From Thu Oct 8 09:03:57 1998 From: Sebastian Rahtz <> Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 14:43:43 +0100 ( To: Subject: jadetex/entities/unicode
I have enjoyed myself (NOT) making a new catalogue of Unicode positions and their corresponding entity names in various sets, including MathML, and the LaTeX equivalent.
This is quite carefully checked, but the game is impossible to win, as those who have tried will know.
Comments, additions, corrections are *very* welcome; philosophical criticisms, and questions like "what about Kanji", are not.
God bless all who sail in her.
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From Fri Oct 9 07:48:01 1998 Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 13:41:37 +0100 (BST) From: David Carlisle <> To: Subject: Re: jadetex/entities/unicode > Sebastian, > You wouldn't happen to have a DTD to go with this XML instance, would you?
Not sure what S's got but a little experimentation produced this which at least keeps nsgmls happy.
<!ELEMENT charlist (unicode)* > <!ELEMENT unicode (afii|latex|varlatex|mathlatex|font|entity|htmlxref)* > <!ATTLIST unicode id CDATA #REQUIRED dec CDATA #REQUIRED mode CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT latex (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT varlatex (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT afii (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT mathlatex (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT htmlxref (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT htmlsdata (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT htmldesc (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT comment (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT latexcomment (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT font EMPTY > <!ATTLIST font name CDATA #REQUIRED pos CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT entity (set|desc|htmlxref|htmlsdata|htmldesc| comment|latexcomment|rev)* > <!ATTLIST entity id CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT set (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT desc (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT rev (#PCDATA) >
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