[Mirrored from: http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/findaids/ead/panorama.htm]
Notes on Panorama.
Panorama Free and Panorama Pro are SGML viewer utilities from Softquad.
Setting up the program and viewing files can be problematic, and the following notes should help:
- Be sure to specify Netscape Navigator as Panorama's associated web browser under options/web browser.
- Because Panorama seems to have problems with the original version of the EAD DTD, we have put together a modified version
of the file ead.dtd which seems to solve some of these problems. Changes include:
- the contents of all the components
of the EAD DTD (files ead.dtd, eadbase.ent, eadchars.ent, eadtable.ent, eadnotat.ent) have been place into one large file named ead.dtd
- The DOCTYPE declaration at the head of the file (ead.dtd) has been commented out
The modified ead.dtd is available here.
- The following files must be provided within the same directory as the SGML file being viewed (items in this list link to the files):
[See canonical document for files listed below]
Note: The file "ISOgrk4.ent" is identical to "iso-grk4.ent"
These files are avaliable to Duke users at the Scriptorium in /web/data/findaid/eadtest/panorama/.
- The current stylesheet (ead.ssh) and navigator (ead.nav) are catch-all stylesheets and will not represent all finding aids correctly.
Updated: March 12, 1997