[Book Photo]

Developing SGML DTDs: From Text to Model to Markup, 1/e

[Published]December, 1995
Eve Maler, Burlington, MA
Jeanne El Andaloussi, Aubervilliers, France

Copyright 1996, 560 pp., Cloth (0-13-309881-8)


KEY BENEFIT: Document Type Definition (DTD) specifications form the foundation for every document based on the SGML language — therefore DTD quality is too important to be left to chance. This helpful guide shows how to develop DTDs that work, based a proven methodology and techniques. KEY TOPICS: Explains how DTD development benefits from the same rigorous treatment as software development: Articulate project goals, analyze requirements, write specifications, design and implement readable and maintainable code using good programming style, perform thorough testing, and document the work along the way. MARKET: For writers, editors, and other subject matter experts; software developers and other DTD implementors; and publishing managers.
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