
  padding-bottom  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  padding-end  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  padding-left  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  padding-right  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  padding-start  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  padding-top  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Box Size Properties                                             -->
<!ENTITY % box-size-properties "
  height  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  min-height  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  max-height  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  min-width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  max-width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  inline-progression-dimension  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  inline-progression-dimension.minimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  inline-progression-dimension.optimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  inline-progression-dimension.maximum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  block-progression-dimension  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  block-progression-dimension.minimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  block-progression-dimension.optimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  block-progression-dimension.maximum  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Common Area Properties                                          -->
<!ENTITY % area-properties "
  overflow  ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  display-align  ( auto | before | center | after | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  reference-orientation  ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 
                         | -90 | -180 | -270 | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  writing-mode  ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) #IMPLIED

<!-- Common Font Properties                                          -->
<!-- 'font' shorthand property is also included                      -->
<!-- [RenderX] 'rx:glyph-area-height' is added as an extension       -->
<!ENTITY % font-properties "
  font-family  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  font-size  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  font-size-adjust  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  font-stretch  (normal | wider | narrower 
               | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed
               | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded 
               | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit) #IMPLIED
  font-style  ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit)  #IMPLIED
  font-variant  ( normal | small-caps | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  font-weight  (normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit 
              | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900) #IMPLIED
  rx:glyph-area-height  ( per-character | uniform )  #IMPLIED

<!-- Common Hyphenation Properties - Inline                          -->
<!-- 'xml:lang' shorthand property is also included                  -->
<!ENTITY % hyphenation-properties-inline "
  country  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  language  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  script  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  xml:lang  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  hyphenate  ( false | true | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  hyphenation-character  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  hyphenation-push-character-count  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  hyphenation-remain-character-count  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Common Hyphenation Properties - Block                           -->

<!ENTITY % hyphenation-properties-block "
  hyphenation-keep  ( auto | column | page | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  hyphenation-ladder-count  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Common CSS Margin Properties                                    -->
<!-- 'margin' shorthand property is also included                    -->
<!ENTITY % margin-properties-CSS "
  margin  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  margin-bottom  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  margin-left  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  margin-right  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  margin-top  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Common Margin Properties - Block                                -->
<!ENTITY % margin-properties-block "
  space-after  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-after.minimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-after.optimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-after.maximum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-after.precedence  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-after.conditionality  ( retain | discard )  #IMPLIED
  space-before  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-before.minimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-before.optimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-before.maximum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-before.precedence  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-before.conditionality  ( retain | discard )  #IMPLIED
  start-indent  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  end-indent  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Common Margin Properties - Inline                               -->
<!ENTITY % margin-properties-inline "
  space-start  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-start.minimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-start.optimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-start.maximum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-start.precedence  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-start.conditionality  ( retain | discard )  #IMPLIED
  space-end  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-end.minimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-end.optimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-end.maximum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-end.precedence  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  space-end.conditionality  ( retain | discard )  #IMPLIED

<!-- Area Alignment Properties - inline                              -->
<!-- 'vertical-align' shorthand is added                             -->                          
<!ENTITY % area-alignment-properties-inline "
  alignment-adjust  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  baseline-identifier  ( baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge 
                       | middle | after-edge | text-after-edge 
                       | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging 
                       | mathematical | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  baseline-shift  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  dominant-baseline  ( auto | autosense-script | no-change 
                     | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic 
                     | hanging | mathematical | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  vertical-align  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Line Height Properties                                         -->

<!ENTITY % line-height-properties "
  line-height  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  line-height.minimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  line-height.optimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  line-height.maximum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  line-height.precedence  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  line-height.conditionality  ( retain | discard )  #IMPLIED
  line-height-shift-adjustment  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Line Related Properties                                         -->
<!-- <string> values are excluded from text-align                    -->

<!ENTITY % line-related-properties "
  text-align  ( start | center | end | justify 
              | inside | outside | left | right | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  text-align-last  ( relative | start | center | end | justify 
                   | inside | outside | left | right | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  text-indent  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  last-line-end-indent  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  line-stacking-strategy  ( line-height | font-height 
                          | max-height | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  linefeed-treatment  ( ignore | preserve 
                      | treat-as-space | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  space-treatment  ( ignore | preserve | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  white-space-collapse  ( false | true | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  wrap-option  ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  unicode-bidi  ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  direction  ( ltr | rtl | inherit )  #IMPLIED

<!-- Character Properties                                            -->

<!ENTITY % character-properties "
  letter-spacing  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  letter-spacing.minimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  letter-spacing.optimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  letter-spacing.maximum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  letter-spacing.precedence  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  letter-spacing.conditionality  ( retain | discard )  #IMPLIED
  word-spacing  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  word-spacing.minimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  word-spacing.optimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  word-spacing.maximum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  word-spacing.precedence  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  word-spacing.conditionality  ( retain | discard )  #IMPLIED
  treat-as-word-space  ( auto | yes | no | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  text-decoration  NMTOKENS  #IMPLIED
  score-spaces  ( true | false | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  text-shadow  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  text-transform  ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase 
                  | none | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  suppress-at-line-break  ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  font-height-override-before  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  font-height-override-after  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  glyph-orientation-horizontal  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  glyph-orientation-vertical  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Common Keeps and Breaks Properties - Atomic objects             -->
<!-- 'page-break-*' shorthand properties are also included           -->
<!ENTITY % keeps-and-breaks-properties-atomic "
  break-after  ( auto | column | page 
               | even-page | odd-page | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  break-before  ( auto | column | page 
                | even-page | odd-page | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  keep-with-next  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  keep-with-next.within-line  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  keep-with-next.within-column  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  keep-with-next.within-page  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  keep-with-previous  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  keep-with-previous.within-line  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  keep-with-previous.within-column  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  keep-with-previous.within-page  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  page-break-after  ( auto | always | avoid 
                    | left | right | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  page-break-before  ( auto | always | avoid 
                     | left | right | inherit )  #IMPLIED

<!-- Common Keeps and Breaks Properties - Inline                     -->
<!-- 'page-break-inside' shorthand property is also included         -->
<!ENTITY % keeps-and-breaks-properties-inline "
  keep-together  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  keep-together.within-line  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  keep-together.within-column  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  keep-together.within-page  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  page-break-inside  ( avoid | auto | inherit )  #IMPLIED

<!-- Common Keeps and Breaks Properties - Block                      -->
<!ENTITY % keeps-and-breaks-properties-block "
  orphans  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  widows  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Leader and Rule Properties                                      -->

<!ENTITY % leader-properties "
  leader-alignment  ( none | reference-area | page | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  leader-pattern  ( space | rule | dots 
                  | use-content | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  leader-pattern-width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  leader-length  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  leader-length.minimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  leader-length.optimum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  leader-length.maximum  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  rule-style  ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double 
              | groove | ridge | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  rule-thickness  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Table Properties                                                  -->
<!-- 'border-spacing' shorthand property is also included              -->
<!-- 'inherit' property added to table-omit-...er-at-break             -->

<!ENTITY % table-properties "
  border-collapse  ( collapse | separate | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  border-spacing  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-separation  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-separation.inline-progression-dimension  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  border-separation.block-progression-dimension  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  caption-side  ( before | after | start | end 
                | top | bottom | left | right | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  empty-cells  ( show | hide | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  table-layout  ( auto | fixed | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  table-omit-header-at-break  ( yes | no | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  table-omit-footer-at-break  ( yes | no | inherit )  #IMPLIED

<!-- List Properties                                                  -->

<!ENTITY % list-properties "
  provisional-distance-between-starts  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  provisional-label-separation  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Float Properties                                                 -->

<!ENTITY % float-properties "
  float  ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  clear  ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit )  #IMPLIED

<!-- Visibility Properties                                            -->

<!ENTITY % visibility-properties "
  visibility  ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  z-index  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Set of all inheritable properties. This includes attributes     -->
<!-- marked as inheritable in the WD, as well as all features that   -->
<!-- may assume a value of "inherit" (because all such features are  -->
<!-- also permitted at parent elements). By XSL WD design, this set  -->
<!-- comprises nearly all attributes.                                -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ENTITY % inheritable-properties "   
  color  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  relative-align  ( before | baseline | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  span  ( none | all | inherit )  #IMPLIED 


<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Common property subsets.                                        -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!-- Properties for every block that may contain text children       -->

<!ENTITY % block-properties "   

<!-- Properties for nonempty inline elements                         -->

<!ENTITY % inline-properties "   

<!-- Properties for empty inline elements that contain characters    -->

<!ENTITY % empty-inline-properties "   
  color  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- Properties for graphical inline elements                        -->

<!ENTITY % graphic-properties "   
  content-type  CDATA  #IMPLIED


  content-height  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  content-width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  scaling  ( uniform | non-uniform | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  scaling-method  ( auto | integer-pixels 
                  | resample-any-method | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  overflow  ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | inherit )  #IMPLIED

<!-- *************************************************************** -->
<!-- Content models and attributes                                   -->
<!--                                                                 -->
<!-- A. Element structure for top-level elements                     -->
<!-- *************************************************************** -->

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Root element. Contains everything, generates nothing. It has an -->
<!-- id, a FO namespace prefix declaration, and other namespace      -->
<!-- declarations if used. It can also bear inheritable properties,  -->
<!-- passed further to fo:flows/fo:static-contents. Inheritable      -->
<!-- properties from fo:layout-master-set are banned in this version -->
<!-- of the DTD.                                                     -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:root (
<!ATTLIST fo:root
  xmlns:fo  CDATA #REQUIRED
  xmlns:rx  CDATA #IMPLIED


<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Color profile declarations                                      -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:declarations (

<!ELEMENT fo:color-profile EMPTY >

<!ATTLIST fo:color-profile
  color-profile-name  CDATA #REQUIRED
  rendering-intent  CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Layout-master-set. Contains a set of page-masters. Neither of   -->
<!-- its descendants generates any area, so no inherited elements    -->
<!-- can be specified on it or on its children.                      -->
<!-- Content model made more strict than in the draft, to enforce    -->
<!-- that a page-sequence-master be always accompanied by at least   -->
<!-- one simple-page-master.                                         -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:layout-master-set 
    fo:page-sequence-master*, fo:simple-page-master,
    ( fo:simple-page-master | fo:page-sequence-master )*

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Page sequence master                                            -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:page-sequence-master (
    | fo:repeatable-page-master-reference
    | fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives
<!ATTLIST fo:page-sequence-master
  master-name  CDATA  #REQUIRED

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Sequence specifiers are predefined sequences of page masters    -->
<!-- that are used by page sequence master to construct a desired    -->
<!-- page collection.                                                -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:single-page-master-reference    EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST fo:single-page-master-reference
  master-name  CDATA  #REQUIRED

<!ELEMENT fo:repeatable-page-master-reference    EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST fo:repeatable-page-master-reference
  master-name  CDATA  #REQUIRED
  maximum-repeats  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives  
  ( fo:conditional-page-master-reference+ )
<!ATTLIST fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives
  maximum-repeats  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT fo:conditional-page-master-reference    EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST fo:conditional-page-master-reference
  master-name  CDATA  #REQUIRED
  page-position  ( first | last | rest | any | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  odd-or-even  ( odd | even | any | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  blank-or-not-blank  ( blank | not-blank | any | inherit )  #IMPLIED

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Simple page master defines a page layout. It does not           -->
<!-- explicitly generate any content. Most of its properties are     -->
<!-- local except for writing-mode and reference-orientation that    -->
<!-- are inherited by the underlying region-* objects.               -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!-- NOTE. We could think about a common background/padding/border   -->
<!-- for every page instance generated by the page master. For such  -->
<!-- a scope, we may add borders/padding/background to its features. -->
<!-- However, in the current version this is ruled out explicitly by -->
<!-- the WD XSL specs.                                               -->
<!-- [RenderX] rx:footnote-area-placement property added to specify  -->
<!-- the location of the footnote region                             -->

<!ELEMENT fo:simple-page-master 

<!ATTLIST fo:simple-page-master
  master-name  CDATA  #REQUIRED
  page-height  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  page-width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  reference-orientation  ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 
                         |-90 | -180 | -270 | inherit )  #IMPLIED
  writing-mode  ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) #IMPLIED
  rx:footnote-area-placement ( within-page | within-column 
                             | within-last-column )  #IMPLIED

<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->
<!-- Regions. The page instance is divided into subareas, whose      -->
<!-- properties are described by the five region-* elements. These   -->
<!-- elements by themselves do not generate any content.             -->
<!-- Reference-orientation and writing-mode may be inherited from    -->
<!-- the page master; all other features are local.                  -->
<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->

<!ENTITY % region-properties "

  region-name  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Body region: middle of the page. Unlike side regions, this one  -->
<!-- may have multiple columns.                                      -->
<!-- [!] We have restricted margin properties to be margin-only,     -->
<!-- allowing no spaces. This is done because no clear semantics     -->
<!-- can be ascribed to single components of a space vector.         -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:region-body EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST fo:region-body
  column-count  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  column-gap  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Side regions: page edges. These regions have extent and         -->
<!-- precedence that is used to arbitrate corner conflicts. Side     -->
<!-- regions are viewed as frames, and may not have margins.         -->
<!-- Extent made obligatory: its default value of 0.0pt does not     -->
<!-- make much sense.                                                -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ENTITY % side-region-properties "
  extent  CDATA  #REQUIRED
  precedence  ( true | false | inherit )  #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT fo:region-before EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST fo:region-before %side-region-properties;>

<!ELEMENT fo:region-after EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST fo:region-after %side-region-properties;>

<!ELEMENT fo:region-start EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST fo:region-start %side-region-properties;>

<!ELEMENT fo:region-end EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST fo:region-end %side-region-properties;>

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Page sequence defines the order of choosing page masters to     -->
<!-- accomodate all the contents generated by its fo:flow and        -->
<!-- fo:static-content children, and the way of numbering them.      -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:page-sequence
<!ATTLIST fo:page-sequence
  master-name  CDATA  #REQUIRED

  initial-page-number  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  force-page-count  ( auto | even | odd | end-on-even 
                    | end-on-odd | no-force | inherit)  #IMPLIED

  format  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  letter-value  ( auto | alphabetic | traditional  )  #IMPLIED
  grouping-separator  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  grouping-size  CDATA  #IMPLIED


<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Title may not contain out-of-lines.                             -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:title     
    ( #PCDATA 
  | %basic-inlines; 
  | %wrappers; )*

<!ATTLIST fo:title  %inheritable-properties;>

<!-- *************************************************************** -->
<!-- B. Element structure for content-bearing elements               --> 
<!-- *************************************************************** -->

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Flows. They are just sequences of blocks. 'flow-name' feature   -->
<!-- defines linkage of the flow to a region in the page master.     -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ENTITY % flow-properties "
  id  CDATA  #IMPLIED    
  flow-name  CDATA  #REQUIRED

<!ELEMENT fo:static-content ( %blocks; )+ >
<!ATTLIST fo:static-content %flow-properties; >

<!ELEMENT fo:flow ( %blocks; )+ >
<!ATTLIST fo:flow %flow-properties; >

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Block is the base element for all content areas. Besides        -->
<!-- properties used to format the block itself, it also conveys     -->
<!-- formatting information to its inline-level children.            -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:block (
  | fo:initial-property-set
  | %basic-inlines; 
  | %basic-blocks; 
  | %out-of-lines; 
  | %wrappers; 
<!ATTLIST fo:block %block-properties;>

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Block container                                                 -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!ELEMENT fo:block-container ( %blocks; )+ >
<!ATTLIST fo:block-container %block-properties;>

<!-- *************************************************************** -->
<!-- Inline elements                                                 --> 
<!-- *************************************************************** -->

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Unicode bidi-override                                           -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:bidi-override ( %inlines; )*>
<!ATTLIST fo:bidi-override %inline-properties;>

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Single character                                                -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:character EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST fo:character
  character  CDATA  #REQUIRED

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Initial property set specifies properties for one or more lines -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:initial-property-set EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST fo:initial-property-set 
  rx:line-count  CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- External graphic                                                -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:external-graphic EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST fo:external-graphic

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- In-stream graphic                                               -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:instream-foreign-object EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST fo:instream-foreign-object %graphic-properties;>

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Inline                                                          -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:inline ( %inlines; )*>
<!ATTLIST fo:inline %inline-properties;>

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Inline container                                                -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:inline-container ( %blocks; )*>
<!ATTLIST fo:inline-container %inline-properties;>

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Leader                                                          -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:leader ( %inlines; )*>
<!ATTLIST fo:leader %inline-properties;>

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Page Number                                                     -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:page-number EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST fo:page-number %empty-inline-properties;>

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Page number citation                                            -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:page-number-citation EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST fo:page-number-citation
  ref-id  CDATA  #REQUIRED 

<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->
<!-- Formatting objects for tables.                                  -->
<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Table & Caption is a wrapper to all the stuff pertinent to a    -->
<!-- given table. It generates a block consisting of two subblocks:  -->
<!-- one for the caption, another one for the table itself. The      -->
<!-- placement of these two blocks is controlled by the              -->
<!-- 'caption-side' property: if  caption-side="before"|"after" (or  -->
<!-- their absolute orientation equivalents), the two blocks are     -->
<!-- drawn one after another; if it is "start"|"end", then the       -->
<!-- caption is displayed on the correspondent side of the table.    -->
<!-- In this case, the relative alignment of the two blocks is given -->
<!-- by the 'relative-align'/'display-align' property.               -->
<!--                                                                 -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:table-and-caption (

<!ATTLIST fo:table-and-caption %block-properties;>

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Table caption is an area container.                             -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:table-caption ( %blocks; )+ >
<!ATTLIST fo:table-caption %block-properties;>

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- fo:table is the basic element for all tables. All the contents  -->
<!-- placed inside it is distributed over a single rectangular grid  -->
<!-- of rows and columns.                                            -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:table (
<!ATTLIST fo:table  %block-properties;>

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Table column specifies common properties to ascribe to all      -->
<!-- cells in a column *or a group of columns*. Note that, if both   -->
<!-- 'number-columns-repeated' and 'number-columns-spanned' exceed   -->
<!-- 1, the column counter is increased by 'number-columns-spanned'. -->
<!-- it means that you only set properties for columns:              --> 
<!--      'column-number'                                            -->
<!--      'column-number' + 'number-columns-spanned'                 -->
<!--      'column-number' + 2 * 'number-columns-spanned'             -->
<!-- and so on, leaving default properties for intermediate columns. -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:table-column      EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST fo:table-column
  column-number  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  column-width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  number-columns-repeated  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  number-columns-spanned  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Table header, table footer, and table body are wrappers for     -->
<!-- groups of rows. They contain either one or more fo:table-rows,  -->
<!-- or one or more fo:table-cells; in the latter case, row breaks   -->
<!-- are specified in the cells by 'starts-row'/'ends-row'.          --> 
<!-- All these elements are identical both in the content structure  -->
<!-- and in the attributes.                                          -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ENTITY % row-group " fo:table-row+ | fo:table-cell+ ">

<!ELEMENT fo:table-header ( %row-group; ) >
<!ATTLIST fo:table-header

<!ELEMENT fo:table-footer ( %row-group;) >
<!ATTLIST fo:table-footer

<!ELEMENT fo:table-body ( %row-group; )>
<!ATTLIST fo:table-body

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Table row.                                                      -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:table-row ( fo:table-cell+ ) >
<!ATTLIST fo:table-row

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Table cell.                                                     -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:table-cell ( %blocks; )+ >
<!ATTLIST fo:table-cell

  column-number  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  ends-row  ( yes | no )  #IMPLIED
  number-columns-spanned  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  number-rows-spanned  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  starts-row  ( yes | no )  #IMPLIED

<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->
<!-- Formatting objects for lists.                                   -->
<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- List block is a block, with some extra features to control the  -->
<!-- disposition of list items.                                      -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:list-block ( fo:list-item+ ) >
<!ATTLIST fo:list-block %block-properties;>

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- List item is a coupling of item label and item body.            -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:list-item ( fo:list-item-label, fo:list-item-body ) >
<!ATTLIST fo:list-item %block-properties;>

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- List item label and list item body                              -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:list-item-label ( %blocks; )+ >
<!ATTLIST fo:list-item-label %block-properties;>

<!ELEMENT fo:list-item-body ( %blocks;)+ >
<!ATTLIST fo:list-item-body %block-properties;>

<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->
<!-- Out-of-lines.                                                   -->
<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Floats and footnotes resemble containers. Accordingly, we treat -->
<!-- them as block sequences.                                        -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:float ( %blocks; )+ >
<!ATTLIST fo:float %block-properties;>

<!ELEMENT fo:footnote (

<!ATTLIST fo:footnote %block-properties;>

<!ELEMENT fo:footnote-body ( %blocks; )+ >
<!ATTLIST fo:footnote-body %block-properties;>

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Simple link. From the formatting point of view, it's nothing    -->
<!-- but a regular inline sequence.                                  -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:simple-link ( %mixed-level; )* >
<!ATTLIST fo:simple-link

  external-destination  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  internal-destination  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  indicate-destination  ( yes | no )  #IMPLIED
  show-destination  ( replace | new )  #IMPLIED
  destination-placement-offset  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->
<!-- Wrappers and Markers.                                           -->
<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Wrapper. This may be useful but breaks every effort to validate -->
<!-- content models for blocks and inlines.                          -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:wrapper ( %mixed-level; )* >
<!ATTLIST fo:wrapper 

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Marker. This element may embrace any content but cannot pass    -->
<!-- properties to its children; so, it may not have features other  -->
<!-- than marker-class-name.                                         -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:marker ( %mixed-level; )* >
<!ATTLIST fo:marker  
  marker-class-name  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Marker retrieval.                                               -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:retrieve-marker EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST fo:retrieve-marker  
  retrieve-class-name  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  retrieve-position  ( first-starting-within-page 
                     | first-including-carryover 
                     | last-starting-within-page 
                     | last-ending-within-page )  #IMPLIED
  retrieve-boundary  ( page | page-sequence | document )  #IMPLIED

<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->
<!-- Multistate stuff. This section is the least developed in the    -->
<!-- whole DTD, and most solutions are arbitrary. We beg thy pardon. -->
<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Switch. This is a pure logical operator; no formatting may be   -->
<!-- conveyed through it.                                            -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:multi-switch ( fo:multi-case )+ >
<!ATTLIST fo:multi-switch

  auto-restore  ( yes | no )  #IMPLIED

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Single case. Block-level formatting may be conveyed.            -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:multi-case ( %mixed-level; )* >

<!ATTLIST fo:multi-case

  starting-state  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  case-name  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  case-title  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Toggle. This is a typical inline.                               -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:multi-toggle ( %inlines; )*>
<!ATTLIST fo:multi-toggle

  switch-to  CDATA  #IMPLIED

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Multi-properties is listed among block-level elements.          -->
<!-- Formatting common to all property sets can be specified here;   -->
<!-- we expect it to be block-level only.                            -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:multi-properties 
<!ATTLIST fo:multi-properties %block-properties;>

<!-- =============================================================== -->
<!-- Multi property set. Since these are properties of a             -->
<!-- fo:multi-properties that is considered a block, we accept only  -->
<!-- block properties here.                                          -->
<!-- =============================================================== -->

<!ELEMENT fo:multi-property-set EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST fo:multi-property-set
  active-state  ( link | visited | active | hover | focus )  #REQUIRED