SGML: Treatment of RS/RE

SGML: Treatment of RS/RE

Subject: Re: Treatment of RS/RE
Date: 1 Oct 1996 12:50:09 GMT
From: davep@ACM.ORG
Newsgroup: comp.text.sgml
---------------------------------------------------------------------- In article <>, Andrew Greene <> writes: >I was under the (mis?)impression that REs were significant >if a decision had to be made about whether the parser had >encountered #PCDATA or an element. >Yet from the exception in Charles's message, "element-start nondata* >RE", I'd expect the RE to be ignored. Unfortunately, it has to be recognized as data at one point in the process, and later that _data_ character is ignored. The first happens before the check against the content model; the second after. I expect that the revision of 8879 now (but I hope not forever) in the works will use a different parsing model that will not require such an ignored RE to be counted against a PCDATA token in the content model. That'll help Dave Peterson SGMLWorks!