[This local archive copy is from the official and canonical URL, http://www.mediacenter.org/grammar/id105.htm; please refer to the canonical source document if possible.]

A standard news markup language would allow producers to take a text and common article components with an icon or code.  The advantages of the system include:

   The editor becomes auteur, free to use as many or few stylistic elements as the code allows
   The publishing system authors to the Web news markup tagset
   Database and Database Applications become irrelevant
   Writing and editing prevail in the system though some automation can simplify aspects of the code
   Current and emerging styles for writing, editing design and output are supported.

An article from Washingtonpost.com, which announces Speaker New Gingrich's decision to step down from the House of Representatives, could be broken into components. The components would allow the editor to tag some sections for their relative urgency or importance, define other sections according to their content, or their sequence. The reader could use these sections to build files on personalities; develop a file on the context of events to develop a chronological understanding of how the dynamic or meaning of a particular news event changes; track what different individuals or groups (such as Congress) say about an event.  The possibilities are endless.

The following diagram of a story about Newt Gingrich decision to resign from the leadership of the House of Representatives shows how the code or the news markup language of an article might look:

(codes are in brackets)

Nov. 8, 1998
<urgency icon>
Gingrich Steps Down
<section icon>

   What happened
<Summary Graph> Players Profiles
   What it Means
Newt Gingrich:
<career><personal profile>
   White House Reaction
   Congressional Reaction

Bob Livingston
<career><personal profile>
   Speaker's Job
   Balance of Power
   Week of Gingrich
Christopher Cox
<career><personal profile>