Jade Node Properties
From dssslist-owner@mulberrytech.com Sun Apr 20 20:08:00 1997
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 21:04:37 -0400
From: David Megginson <dmeggins@uottawa.ca>
Subject: Web Page: Jade Node Properties
Sender: dssslist-owner@mulberrytech.com
To: DSSSL Mailing List dssslist@mulberrytech.com
It is important to understand the implications of James's inclusion of
the 'node-property' primitive in Jade 0.7 -- we now have direct,
low-level access to the grove built from the parse SGML document, and
can easily navigate from the root down to each leaf, and back again.
Last week, when I was testing a pre-release version of the
'node-property' support, I threw together a quick web page to help me
understand which classes and properties were supported by the current
version of Jade, including the INTRBASE properties that are not part
of the SGML grove plan proper. If you are interested (and willing to
put up with possible errors), you can take a glance at the following
"Node Properties in Jade"
http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/dmeggins/grove.html [updated July 1997]
[URL was: http://www.uottawa.ca/~dmeggins/grove.html]
All the best,
David Megginson ak117@freenet.carleton.ca
Microstar Software Ltd. dmeggins@microstar.com
University of Ottawa dmeggins@uottawa.ca