SGML: International HyTime Workshop, Vasa Finland

SGML: International HyTime Workshop, Vasa Finland

From Thu Dec 21 09:14:58 1995
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 17:23:09 +0200
From: Niclas Ostman <>
Organization: Citec Oy
Subject: Announcement of Hytime workshop in Europe

International HyTime Workshop January 17-18 1996, in Vasa Finland. 

Citec Information Technology has arranged, January, 17 - 18  1996, a 2 day
International Hytime Workshop ( Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring 
Language) in Vasa Finland.

We have invited  Dr. Michel Biezunski to be our main lecturer and
instructor.  He is recognized worldwide as one of the top experts
concerning SGML/Hytime. He is also member of several expert groups 
working on standards and applications and Chairman of the SGML Users
Group in France.

Agenda :

Wednesday January 17: kl: 9.30 - 17.00

- What is HyTime for? Who is using HyTime? Who could be using HyTime?
- The relation of HyTime and SGML.
- The notion of SGML Architectural Form.
- Quick Overview of the six modules of HyTime: Base, Location Address,
    Measurement, Hyperlinks, Scheduling and Rendition.
- HyTime Update: what is changing with the Corrigendum.

Thursday January 18 kl: 8.30 - 16.00

- Practical implementations of HyTime.
- What is a HyTime Engine?
- Hypermedia and database applications.

Examples of HyTime models: 

* Multidimensional tables.
* Multiple document indexes, glossaries and thesauri

- The Conventions for the Application of Hytime working group
- An example of a HyTime application: The EnLIGHTeN hyperdocument
     navigation system.

Price : FIM 3.000 mk /person. (excl.vat) including material, lunch and 

Registration: before January 10 to the following adress:.
			Citec Information Technology / BjF6rn Peltonen 109
			Fin. 65101 Vasa, FINLAND
			Tel. -358-61-326 6618
			Fax: -358-61-326 6671

The workshop will be held at Hotel Royal Waasa at adress
Hovioikeudenpuistikko 18, Vaasa Finland.
Tel. -358-61-327 8111 

We have arranged special room-rates at Hotel Royal Waasa for the 
Double room : 150mk/person/night
Singel room : 280mk/night
Prices include breakfast.

International attendees can fly directly to Vaasa either through
Helsinki/Finland or Stockholm/Sweden.

Welcome to Vasa