[This local archive copy is from the official and canonical URL, http://lcweb.loc.gov/marc/marcdtd/marcdtdback.html; please refer to the canonical source document if possible.]

MARC DTDs (Document Type 
Definitions): Background and Development


1. Definitions

The term "MARC DTD" (MAchine Readable Cataloging Document Type Definition), refers to implementations of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). SGML is a technique for representing documents in machine-readable form which was approved as an international standard, ISO 8879 (Information processing--Text and office systems--Standard Generalized Markup Language). It was developed to fill the need for a non-proprietary standard for text encoding so that machine-readable data could be exchanged between dissimilar text encoding environments. SGML is widely used in the publishing industry where documents are created using various computer systems. SGML supports the definition of sets of elements, some of them abstract, that constitute specific document types (for example, journal articles). The MARC DTDs treat machine-readable cataloging records as a distinct type of document. They define all the elements that might constitute a MARC record in parallel with the lists of data elements defined in the five USMARC formats.

2. Framework of the MARC DTD Project

The primary purpose of the MARC DTD project was to create standard SGML Document Type Definitions to support the conversion of cataloging data from the MARC data structure to SGML (and back) without loss of data. The MARC data structure is also an international standard (ISO 2709), approved decades ago. Although both ISO 2709 and ISO 8879 provide standardized techniques for encoding data, the relationships between the two could be established in different ways unless a standard MARC DTD (or set of DTDs) was developed. The driving force behind this project was the desire for a standardized non-proprietary conversion by machine between MARC encoded data and SGML. The project included two major tasks: 1) the development of the SGML DTDs corresponding to the five USMARC formats, and 2) the development of software utilities based capable of converting between the two encoding standards.
Because of its existing involvement in MARC and SGML-related activities, not to mention its role as the maintenance agency for the USMARC formats, the Network Development and MARC Standards Office at the Library of Congress agreed to assume the task of developing the MARC DTDs and the conversion utilities. Work began in December 1995 on the development of the MARC DTDs needed. Simultaneously, resources were requested to contract out the development of the conversion utilities. The project was opened for input from any interested MARC and/or SGML users.

3. Progress of Work

Throughout 1995 the Library of Congress had gathered information from outside agencies interested in the application of SGML to MARC data. During this period a number of prototype MARC DTDs were found. As can be imagined, each prototype applied different solutions to bridging the gap between the MARC and SGML structures. Considerable differences were found in the SGML tags established for corresponding MARC data elements. Differences in the content models of the elements in each DTD were also numerous.
LC established an internal working group to amalgamate the different approaches to a MARC DTD. The working group added its own ideas to features derived from the external prototypes. The resulting draft MARC DTD was discussed in detail by a special group of MARC and SGML experts (many from outside LC) who came to Washington in October 1995. The results of those discussions and recommendations made at the 1995 meeting of experts were incorporated into specifications written for the alpha version of the official MARC DTDs.
The MARC DTDs were developed by the ATLIS Consulting Group based on the draft MARC DTD and recommendations just described. ATLIS worked with the machine-readable version of the USMARC formats to generate the final (complete) MARC DTDs. The earlier drafts had never included the entire set of unique data elements defined in the five USMARC formats. The alpha version of the MARC DTDs were made available in May 1996. Copies of the MARC DTDs, actually DTD fragments, SGML declarations, and entity reference files, were made publically available on a special FTP (File Transfer Protocol) site put up by the Library of Congress. This constituted the completion of the first phase of the MARC DTD project.
The MARC DTD project was also to include the developement of conversion software that would allow files of MARC (ISO 2709) records to be converted to SGML (ISO 8879) structure. Unfortunately, the funding provided by LC's National Ditigal Library Project, which covered the 1995 meeting of experts and contractor work on the DTDs done in 1996, was insufficient to fund the development of the conversion software still needed for the MARC DTD project to continue. It was not until July of 1997 that work on the MARC-to-SGML conversion utilities began.

4. Work on the Conversion Utilities

The availability of end-of-the-year funds in late Fiscal 1997 (the Federal government's fiscal year ends September 30th) allowed work to begin on developing the MARC-to-SGML and SGML-to-MARC conversion software that would allow library information to be converted between the two data structures. Conversion specifications were written by Library of Congress staff in July and August 1997. Mulberry Technologies, Inc. (a local SGML contractor) revised the draft specifications and developed initial versions of the conversion utilities using the PERL ( Practical Extraction and Report Language) Version 5. It was decided to develop the utilities as PERL "scripts" since as an interpreted programming language, it would not be necessary to recompile the PERL scripts to run on different software platforms. PERL interpreters are available for a variety of platforms including DOS, Windows, Windows NT, OS/2, Macintosh, and UNIX. PERL interpreters are also free, which means that potential users would not have to buy anything to make use of the utilities. PERL is optimized for for text and works good with binary data in external files. The choice seemed like a perfect fit.
Work on the conversion utilities revealed problems with the MARC DTDs themselves which had to be resolved. The alpha versions of the MARC DTDs had incorporated into two DTDs the MARC data elements from five separate formats. Each DTD was rather complex, branching at a particularly high level to identify the MARC format to which a data element belonged. In some cases, data elements with the same identifier (i.e., field tag) had different meanings. It was decided to eliminate such conflicts between the definitions of elements within each DTD which required proposing minor changes to the USMARC formats themselves. Proposals for changes to the affected MARC formats were written by the Library of Congress for consideration at the January 1998 MARBI meetings (MARBI approves all changes to the MARC formats). Fixes were made to the MARC DTDs to incorporate the proposed changes.
The initial (alpha) version of the PERL conversion utilities were delivered to the Library of Congress in late November 1997 for testing. Testing progressed slowly due to problems with the MARC test files which had to be modified to reflect changes to the formats. Some errors in the MARC DTDs themselves were also uncovered during initial testing. These were corrected and a modified version of the utilities was installed at LC in January 1998.

5. Shakedown of the New Utilities

Before making the conversion utilities available to other users the Library of Congress began testing to see if the PERL scripts would function equally well on different platforms. PERL interpreters for Windows 95, DOS, and OS/2 were downloaded from FTP sites for testing with the MARC-to-SGML conversion scripts. Unfortunately, this initial testing revealed that complexities in the design of the PERL scripts, necessitated in part by the rigorous fuctional specifications, did not allow the PERL scripts to run in the DOS environment. The use of NSGMLS, an SGML utility used in parsing SGML instances actually caused the problem, not PERL itself. To date the PERL scripts have not been able to run in DOS because of this problem with NSGMLS. Since most users of the utilities are likely to use Windows or some non-DOS platform, this may not be a longterm problem. Work is ongoing nonetheless to remedy this problem for DOS users, if possible.
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Design Principles

1. Generality

The MARC DTDs were made general rather than designed for any specific MARC or SGML-based application. Therefore they can be used for interchange, to create MARC records in SGML, as part of another DTD for inclusion in other SGML documents, etc.

2. Reversability

The mapping of MARC data elements to corresponding SGML encodings was specifically designed to be reversible, that is, conversion from one structure to the other could be done without loss of the intellectual content or information relating to essential elements of the other record structure. Data elements defined in MARC can be moved to SGML with the MARC tagging and semantics intact.

3. Flexibility

Another characteristic of the DTDs was that they were to be enabling and not enforcing, that is, as much as possible, the DTDs should not require that any specific subset of MARC record elements be present in the corresponding SGML data set (in SGML parlance, an SGML instance). The MARC DTDs were to take a data dictionary approach to data elements and be flexible, with no cross-field rules or interelement dependencies. It was assumed that MARC users who establish particular rules in their MARC-based applications would need to have those same rules enforced by an SGML-based application they might use. The MARC DTDs would have to enforce optionality and repeatability where possible, in the knowledge that "gaps" in enforcement can be filled in by the application systems.

4. User Friendly

Another design principle applied to the project was that the MARC DTDs should support ease of use with off-the-shelf SGML tools. Historically, MARC-based systems represented a specialty market catering to libraries and related institutions. Because of SGML's wide base of implementation, the developers of the MARC DTDs knew they would need to target their use to less specialized computer systems. The most noticeable result of this principle was the introduction of hierarchical elements in the MARC DTDs. The implicit grouping of MARC elements at the field level into "centuries" (for example, 2XX-- Title Statements) is explicitly identified in corresponding SGML elements. It should be noted that these implicit MARC element groups are represented in printed MARC documentation by tabbed sections, thus the SGML elements have come to be referred to as the "tab elements". The developers of the MARC DTDs felt that this additional level of element hierarchy would be useful, in particular for those creating MARC records in SGML systems.

5. Relationship to TEI

A final design consideration in developing the MARC DTDs was the relationship of MARC bibliographic data to bibliograpic metadata accommodated by elements in a specialized portion of documents encoded according to the TEI (Text Encoding and Interchange) DTD. During the development of the TEI DTD the importance of bibliographic metadata and MARC was recognized. Elements defined for a TEI structure called the header provide elements that relate to specific cataloging data (for example, ISBN). Although the TEI metadata elements constitute fairly granular bibliographic data, the granularity is not as fine as in MARC. Developers of the TEI DTD were included in early planning for the MARC DTD so that the two standards might compliment each other. The TEI header is not a subset of the MARC record.
There is additional information in the file description section of the TEI header that is not appropriate for the MARC record. Additionally, the MARC record has an independent existence, that is it may be separated from the electronic document whereas the TEI header may not. Current thinking is that the TEI header and MARC record may exist in parallel. Neither will necessarily replace the other. At some point a link between a TEI instance (document) and its corresponding MARC record may be all that is needed. The TEI link to a MARC record could be to the MARC (ISO 2709) representation of the bibliographic data or the SGML (ISO 8879) representation. At some point the MARC DTDs may be more formally linked by an element in the TEI header, although no move to define such an element have been made yet.
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Specific Design Decisions

1. Accommodation of the Five MARC Formats

The first design decision made regarding the creation of the MARC DTD was that the five MARC formats would behandled by only two SGML DTDs. A DTD for the USMARC Format for Bibliographic Data would include additional data elements from the USMARC Format for Community Information and the USMARC Format for Holdings Data to permit the creation of three record types within the framework of a single DTD. This design decision was made based on the development history and characteristics of the USMARC bibliographic, community information, and holdings formats. In MARC records it has always been possible to attach holdings data elements to bibliographic data elements in the same record. The holdings format, which includes MARC data elements mostly in the 8XX field range, rarely defines differently a data element with the same name as a data element in the bibliographic format. This is also true, for the most part, with data elements in the community information format. Similarly, a DTD for the USMARC Format for Authority Data includes additional data elements from the USMARC Format for Classification Data to permit the creation of authority and classification records within the framework of a single "authority" DTD.
This approach had the advantage of requiring fewer implementations of SGML to be developed. When the DTDs are loaded to parsers it will also mean that users will be able to create various record types with a single DTD. The decision to incorporate elements from several formats into a pair of DTDs did present some challenges, however.
For some MARC data elements, such as field 008 which is defined differently in each format (and which in the Bibliographic format involves various "flavors"), separate elements had to be defined for each variant or "flavor" of the data element. In such cases the DTDs offer possibilities as an OR choice.

2. Treatment of Leader Elements

The Leader elements, as a case in point, are dealt with for each particular MARC format (for example, Holdings) by having been gathered together into a Leader container element. There is a different leader element for each MARC format. In both DTDs, all relevant leader choices are presented in an OR grouping. During record creation, the inputter (or the application using information from the document type attribute), must choose the appropriate leader element. The following positional elements (when applicable) are defined for each of the possible MARC Leaders:

3. Treatment of Subfield $7 and Subfield $w Subelements

The alpha version of the MARC DTDs treated subfield $7 (Control subfield) in the bibliographic Linking Entry Fields, and subfield $w (Control subfield) in the authority and classification formats in much the same manner as the character position(s) in other fixed-length data elements, such as the Leader. A separate SGML element was defined for each character position (or group of positions when they were logically one unit). When work was begun on the conversion utilities it was realized that processing these elements of these control subfields individually added considerable complexity to conversion. Particularly in the case of subfield $7, which is rarely used in the Linking Entry Fields, the added complexity to the SGML-MARC conversion did not seem justified.
A decision was made to simplify the MARC DTDs and conversion between the MARC and SGML structures by eliminating the subelements constituting the content model for subfield $7 and subfield $w. Rather than each containing a variety of empty subelements, the content model for each is now simply #PCDATA (parsed character data). If during the beta test of the MARC DTDs and conversion utilities this decision proves to have been unwise, restoring these elements could be considered.

4. Variable Fields

Each variable field, such as fields 245, is defined as an element in the DTD. Each subfield of each variable field is also defined as a unique element. That is, subfield $a is defined in the content model for field 245 is a unique element, with a unique name, and not the same as the subfield $a element for field 100. The definition of subfields in the SGML DTDs was done this way to facilitate authoring and ease conversion since context will not need to be determined to identify the meaning of each subfield element.

5. Variable Control Fields

For each control field, such as field 007 and field 008, each significant variation is defined as an element in the DTD. For example, there are eight flavors of field 008 defined in the Bibliographic DTD. All choices are presented in an "OR" grouping, and the author (or the application, using record type information from the leader) chooses the appropriate element.
Defined positions in each leader that use a limited set of named values are defined to have "EMPTY" content. The explicit values named as a Declared Value list of the "VALUE" attribute. The meaning of the value codes are built into the DTD only as comments. It is left to an SGML application to display these meanings for the user, possibly as a menu or picklist.
For example: the element for position 00 in field 006-Visual Materials is declared as "EMPTY", with a Declared Value of "(g | k | o | r | fill)", read as "g" or "k" or "o" or "r" or "fill". The translation of these codes (for example "projected medium" for "g" and "Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic" for "k") is listed as a comment in the DTD.
Certain value attributes require more values than can be enumerated in the DTD (for example, language codes) The application must obtain these values from sources outside the DTD, such as ISO standards. For these elements, the "VALUE" attribute will be declared as data characters.

6. Order/Repeatability of Elements

Due to constraints presented by the SGML standard itself, certain things had to be specified in the MARC DTDs that are not explicitly specified for MARC (ISO 2709) records. In some cases these specifications represent new requirements on MARC data. For the most part the impact should be minimal.
MARC fields are defined in the DTD in enforced numerical order, in logical groupings corresponding to the groupings represented by tabs in printed MARC documentation.
All fields except the Leader are optional
A specialized attribute identifies repeatability
Order in control fields
The order of subelements in fixed-length fields is strictly enforced.
Order in variable fields
The order of subelements in variable-length data fields is not enforced nor are any distinctions made between single versus multiple repeatability (? and *). The repeatability of subfields is indicated using the "REPEATABLE" attribute since it cannot be controled by the DTD itself. A MARC SGML system would need to validate repeatability as is done now in current MARC-based systems.

7. Element Groupings

Container elements are constructed for the major implied element groupings in the MARC formats. The groupings were based on the headings in the electronic version of the MARC formats. These generally relate to the printed tabs in MARC documentation. For the variable fields, these are essentially century groupings (for example, 1XX fields) with further subdivisions within some centuries such as the 7XX and 8XX fields which are divided into multiple field groups.

8. Required versus Optional

Whether a data element is mandatory, mandatory if applicable, or optional is explicitly indicated in the USMARC formats. Similar specifications were needed in the MARC DTDs as well. The following decisions were made for the MARC DTDs. Only the highest level tag in the DTD and the Leader is required. All other elements are optional, either directly or because they are contained in an optional element.

9. Obsolete Elements, Attributes, and Values

Elements in the MARC format that were once valid but that are now considered obsolete, and thus should not be used in newly-created records, presented a special challenge for the MARC DTDs. In SGML an element is either defined or it isn't. There is no way to say a element should only occur in data created before a particular date. The solution was to define an attribute in each SGML element that would allow obsolescence to be flagged. The use of obsolete data elements could then be controled at the system level, as is done with MARC-based systems.
Thus, in the MARC DTDs, even obsolete data elements are defined. To identify them as obsolete, the "OBSOLETE" attribute is set to the value "yes". When the attribute is set to "no", or if no attribute value is supplied, the implied meaning is "not obsolete" (or "currently valid").
This solution could not be applied to obsolete indicators and indicator values since, in the MARC DTDs, indicators are handled as attributes. In SGML, it is not possible to define attributes for attributes. Thus, all obsolete indicators and obsolete indicator values are listed in the same way as currently valid indicators and values, without any coding to indicate obsolescence. In these cases, the comment which contains the name of the data element includes the suffix phrase "[OBSOLETE]". Some obsolete elements had to be eliminated all together if they had the same content designator as a valid elements. SGML parser cannot handle two elements with the same name. It was decided to handle this situation by including the obsolete name of a duplicated element in the SGML comment where the valid name is given.

10. Locally Defined Elements and Variations

The developers of the MARC DTDs chose not to accommodate local structural format characteristics, such as local data elements, or structural components (for example, local tag sequencing numbers). Since accommodation of local data elements was not a requirement, no mechanism was built into the MARC DTDs. It is assumed that users of the MARC DTDs will modify either the DTDs or the systems parsing them, to accommodate locally-defined data elements. This is the way local data requirements are handled with the MARC data conforming to the ISO 2709 structure.

11. Multiple Definitions

In a small number of cases, a MARC data element has had more than one definition which affects the name. If a field, subfield, or indicator position has been differently defined in the past and the name has changed, at least one definition/name must be obsolete. If the element or attribute is currently valid, both names are preserved in the name and they are separated by a slash (/). The legend "[OBSOLETE]" follows the obsolete name. If a data element including multiple names is obsolete, for example, in field 041, subfield $c from the Bibliographic format, both names are flagged as obsolete (the names associated with field 041, subfield $c read: "Languages of separate titles [Obsolete]/Languages of available translation [Obsolete]").
If a field or subfield has multiple definitions, the element is flagged as obsolete in the "OBSOLETE" attribute only if all of the definitions are obsolete.
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1. "Document Type" Attribute

At the highest level, each DTD has an attribute which must be set to select the specific MARC format specification. The choices for the attribute value provided in the first MARC DTD are "bd" (for the Bibliographic format), "ci" (for the Community Information format), and "hd" (for the Holdings format). Choices provided in the second MARC DTD are "ad" (for the Authority format) and "cl" (for the Classification format). These high-level attributes allow users to differentiate between the record type groups that are defined in the five USMARC formats.

2. Treatment of Indicators

In MARC fields that have indicator positions defined (of which a maximum of two can be defined), the indicators are defined as attributes to the field tag. The decision to treat indicators as attributes was made since indicators may contain only a finite number of possible values, and those values are easily controled. In all cases, the indicator attributes bear the generic names "i1" and "i2", for the first and second indicator positions, respectively. Valid and obsolete indicator values are defined as attribute values. As already mentioned, obsolete indicators are also defined with their obsolete status indicated as a comment to the attribute.

3. "Name" Attribute

MARC fields and subfields are often referred to by their popular names (for example, 110, is known as the Main Entry--Corporate Name). Each field and subfield element has an attribute that gives the fuller MARC name by which it is also known. This information is important since in some cases the name is used as a display constant in catalogs and other output products.

4. "Repeatable" Attribute

Subfield elements within MARC field elements are defined as large "OR" groups. Due to limitations in what the syntax of an SGML DTD can specify, there is no way to indicate whether any subfields in the group may be repeated. So that this information is not lost, an attribute identifying repeatability is defined. The attribute is only given in cases where an element is repeatable, thus it known as the "REPEATABLE" attribute.

5. Attributes and Use of Declared Value Lists

Most positionally-defined elements in control (fixed-length) data elements that use specified values are defined as EMPTY, given a "VALUE" attribute, and the explicit values defined for the attribute are given in a Declared Value list. The meaning of the value codes is built into the DTD only as comments. It is left to an SGML application to display these meanings for the user, possibly as a menu or list of choices.
Some value lists, such as those for language codes and country codes, are too long and/or dynamic to be internal to the MARC DTDs. Attributes intended to contain these codes are declared as "CDATA" attributes and enforcement/validation of them is left to the SGML system parsing the MARC DTD.
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Naming Conventions

1. General Naming Rules

The names chosen for the elements (that is, SGML "tags") in the MARC DTDs are number-based, derived from the variable field tags and subfield codes in the MARC formats themselves. The prefix used in every MARC DTD element is "mrc". This prefix was suggested to help guarantee that the tags defined in the MARC DTDs would not conflict with tags defined in DTDs that might be used in conjunction with instances of the MARC DTD (for example, TEI documents). A single alphabetic character immediately follows the "mrc" prefix to identify the type of MARC format to which the tag belongs. All elements in the MARC Bibliographic DTD group (covering bibliographic, community information, and holdings records) begin with "mrcb". All elements in the MARC Authority DTD group (covering authority and classification records) begin with "mrca".
Other characteristics of the SGML element names include:
  • All names are composed of lower case letters
  • Legal name characters include a-z, 0-9, and hyphen
  • Name length is limited to 32 characters
  • 2. Names of Field-Level Elements

    For all variable fields identified in MARC by three-digit tags, the corresponding SGML tags are composed of the alphabetic prefix followed by the same three digits. For example: "mrca100" for MARC field 100, and "mrcb245" for MARC field 245.
    Although the rules of SGML syntax would have allowed longer and more descriptive names for MARC elements, it was decided that the existing numeric MARC names were preferable. Firstly, people who currently deal with MARC data are familiar with the three-digit MARC tags. They have become part of library automation jargon. Secondly, numeric names would be much more readily accepted internationally, since numbers are free of language centricity. The international MARC community would not likely want or be able to use a MARC DTD with English-based names any more than the U.S. could use Chinese-based names if the DTD were being developed in China with non-numeric tags.

    3. Names and Scope of Subfield-Level Elements

    The content model of most MARC fields includes at least one subfield element. (Control fields are the one exception to this rule where neither indicator positions nor subfields are defined.) The one-character alphanumeric codes designating MARC subfields were used as the basis for subfield elements in the MARC DTDs as well. The structure of subfield-level SGML elements would be the expected alphabetic prefix ("mrcb" or "mrca", depending upon the DTD), the three-digit numeric tag for the field in which the subfield is valid, a hyphen (-), and the one-character subfield identifier, usually a lowercase letter a-z or digits 2-8 (for example: mrcb245-a, mrcb245-b, mrcb245-6).
    A conscious decision was made to define subfield elements that include as part of their name the three-digit MARC field tag for whose content model they were defined. An alternative to this approach was seen in prototype MARC DTDs, where a small set of generic subfield elements were defined. The main advantage to defining generic subfield elements is a shorter DTD with less possible elements. The advantages of field-specific subfield tags include easier validation of elements and manipulation of SGML data without the constant need to determine context when providing print constants for particular tags. In library OPAC environments where the MARC DTDs are likely to be used the most, this should be very important.

    4. Indicator Names

    As already described in the section on the treatment of indicators, the naming of indicators, which are handled as attributes to field-level elements, uses the generic identifiers "i1" and "i2". Since indicators usually qualify and/or make more precise the meaning of a MARC field, it is unlikely that more specific names for indicators would be of any use.

    5. Names of Fixed-Length Control Field Elements

    The characteristic shared by all fixed-length data elements in the MARC formats is that meaning is positionally defined. In MARC data structured according to ISO 2709, the relative position of a code in a fixed-length element determines its meaning. The MARC DTDs provide uniquely named elements for each positionally-defined element in fixed-length fields and subfields. An indication of the relative position (relative to position "0", the first position in the field or subfield) is explicitly identified in the element name. This technique is used primarily for constituent elements of MARC fields 006-008, but is also applied in a small number of subfields whose content is positionally defined (for example, subfield $w in authority records.)
    The syntax of the SGML names for MARC fixed-length data elements is as follows: (for example: mrcb008-BK-22). When multiple fixed-length positions constitute the data element, the numeric identifier consists of the starting and ending positions, separated by hyphen (for example: mrcb006-SE-08-10). For field 006, the flavor is identified by one of the following two-character codes: BK, CF, MP, MU, SR, VM, and MX. For field 007, the flavor is idenfified by one of the following one-character codes: a, c, d, g, h, k, m, s, t, v, and z. For field 008, the flavor is identified by one of the same two-character codes as in field 006 (that is: BK, CF, MP, MU, SR, VM, and MX).

    6. Names of Leader Elements

    Since the MARC record Leader is a positionally-defined fixed-length data element and it does not have an associated three-character field tag, a unique element set was defined in the MARC DTDs for each possible Leader configuration. As with other fixed-length data elements, the names of Leader elements are concatenated strings consisting of: (for example: mrcbldr-bd-05).


    The MARC DTDs in their fullest form are heavily commented. Comments were included to make the DTDs more intelligible but are not needed to parse either of the DTDs. The comment associated with the "NAME" attribute contains the same USMARC name for the data element that would be found in printed USMARC documentation. Names are generally field, subfield, or character position names.
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    Issues Surrounding Conversion

    1. Conversion of Fill Characters

    In variable fields, a subfield is present only if it has content. For fixed-length data elements, which are positionally defined, omission of elements is generally not allowed. (NOTE: Omission of character positions is allowed in some fixed-length data elements in cases where all subsequent positions are not required.) There are, however, conversion issues for the fixed field data elements. The character positions of fixed-length data elements can be defined or undefined, but there should always be some value applicable to the position, even if only a blank. For many defined character positions in fixed-length data elements, a blank is a meaningful value (for example in mrcb008-bk-22 blank means "unknown or not specified"). A fill character (hexadecimal value '7C') may be used in any fixed-length data element position, whether it is defined or not. Thus, an undefined positional element in a MARC record may, in theory, contain blank or fill. A defined position may be fill or another value (one of which could be blank).
    In the MARC DTDs, all positional elements in fixed-length elements are required (if the element itself is applicable.

    2. MARC Elements Not Converted

    Although in principle conversion of data from MARC (ISO 2709) structure to SGML (ISO 8879) structure should treat all data, certain structural elements of MARC data are not needed in SGML. The retention of certain elements in SGML might actually make conversion back to MARC more difficult, particularly if modifications are made to the record data while in SGML.
    A decision was made that a small group of elements in the MARC record should not be converted or moved to an analogous SGML element. The elements include the Record Length portion of the Leader (Leader character positions 00-04); Undefined character positions in the record Leader (for bibliographic records this would include Leader position 10, and others); and the entire record Directory (12-character entries for each variable field). These structures, since dropped during conversion to SGML, would need to be generated when a record is converted from SGML to MARC.
    Other MARC record features that would not be carried over into the SGML instance include the end-of-record character (hexadecimal '1D') and occurrences of the end-of-field character (hexadecimal '1E', which appears at the end of the Directory and each tagged MARC field. The content designation itself, that is, field tags, indicator values, and subfield codes, would be converted to their corresponding SGML elements: elements for MARC field and subfield content designators and SGML attributes for MARC indicators.
    A decision was made not to provide for the conversion of locally-defined data elements, although certainly locally-defined data elements could be added to the MARC DTDs and added to the conversion processing by end users. Since by definition locally-defined data elements are outside the purview of USMARC, it did not seem wise to invest heavily in a technique for dealing with it in the DTDs. It should be noted that the USMARC field 886 (Foreign MARC Information), defined in the bibliographic format, already allows for the embedding of unrecognized MARC fields. Unrecognized subfields, indicators, and indicator values are not covered by the use of field 886.

    3. Character Set Conversion

    Decisions made by the MARC DTD development group regarding the conversion of the USMARC characters sets took into account the unique nature of USMARC sets and the common trends in character encoding in non-library applications. The USMARC character sets for Latin and non-Latin scripts make use of a large number of special characters, including a powerful repertoire of "combining" (non-spacing) marks, chiefly diacritical marks, that can be combined "on-the-fly" with spacing alphabet characters. The technique of combining non-spacing diacritic characters with alphabetic characters has allowed libraries to encode data in a variety of languages represented by their holdings.
    The SGML community, following the lead of the popular (non-library) computer industry, has never made great use of nonspacing characters. Letters with diacritical marks are generally coded as single characters ("precomposed characters"). The resulting limitations of using this technique in the 8-bit character set environment has been a problem for the computer industry. Newly-developed 16-bit "universal" character sets, such as ISO 10646 and Unicode have mitigated the problem by providing larger repertoires of precomposed characters. For SGML data, letters with diacritics are generally represented as single character encodings. In cases where the character set being used does not provide all the necessary characters, SGML provides an entity reference technique, whereby missing characters can be represented using the characters that are available.
    For the conversion of the USMARC character sets to SGML, characters that map one-to-one can be passed unchanged to the SGML structure. This accounts for most of the data in the average MARC record. When diacritics are involved, that is, when a letter is intended to be modified by a diacritic, the converter can replace the USMARC pair of characters (diacritic character plus base letter) with a single SGML entity reference for the corresponding "precomposed" character. This yields SGML data that is more compatible with ordinary SGML files.
    A decision was made to allow three options for converting USMARC characters. One option performs only minimal character conversion, mapping only characters reserved for special functions in SGML to character entities. Another option allows the conversion of upper-register characters (hexadecimal values 80 to FF) to entities using a built-in character conversion table. The third option makes use of external tables that would be supplied by the end user. This allows the user to specify special character conversion. With this third option, the minimal character conversion is also performed to protect SGML reserved characters.
    Providing options for dealing with special and nonspacing characters was a very practical decision. The SGML version of MARC record data will integrated, most likely, with other kinds of SGML data. Textual documents encoded using SGML do not always follow the MARC model of character encoding. By allowing special handling of the transformation of character encoding in the MARC-to-SGML and SGML-to-MARC conversion software, users of both communities will not have to alter their current character encoding traditions.
    Some challenges to character conversion will certainly come up. For one thing, MARC data has a larger number of diacritic-with-letter combinations than are currently covered by the existing SGML entity reference sets that are used with most DTDs. A more robust set of entity references may be needed, or at least, default mapping for USMARC character combinations that do not have equivalent SGML entity references. More will be known about the extent of the problem and the workability of the solution with experience in developing the conversion utilities.
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    Despite the delays in developing the MARC-SGML conversion utilities, several institutions have already begun to experiment with using the MARC DTDs. Some have even developed some simple conversions between the two structures on their own. With the availability of freeware to move between MARC and SGML, many more MARC and SGML users will be able to experiment with conversion and processing of MARC data in SGML environments. There is increasing interest in pursuing the development of the MARC DTDs as interest in SGML and the Internet becomes more widespread. Now that the conversion utilities are available it is suspected that a considerable increase in experimentation and useful application of the MARC DTDs will be seen.
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