SGML Productions [1] SGML document (6.1, 294:5) = ( SGML document entity [2], *( SGML subdocument entity [3] | SGML text entity [4] | character data entity [5.1] | specific character data entity [5.2] | non-SGML data entity [6] ) ) [2] SGML document entity (6.2, 295:13) = ( *s [5], SGML declaration [171], prolog [7], document instance set [10], Ee ) [3] SGML subdocument entity (6.2, 296:1) = ( prolog [7], document instance set [10], Ee ) [4] SGML text entity (6.2, 296:5) = ( *SGML character [50], Ee ) [5] s (6.2.1, 297:23) = ( SPACE | RE | RS | SEPCHAR ) [5.1] character data entity (6.3, 300:1) = ( *SGML character [50], Ee ) [5.2] specific character data entity (6.3, 300:4) = ( *SGML character [50], Ee ) [6] non-SGML data entity (6.3, 300:7) = ( *character [49], Ee ) [7] prolog (7.1, 303:1) = ( *other prolog [8], base document type declaration [9], *( document type declaration [110] | other prolog [8] ), *( link type declaration [154] | other prolog [8] ) ) [8] other prolog (7.1, 303:8) = ( comment declaration [91] | processing instruction [44] | s [5] ) [9] base document type declaration (7.1, 303:12) = document type declaration [110] [10] document instance set (7.2, 306:10) = ( base document element [11], *other prolog [8] ) [11] base document element (7.2, 306:13) = document element [12] [12] document element (7.2, 306:15) = element [13] [13] element (7.3, 308:1) = ( ?start-tag [14], content [24], ?end-tag [19] ) [14] start-tag (7.4, 314:1) = ( ( stago ("<"), document type specification [28], generic identifier specification [29], attribute specification list [31], *s [5], tagc (">") ) | minimized start-tag [15] ) [15] minimized start-tag (7.4.1, 314:9) = ( empty start-tag [16] | unclosed start-tag [17] | net-enabling start-tag [18] ) [16] empty start-tag (, 315:1) = ( stago ("<"), tagc (">") ) [17] unclosed start-tag (, 316:1) = ( stago ("<"), document type specification [28], generic identifier specification [29], attribute specification list [31], *s [5] ) [18] net-enabling start-tag (, 316:11) = ( stago ("<"), generic identifier specification [29], attribute specification list [31], *s [5], net ("/") ) [19] end-tag (7.5, 317:4) = ( ( etago ("") ) | minimized end-tag [20] ) [20] minimized end-tag (7.5.1, 317:15) = ( empty end-tag [21] | unclosed end-tag [22] | null end-tag [23] ) [21] empty end-tag (, 318:5) = ( etago ("") ) [22] unclosed end-tag (, 318:12) = ( etago (""), system data [45], pic ("") ) [92] comment (10.3, 391:7) = ( com ("--"), *SGML character [50], com ("--") ) [93] marked section declaration (10.4, 391:13) = ( marked section start [94], status keyword specification [97], dso ("["), marked section [96], marked section end [95] ) [94] marked section start (10.4, 392:3) = ( mdo ("") ) [96] marked section (10.4, 392:9) = *SGML character [50] [97] status keyword specification (10.4.2, 393:1) = ( *( +ps [65], ( status keyword [100] | "TEMP" ) ), *ps [65] ) [100] status keyword (10.4.2, 393:6) = ( "CDATA" | "IGNORE" | "INCLUDE" | "RCDATA" ) [101] entity declaration (10.5, 394:18) = ( mdo ("") ) [102] entity name (10.5.1, 395:1) = ( general entity name [103] | parameter entity name [104] ) [103] general entity name (10.5.1, 395:4) = ( name [55] | ( rni ("#"), "DEFAULT" ) ) [104] parameter entity name (10.5.1, 395:8) = ( pero ("%"), +ps [65], name [55] ) [105] entity text (10.5.2, 396:18) = ( parameter literal [66] | data text [106] | bracketed text [107] | external entity specification [108] ) [106] data text (10.5.3, 397:14) = ( ( "CDATA" | "SDATA" | "PI" ), +ps [65], parameter literal [66] ) [107] bracketed text (10.5.4, 399:1) = ( ( "STARTTAG" | "ENDTAG" | "MS" | "MD" ), +ps [65], parameter literal [66] ) [108] external entity specification (10.5.5, 400:1) = ( external identifier [73], ?( +ps [65], entity type [109] ) ) [109] entity type (10.5.5, 400:5) = ( "SUBDOC" | ( ( "CDATA" | "NDATA" | "SDATA" ), +ps [65], notation name [41], ?data attribute specification [149.2] ) ) [110] document type declaration (11.1, 403:1) = ( mdo ("") ) [111] document type name (11.1, 404:4) = generic identifier [30] [112] document type declaration subset (11.1, 404:6) = *( entity declaration [101] | element declaration [116] | attribute definition list declaration [141] | notation declaration [148] | short reference mapping declaration [150] | short reference use declaration [152] | ds [71] ) [113] entity set (11.1, 404:10) = *( entity declaration [101] | ds [71] ) [114] element set (11.1, 404:13) = *( element declaration [116] | attribute definition list declaration [141] | notation declaration [148] | ds [71] ) [115] short reference set (11.1, 404:18) = *( entity declaration [101] | short reference mapping declaration [150] | short reference use declaration [152] | ds [71] ) [116] element declaration (11.2, 405:6) = ( mdo ("") ) [117] element type (11.2.1, 406:1) = ( generic identifier [30] | name group [69] | ranked element [118] | ranked group [119] ) [118] ranked element (, 407:1) = ( rank stem [120], +ps [65], rank suffix [121] ) [119] ranked group (, 407:5) = ( grpo ("("), *ts [70], rank stem [120], *( *ts [70], connector [131], *ts [70], rank stem [120] ), *ts [70], grpc (")"), +ps [65], rank suffix [121] ) [120] rank stem (, 407:17) = name [55] [121] rank suffix (, 407:18) = number [56] [122] omitted tag minimization (11.2.2, 408:1) = ( start-tag minimization [123], +ps [65], end-tag minimization [124] ) [123] start-tag minimization (11.2.2, 408:5) = ( "O" | minus ("-") ) [124] end-tag minimization (11.2.2, 408:8) = ( "O" | minus ("-") ) [125] declared content (11.2.3, 409:3) = ( "CDATA" | "RCDATA" | "EMPTY" ) [126] content model (11.2.4, 410:1) = ( ( model group [127] | "ANY" ), ?( +ps [65], exceptions [138] ) ) [127] model group (11.2.4, 410:6) = ( grpo ("("), *ts [70], content token [128], *( *ts [70], connector [131], *ts [70], content token [128] ), *ts [70], grpc (")"), ?occurrence indicator [132] ) [128] content token (11.2.4, 410:17) = ( primitive content token [129] | model group [127] ) [129] primitive content token (11.2.4, 410:20) = ( ( rni ("#"), "PCDATA" ) | element token [130] | data tag group [133] ) [130] element token (11.2.4, 410:25) = ( generic identifier [30], ?occurrence indicator [132] ) [131] connector (, 413:4) = ( and ("&") | or ("|") | seq (",") ) [132] occurrence indicator (, 413:20) = ( opt ("?") | plus ("+") | rep ("*") ) [133] data tag group (, 415:16) = ( dtgo ("["), *ts [70], generic identifier [30], *ts [70], seq (","), *ts [70], data tag pattern [134], *ts [70], dtgc ("]"), ?occurrence indicator [132] ) [134] data tag pattern (, 416:9) = ( ( data tag template group [135] | data tag template [136] ), ?( *ts [70], seq (","), *ts [70], data tag padding template [137] ) ) [135] data tag template group (, 416:16) = ( grpo ("("), *ts [70], data tag template [136], *( *ts [70], or ("|"), *ts [70], data tag template [136] ), *ts [70], grpc (")") ) [136] data tag template (, 416:26) = parameter literal [66] [137] data tag padding template (, 416:28) = parameter literal [66] [138] exceptions (11.2.5, 418:1) = ( ( exclusions [140], ?( +ps [65], inclusions [139] ) ) | inclusions [139] ) [139] inclusions (, 418:11) = ( plus ("+"), name group [69] ) [140] exclusions (, 419:8) = ( minus ("-"), name group [69] ) [141] attribute definition list declaration (11.3, 420:15) = ( mdc (">"), "ATTLIST", +ps [65], ( associated element type [72] | associated notation name [149.1] ), +ps [65], attribute definition list [142], *ps [65], mdc (">") ) [142] attribute definition list (11.3, 420:25) = ( attribute definition [143], *( +ps [65], attribute definition [143] ) ) [143] attribute definition (11.3, 421:1) = ( attribute name [144], +ps [65], declared value [145], +ps [65], default value [147] ) [144] attribute name (11.3.2, 421:14) = name [55] [145] declared value (11.3.3, 422:6) = ( "CDATA" | "ENTITY" | "ENTITIES" | "ID" | "IDREF" | "IDREFS" | "NAME" | "NAMES" | "NMTOKEN" | "NMTOKENS" | "NUMBER" | "NUMBERS" | "NUTOKEN" | "NUTOKENS" | notation [146] | name token group [68] ) [146] notation (11.3.3, 423:13) = ( "NOTATION", +ps [65], name group [69] ) [147] default value (11.3.4, 425:1) = ( ( ?( rni ("#"), "FIXED", +ps [65] ), attribute value specification [33] ) | ( rni ("#"), ( "REQUIRED" | "CURRENT" | "CONREF" | "IMPLIED" ) ) ) [148] notation declaration (11.4, 426:15) = ( mdo ("") ) [149] notation identifier (11.4, 427:1) = external identifier [73] [149.1] associated notation name (, 428:5) = ( rni ("#"), "NOTATION", +ps [65], ( notation name [41] | name group [69] ) ) [149.2] data attribute specification (, 428:20) = ( +ps [65], dso ("["), attribute specification list [31], *s [5], dsc ("]") ) [150] short reference mapping declaration (11.5, 429:8) = ( mdc (">"), "SHORTREF", +ps [65], map name [151], +( +ps [65], parameter literal [66], +ps [65], name [55] ), *ps [65], mdc (">") ) [151] map name (11.5, 429:19) = name [55] [152] short reference use declaration (11.6, 430:10) = ( mdc (">"), "USEMAP", +ps [65], map specification [153], ?( +ps [65], associated element type [72] ), *ps [65], mdc (">") ) [153] map specification (11.6, 430:19) = ( map name [151] | ( rni ("#"), "EMPTY" ) ) [154] link type declaration (12.1, 434:1) = ( mdo ("") ) [155] link type name (12.1, 434:18) = name [55] [156] simple link specification (12.1.1, 435:1) = ( rni ("#"), "SIMPLE", +ps [65], rni ("#"), "IMPLIED" ) [157] implicit link specification (12.1.2, 436:18) = ( source document type name [159], +ps [65], rni ("#"), "IMPLIED" ) [158] explicit link specification (12.1.3, 436:8) = ( source document type name [159], +ps [65], result document type name [160] ) [159] source document type name (12.1.3, 436:12) = document type name [111] [160] result document type name (12.1.3, 436:14) = document type name [111] [161] link type declaration subset (12.1.4, 437:1) = ( *( link attribute set [162] | link set declaration [163] ), ?ID link set declaration [168.1], *( link attribute set [162] | link set declaration [163] ) ) [162] link attribute set (12.1.4, 437:7) = *( attribute definition list declaration [141] | entity set [113] ) [163] link set declaration (12.2, 441:6) = ( mdo ("") ) [163.1] link rule (12.2, 441:15) = ( source element specification [165] | explicit link rule [166.1] ) [164] link set name (12.2, 441:18) = ( name [55] | ( rni ("#"), "INITIAL" ) ) [165] source element specification (12.2.1, 443:1) = ( associated element type [72], ?( +ps [65], rni ("#"), "USELINK", +ps [65], ( link set name [164] | ( rni ("#"), "EMPTY" ) ) ), ?( +ps [65], rni ("#"), "POSTLINK", +ps [65], link set specification [170] ), ?link attribute specification [166] ) [166] link attribute specification (12.2.1, 443:16) = ( +ps [65], dso ("["), attribute specification list [31], *s [5], dsc ("]") ) [166.1] explicit link rule (12.2.2, 445:1) = ( ( source element specification [165], +ps [65], result element specification [167] ) | ( source element specification [165], +ps [65], rni ("#"), "IMPLIED" ) | ( rni ("#"), "IMPLIED", +ps [65], result element specification [167] ) ) [167] result element specification (12.2.2, 446:5) = ( generic identifier [30], ?result attribute specification [168] ) [168] result attribute specification (12.2.2, 446:8) = ( +ps [65], dso ("["), attribute specification list [31], *s [5], dsc ("]") ) [168.1] ID link set declaration (12.2.3, 447:1) = ( mdo ("") ) [169] link set use declaration (12.3, 448:1) = ( mdo ("") ) [170] link set specification (12.3, 448:10) = ( link set name [164] | ( rni ("#"), "EMPTY" ) | ( rni ("#"), "RESTORE" ) ) [171] SGML declaration (13, 450:1) = ( mdo ("") ) [172] document character set (13.1, 452:1) = ( "CHARSET", +ps [65], character set description [173] ) [173] character set description (13.1.1, 453:1) = ( base character set [174], +ps [65], described character set portion [175], *( +ps [65], base character set [174], +ps [65], described character set portion [175] ) ) [174] base character set (, 453:12) = ( "BASESET", +ps [65], public identifier [74] ) [175] described character set portion (, 454:7) = ( "DESCSET", +( +ps [65], character description [176] ) ) [176] character description (, 454:11) = ( described set character number [177], +ps [65], number of characters [179], +ps [65], ( base set character number [178] | minimum literal [76] | "UNUSED" ) ) [177] described set character number (, 454:19) = character number [64] [178] base set character number (, 454:21) = character number [64] [179] number of characters (, 454:23) = number [56] [180] capacity set (13.2, 456:2) = ( "CAPACITY", +ps [65], ( ( "PUBLIC", +ps [65], public identifier [74] ) | ( "SGMLREF", +( +ps [65], name [55], +ps [65], number [56] ) ) ) ) [181] concrete syntax scope (13.3, 457:4) = ( "SCOPE", +ps [65], ( "DOCUMENT" | "INSTANCE" ) ) [182] concrete syntax (13.4, 458:1) = ( "SYNTAX", +ps [65], ( public concrete syntax [183] | ( shunned character number identification [184], +ps [65], syntax-reference character set [185], +ps [65], function character identification [186], +ps [65], naming rules [189], +ps [65], delimeter set [190], +ps [65], reserved name use [193], +ps [65], quantity set [194] ) ) ) [183] public concrete syntax (13.4.1, 458:22) = ( "PUBLIC", +ps [65], system identifier [75], ?( +ps [65], "SWITCHES", +( +ps [65], character number [64], +ps [65], character number [64] ) ) ) [184] shunned character number identification (13.4.2, 459:22) = ( "SHUNCHAR", +ps [65], ( "NONE" | ( ( "CONTROLS" | character number [64] ), *( +ps [65], character number [64] ) ) ) ) [185] syntax-reference character set (13.4.3, 461:1) = character set description [173] [186] function character identification (13.4.4, 461:6) = ( "FUNCTION", +ps [65], "RE", +ps [65], character number [64], +ps [65], "RS", +ps [65], character number [64], +ps [65], "SPACE", +ps [65], character number [64], *( +ps [65], added function [187], +ps [65], function class [188], +ps [65], character number [64] ) ) [187] added function (13.4.4, 462:10) = name [55] [188] function class (13.4.4, 462:12) = ( "FUNCHAR" | "MSICHAR" | "MSOCHAR" | "MSSCHAR" | "SEPCHAR" ) [189] naming rules (13.4.5, 463:3) = ( "NAMING", +ps [65], "LCNMSTRT", +( +ps [65], parameter literal [66] ), +ps [65], "UCNMSTRT", +( +ps [65], parameter literal [66] ), +ps [65], "LCNMCHAR", +( +ps [65], parameter literal [66] ), +ps [65], "UCNMCHAR", +( +ps [65], parameter literal [66] ), +ps [65], "NAMECASE", +ps [65], "GENERAL", +ps [65], ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps [65], "ENTITY", +ps [65], ( "NO" | "YES" ) ) [190] delimeter set (13.4.6, 465:8) = ( "DELIM", +ps [65], general delimeters [191], +ps [65], short reference delimeters [192] ) [191] general delimeters (, 466:1) = ( "GENERAL", +ps [65], "SGMLREF", *( +ps [65], name [55], +ps [65], parameter literal [66] ) ) [192] short reference delimeters (, 467:1) = ( "SHORTREF", +ps [65], ( "SGMLREF" | "NONE" ), *( +ps [65], parameter literal [66] ) ) [193] reserved name use (13.4.7, 468:9) = ( "NAMES", +ps [65], "SGMLREF", *( +ps [65], name [55], +ps [65], parameter literal [66] ) ) [194] quantity set (13.4.8, 470:1) = ( "QUANTITY", +ps [65], "SGMLREF", *( +ps [65], name [55], +ps [65], number [56] ) ) [195] feature use (13.5, 471:4) = ( "FEATURES", +ps [65], markup minimization features [196], +ps [65], link type features [197], +ps [65], other features [198] ) [196] markup minimization features (13.5.1, 471:12) = ( "MINIMIZE", +ps [65], "DATATAG", +ps [65], ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps [65], "OMITTAG", +ps [65], ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps [65], "RANK", +ps [65], ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps [65], "SHORTTAG", +ps [65], ( "NO" | "YES" ) ) [197] link type features (13.5.2, 472:29) = ( "LINK", +ps [65], "SIMPLE", +ps [65], ( "NO" | ( "YES", +ps [65], number [56] ) ), +ps [65], "IMPLICIT", +ps [65], ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps [65], "EXPLICIT", +ps [65], ( "NO" | ( "YES", +ps [65], number [56] ) ) ) [198] other features (13.5.3, 473:28) = ( "OTHER", +ps [65], "CONCUR", +ps [65], ( "NO" | ( "YES", +ps [65], number [56] ) ), +ps [65], "SUBDOC", +ps [65], ( "NO" | ( "YES", +ps [65], number [56] ) ), +ps [65], "FORMAL", +ps [65], ( "NO" | "YES" ) ) [199] application-specific information (13.6, 474:27) = ( "APPINFO", +ps [65], ( "NONE" | minimum literal [76] ) ) [200] system declaration (15.6, 488:1) = ( mdo ("") ) [201] concrete syntaxes supported (15.6.1, 489:12) = +( +ps [65], concrete syntax [182], ?( +ps [65], concrete syntax changes [202] ) ) [202] concrete syntax changes (, 490:5) = ( "CHANGES", +ps [65], ( "SWITCHES" | ( "DELIMLEN", +ps [65], number [56], +ps [65], "SEQUENCE", +ps [65], ( "YES" | "NO" ), +ps [65], "SRCNT", +ps [65], number [56], +ps [65], "SRLEN", +ps [65], number [56] ) ) ) [203] validation services (15.6.2, 491:8) = ( "VALIDATE", +ps [65], "GENERAL", +ps [65], ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps [65], "MODEL", +ps [65], ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps [65], "EXCLUDE", +ps [65], ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps [65], "CAPACITY", +ps [65], ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps [65], "NONSGML", +ps [65], ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps [65], "SGML", +ps [65], ( "NO" | "YES" ), +ps [65], "FORMAL", +ps [65], ( "NO" | "YES" ) ) [204] SDIF support (15.6.3, 493:4) = ( "SDIF", +ps [65], "PACK", +ps [65], ( "NO" | ( "YES", ?( +ps [65], "ASN1" ) ) ), +ps [65], "UNPACK", +ps [65], ( "NO" | ( "YES", ?( +ps [65], "ASN1" ) ) ) )