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LivePage Corporation Announces LivePage Enterprise 2.0

XML Support Highlights New Release of
Content Base Management System

New York, NEW YORK, October 7, 1998 - LivePage Corporation today announced Version 2.0 of LivePage Enterprise, its flagship content-base management system. Support for XML enables this new version to store, search, and manage XML and HTML content using an industry standard SQL database, and publish the content "live" from the database using standard web infrastructure.

LivePage Enterprise 2.0 enables a broad new class of content authors to do web publishing directly, quickly, and at low cost. LivePage Enterprise 2.0 also delivers advancements designed to lower the cost of deployment for large web sites including easy-to-use collaborative, multi-user content management, together with compatibility and standards support enabling integration with existing systems.

"When we started with a 3,000 page backlog, we realized we needed to empower each department to independently manage and author content on the central IT Intranet infrastructure", says Walter Gasparini, Director of Information Systems for the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. "With LivePage we were successful beyond expectations because the departmental content authors were productive very quickly, and the system quickly integrated with our existing Oracle server and web infrastructure."

"We're setting out to empower every content originator in the enterprise with painless, direct, publishing capability. Our goal is to lower the costs associated with publishing large content bases such as web sites and documents," said Dave Boswell, president and CEO of LivePage Corporation. "With the cost advantages of an integrated CBMS (content-base management system), LivePage Enterprise enables a new class of business solutions."

Integrated CBMS - Content-Base Management System

LivePage Enterprise is designed to cost-effectively address the key requirements for content-base management in the enterprise. It delivers an integrated, multi-user XML/HTML content-base management system based on the Content Relational™ storage model. As well, it supports simple, seamless publishing directly from the content base, using standard web infrastructure.

LivePage Enterprise delivers the following key features that characterize next-generation content-base management systems for web sites and electronic publishing:

  • Collaborative, multi-user content-base management capability is provided to addresss are the relentless growth in size and complexity of web sitesneed scalable,.
  • The Content Relational storage model delivers the key benefits of SQL DBMS technology to content bases: scalability, data integrity, concurrency, security, replication and mobile support. The Content Relational model enables the storage of content using the same database servers that manage enterprise operational data.
  • In order to provide fast, low-cost end-user access to content, "live publishing" capability is provided.
  • XML and HTML support is provided so that users can take advantage of the rapid emergence of XML as a common representation for content and documents.
  • Features and capabilities are provided to enable leveraging existing IT investment and integration into existing IT infrastructure including connectivity support for standard DBMS technology, compatibility with standard web servers and browsers, and seamless integration with standard authoring tools.

Product Functionality

LivePage Enterprise includes the LivePage ContentServer™ and LivePage Manager. The LivePage ContentServer provides direct publishing from the database to standard web browsers. The server applies a specified presentation style and automatically provides end-user features such as navigation, advanced searching, dynamic site map, "what's new" capability and fish-eye view table of contents. The LivePage Manager provides graphical drag-and-drop management of the content base as well as capabilities such as import/export, automatic indexing and hyperlink generation. Importantly, LivePage mManager provides the capability for seamless integration with content authoring tools.

Pricing and Availability

LivePage Enterprise 2.0 is currently available in beta test and will ship later this quarter. The beta test version of LivePage Enterprise 2.0 is available at www.livepage.com. Pricing is user based with internetInternet connection licenses available.

LivePage Corporation

LivePage Corporation provides software designed to reduce the cost of publishing large, business critical content bases such as web sites and electronic documents using standard web IT infrastructure. LivePage allows IS organizations to provide a shared infrastructure that can be leveraged by multiple departments to address electronic publishing needs quickly and at low cost.

LivePage Enterprise

LivePage Corporation's flagship product, LivePage Enterprise, is an integrated content-base management system (CBMS) supporting collaborative content management and live publishing. LivePage Enterprise uses the innovative Content Relational storage model which brings the benefits of SQL database technology to content (XML/HTML) storage, including data integrity, security, scalability, and replication. LivePage Enterprise provides a cost-effective live publishing platform, and can be used to empower multiple content authors with direct web publishing capability. As well as web publishing, LivePage Corporation's products also enable publishing to mobile machines, CD-ROM and DVD.

LivePage Corporation is located at 158 University Avenue West in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Additional information is available through the World Wide Web at http://www.livepage.com, or via e-mail at info@livepage.com, or at 1-519-885-2181.

LivePage, Content Relational, and LivePage ContentServer are trademarks of LivePage Corporation. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.

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