Steve Zamierowski | szam@interleaf.com
| Interleaf, Inc. | (781) 768-1315
Shelly Lindgren-Outwater | shelly@sterlinghager.com
| Sterling Hager, Inc. | (617) 926-6665
Interleaf To Showcase 1st Commercially
Available Integrated Xml/Xsl Editor
At Spring Internet World ’99
Extended to Provide WYSIWYG Editing
ANGELES, CA - April 14, 1999 - Interleaf, Inc. (Nasdaq:LEAF)
today announced that it will demonstrate the first WYSIWYG integrated
XML/XSL editor at Spring Internet World ’99, Los Angeles Convention
Center, April 12-16, 1999. Composer/Styler, a component of Interleaf’s
BladeRunner e-content™
solution, is the first commercially available integrated XML/XSL
publishing environment that meets the World Wide Web Consortium’s
(W3C) Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) working draft standards
and further demonstrates Interleaf’s commitment to the emerging
XML and XSL information standards.
The XML family of standards, which is increasingly
seen as a way of leveraging e-business, allows companies to dramatically
increase the value, reusability and sharing of critical corporate
information. BladeRunner provides for the universal creation of
reusable content through Microsoftâ Word, combined with the power
of XML-based structured content, to create dynamic, intelligent
for e-business applications.
“We believe XSL is the key to unlocking the real
value of XML-based content on the Web,” stated Jaime Ellertson,
Interleaf’s President and CEO. “XSL leverages XML by applying style
format and controlling what is included in the output to turn static,
non-intelligent information into the live, dynamic and intelligent
content that will become the real differentiator for e-business
XSL transforms XML according to its internal rules;
different XSL stylesheets will transform the same XML content into
output that can generate HTML, PostScript or even raw ASCII format,
as well as control what is included in the output. This enables
the same content to be re-targeted to any number of output media
and be tailored to whatever level of specificity is required. BladeRunner’s
Composer/Styler/Publishing component is an automated assembly, style,
layout and publishing engine. Once an XSL stylesheet has been applied
to an assembled XML container of content, a WYSIWYG view with editing
capabilities allows the user to finalize content layout and presentation
through a simple drag-and-drop interface.
One of the first companies to view Interleaf’s
Composer/Styler is Practitioners Publishing Company (PPC), a leading
provider of print and electronic resources for financial services
professionals. PCC is also using the pre-release version of Interleaf’s
solution, BladeRunner™,
for the mass customization of accounting-related material. “PPC
is very excited about the direction Interleaf is taking with its
XSL-based Composer/Styler,” said Darren Kocur of PPC, a subsidiary
of The Thomson Corporation. “People are used to seeing and manipulating
stylized content when they are laying out documents. Interleaf’s
approach provides the benefits of managing content void of style
with a user interface that enables you to view and edit the combined
results of XML elements and XSL stylesheets.”
Interleaf is a Member organization of the W3C and
a participating representative in the XSL Working Group. Composer/Styler/Publishing
will be available in June 1999 as an integrated module in BladeRunner™.
About BladeRunner™
Interleaf’s BladeRunner™
is the first complete enterprise content management solution that
harnesses the power of industry standards such as eXtensible Markup
Language (XML) and Microsoft Word to deliver the reusability and
personalization benefits of structured information for Web-enabled
business solutions. BladeRunner™
enables organizations to realize improved time to market, increase
revenues and gain competitive advantage by providing a business-to-business
system designed to leverage information content and facilitate business
transactions throughout the information value chain that connects
corporations with their customers, suppliers and distributors.
About Interleaf
Interleaf, Inc. provides enterprise-wide software
solutions for content management and high-end publishing. These
solutions provide Global 2000 customers with a distinct competitive
advantage by enabling them to deploy document-based applications
that improve their operating efficiency and customer satisfaction,
while driving revenue and profitability. Interleaf’s software products
make it easy for companies to assemble, manage, retrieve, distribute
and publish business-critical information across the corporate enterprise
and beyond. Interleaf is a public company listed on the Nasdaq National
Market (Nasdaq:LEAF). Interleaf is headquartered in Waltham, Mass.,
with offices around the world. Information about Interleaf’s products
is available from Interleaf Direct at 1-800-955-5323 or on the World
Wide Web at http://www.interleaf.com.
Interleaf, BladeRunner and e-content are
either registered trademarks or trademarks of Interleaf, Inc. Microsoft
Word is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.