SGML: Pinnacles Group

SGML: Pinnacles Group

I don't have any good information on Pinnacles yet. Meantime, you might find some useful pointers in the following posting to CTS. Or you might contact the ATLIS Consulting Group, 6011 Executive Blvd.; Rockville, MD 20852 USA; Tel: +1 301 816 4307; Fax: +1 301 468 6758; E-mail:

Article: 9229 of comp.text.sgml
From: (Pinnacles Secretariat at ATLIS Consulting Group)
Newsgroups: comp.text.sgml
Subject: Classes on PCIS SGML Application Standard
Date: 25 May 1995 14:16:32 GMT
Organization: Pinnacles Secretariat, ATLIS Consulting Group, Rockville, MD, USA
Message-ID: <3q23g0$>
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

From pcis Thu May 25 10:07:56 1995
Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 10:07:53 -0400 (EDT)
From: Pinnacles Secretariat <>
To: Pinnacles Secretariat <>
Subject: Classes on the Pinnacles Component Information Standard (fwd)
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Status: RO

Course Announcements

The ATLIS Consulting Group, the principal consultants to the Pinnacles 
Group and primary architects of the Pinnacles Component Information 
Standard (PCIS), is pleased to announce a series of classes on the PCIS.

For more information on any of these classes please call Laurie Manning 
at 301/816-4305 or send email to  We will be happy 
to provide detailed class outlines, prices, and any other information.

Introduction to PCIS
August 14 - 18, 1995 Washington DC
October 23 - 27, 1995 Silicon Valley, CA
This technical introduction to the architecture, encoding system, and 
applications of the PCIS begins with an introduction to SGML including: 
the purpose of SGML,  generic tagging, Document Type Definitions, SGML 
validation, SGML Application standards, and enough SGML syntax to read 
the PCIS DTDs and tagged PCIS documents.  Students will then learn the 
principles of the Pinnacles application and how to create basic Pinnacles 

Advanced Tagging 
June 20 - 23, 1995 (4 days)  Washington DC
An in-depth study of the Pinnacles tag set including element definitions 
and the optimal use of PCIS to enhance retrievability and 
maintainability. Focus will be on the differences between conformant PCIS 
data and good PCIS data, and the use of the more specific elements in PCIS.

PCIS for SGML Experts
July 10-11, 1995 Washington DC
This introduction to the PCIS is intended for SGML experts who are 
interested in developing Pinnacles applications; customizing tools to 
create, manage, or display Pinnacles documents; or supporting users in 
the creation, management, and use of Pinnacles documents.

This class will be a detailed exploration of the SGML concepts and 
details in the PCIS. Strengths, weaknesses, known bugs, and known 
workarounds for various aspects of the PCIS will be discussed.  A brief 
introduction to the vocabulary of semiconductor datasheets, and to the 
concepts of Characteristics, Conditions, Connections, Terminuses, and 
Segmented Product IDs will also be included.

Management Overview of the PCIS
$445 (Offered through the Graphic Communications Association 
June 2, 1995 San Francisco
August 7, 1995 Washington DC
December 1, 1995 Boston, MA

This high-level management overview will describe the purpose, concept, 
and impact of  the PCIS; it will not cover the details of the tagging 
scheme nor will it dwell on technical details of the SGML implementation. 
Course Description
  -    History of the Pinnacles Group and the PCIS
  -    Goals of the Pinnacles Initiative
  -    What SGML is, and Why PCIS uses it
  -    How the PCIS was developed
  -    The organizing principles of the PCIS
  -    The basic structure of PCIS documents
  -    Plans for testing and enhancing the PCIS
  -    Creating PCIS data
  -    Receiving and using PCIS data

                     Pinnacles Secretariat
             an Information Service in support of the
             Pinnacles Component Information Standard
            administered by The ATLIS Consulting Group
              phone: 301-816-4231  fax:301-468-6758
