Draft DTDs from ISIS XML/EDI Project

From:     Man-Sze Li [SMTP:msli@ICFOCUS.CO.UK]
Date:     Monday, August 02, 1999 10:58 PM
Subject:  Draft DTDs from ISIS XML/EDI Project

Dear Colleagues

The ISIS XML/EDI Project web site at http://www.tieke.fi/isis-xmledi/ has been updated.

What's New: http://www.tieke.fi/isis-xmledi/new.htm

Project deliverable on XML Document Type Definitions for Electronic Healthcare (Request EHCR, Provide EHCR, EHCR Notification Message) and Container Movement (EDIFACT COPARN Message, EDIFACT CODECO Message) Updates of web site, in particular the Status and Deliverables, Presentations and XML/EDI sections.

Stop press: This project will organise a major open Dissemination Event in conjunction with the ISIS EXPERTS project on 1 December 1999 in Brussels. The event will be hosted by the European Commission DG III and supported by CEN/ISSS. Further details will be announced shortly.

Man-Sze Li
ISIS XML/EDI Project Consortium