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News From Graphic Communications Association


Issued June 9, 1999

Press inquiries: Contact Don Thieme
+1 703-519-8190

(Alexandria, VA) — The Information and Content Exchange (ICE) Protocol Authoring Group, creators of the specification for syndicating content on the World Wide Web, released a new editorial update of its award-winning standard. ICE also announced two new companies joining the authoring group, Reuters New Media Inc. and ShiftKey Inc., and its next two ICE Summit seminars.

The ICE authoring group approved the updated protocol and addition of the two new companies at its May 1999 meeting. ICE, a special membership organization of Graphic Communications Association (GCA) Research Institute, now has 10 companies in its authoring group.

Laird Popkin, chief technical officer of Sothebys.Com and chair of the ICE authoring group said, "The May revision tightens the language in ICE and improves consistency between the document type definition (DTD) -- the core of the specification -- and various examples presented in the text." Popkin added, "The update makes no changes in the DTD however, so the standard remains completely stable from before."

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has the updated text of the ICE Protocol for viewing or downloading on its Web site at http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-ice.

Brad Husick, vice president, Syndication, Vignette Corporation, and chairman of the ICE Marketing Subcommittee said, "The ICE Authoring Group is honored to welcome Reuters New Media and ShiftKey to the group. Each company has contributed in meaningful ways to the latest update of the ICE protocol, and we look forward to their continued contributions."

GCA Research Institute holds its next ICE Summit that presents a management and technical overview of the ICE protocol, July 12-13, in Chicago. The group plans another ICE Summit for September 21-22 in Los Angeles. More details and online registration for the July event are available at http://www.gca.org/gcari/icesummit/chi/icindex.htm.

ICE enables companies such as publishers, wire services, financial services, and manufacturers to publish data on World Wide Web sites across the Internet, maintaining the same content and editorial control as on their own Web sites. ICE uses the Extensible Markup Language (XML) a high-performance technology that allows Web sites to exchange structured data as well as the images and free-form text now found on most Web pages.

The ICE authoring group includes representatives from a wide range of content and technology companies including Sothebys.Com, Microsoft, Vignette Corp., Adobe Systems, National Semiconductor, Tribune Corporation, CNET: The Computer Network, and Sun Microsystems, as well as Reuters New Media and ShiftKey. In October 1998, the ICE Protocol received official recognition from the W3C as a note to the XML standard. ICE recently won the Seybold Technology Trailblazer award for 1998.

GCA is the leading worldwide, technology management association that represents over 300 companies involved in electronic information management and various forms of publishing and distribution.


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